Daddy’s Little Pet

Robert’s Intense Love


The first thing I felt when I woke up was a splitting headache and a nausea in my stomach.

As I rolled over, my head felt like it’d crack open, like when I was drunk or hungover.

The mattress underneath me was smooth, the blankets cool on my skin. I raised my arms at the same time stretching my legs. Blinking back sleep from my eyes, I took a quick look around. Where was I?

Neither the room nor the bed I was resting in belonged to me. On the other hand, the decor was vaguely familiar, and it didn’t take long for me to figure out where I was.

Robert’s suite. But how? Why? When? I began to question myself, and suddenly memories of last night rushed back into my mind like torrents pouring upstream.

I went to the club with Nicole and her date. We were having such fun, and then she left me alone on the dance floor. I met a handsome, though creepy, stranger who’d given me a drink. Then Robert was there out of nowhere, and my mind went blank.

“Fuck!” I cursed as I pushed myself out of bed and sat up straight.

My head spun wildly, and another wave of nausea washed over me, and I almost puked. As I tried to balance myself, I grasped the bed frame behind me for support.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself out of bed, wobbling as I sought my balance. My whole body ached, and I felt weak, even feverish, but still, I was clearheaded enough to stand.

Thankfully, I wasn’t naked. When Robert brought me here last night, he must have undressed me and thrown me into one of his oversized T-shirts before putting me to bed.

The clothing had a faint smell of him-like leather and cologne. I basked in the heavy aroma for a split second before pulling myself out of my reverie.

There were too many questions swimming around in my head, not just about last night but this morning.

Where was Robert? Why wasn’t he here with me? I asked myself, then I heard the sound of rushing water from somewhere-the bathroom.

Robert was bathing, which explained why I was alone.

“Oh shit!” I murmured as a wave of nausea hit me again for the umpteenth time, and I stumbled.

Looking around the dimly lit room, I noticed my gown from the night before on the floor and a table with a large food tray on it, and my stomach grumbled as if on cue.

Ignoring my hunger pangs and studying the room, my eyes kept wandering until they stopped on something peculiar.

A strange object covered in black material sat on the table’s edge.

What in the world was that? Curiosity got the better of me, and I cautiously approached the strange object.

I removed the black fabric covering the object and gasped, my breath seizing in my throat.

Photo frames with images of me.

Staring back at me were pictures of me at work, at home, in Robert’s suite, and elsewhere. If I counted correctly, there were about ten frames.

The photos were discreetly taken, primarily shots of me unaware of the camera. They were from different angles, some with us together and others without context.

They looked expensive, and the sides of each frame were lined with gold and silver embellishments, glittering brightly.

Why? Why did Robert do this?

So many questions rushed through my mind as I stared at the images. My hands froze on one in particular.

I smiled, gingerly lifting it for a closer look, and my eyes watered.

It was a close-up of the two of us. My palm rested on Robert’s cheeks, and we leaned close, beaming at each other.

His left arm was protectively draped across my shoulder, and my right hand delicately clasped his forearm.

My heart swelled in my chest as we beamed at the camera, our faces overflowing with love and pleasure.

I touched the photo, my fingers tracing lightly across Robert’s face as warmth surged through me.

He was stunning. Literal perfection in almost every way. And this particular photograph?

It was everything and…

When I heard a familiar voice call out my name from behind, I dropped the frame with a tiny shriek, and my heart leaped into my throat.

“Renee. You’re awake.”


His husky tone sent a shiver down my spine, and I could feel his warm presence standing directly behind me.

Turning slowly, I noticed him casually leaning against the wall, peering at me with intense blue eyes.

My eyes flickered downward, and I sucked in a deep breath.

Robert was half naked, save for a pair of dark shorts. His broad chest was bare, and his dark hair, still moist from the shower, fell in waves over his shoulders-brushing across his belly covered by chiseled muscles and well-defined abs.

This man was attractive, I knew that, but somehow at this moment, his features looked… dangerous.

His eyes still held that intense look from before, but now there was something else in his gaze too. Something akin to lust, and my thighs clenched in response.

“Fuck!” I hissed as a splitting ache shot to my head.

“Are you alright?”

“It’s a headache.” The pounding became more intense, and I forced my eyes shut.

“Renee…” Robert stepped nearer and reached out to touch me, but I recoiled.

Turning hastily away from him, instinct taking over, I muttered, raising a shaky hand. “No! Please don’t touch me. Don’t even come near me.” I finished firmly, and Robert froze.

“What am I doing here? In your suite?” I demanded, unable to control the harsh tone of voice.

“Oh, shit, here we go again.”

“Why do you also have framed portraits of my photographs? What’s going on, Robert?”

“Oh, that…” As he looked at the frames on the table, he smiled. “It was supposed to be a surprise. I wanted to use them as decoration for our mansion. Coincidentally they were delivered last night. They’re lovely, aren’t they?”

On a normal day, I’d have been delighted to hear this, but right now, I felt quite the opposite.

A massive weight settled in my stomach, and I took a few wobbly steps back, attempting to put some distance between us.

“What happened last night?” I asked, my voice wavering.

“You don’t remember?”

“I do. I… I do-just bits and pieces. I recall being with Nicole, then seeing a stranger and you appearing out of nowhere. How did you know I was at the club?”

“Your bodyguard alerted me of the danger you were in. He texted me the address and…”

“Wait a minute! My bodyguard?” I blinked, perplexed. “Are you having me watched?”

“I am. Please don’t make a fuss about it, Renee. I’m always watching you because I can’t afford anything bad to happen to you. With Dylan, my ex-wife, and the paparazzi all around, you’re still a victim of their vices and-”

“What the hell!” I cut in with surprise, staring at him, confused.

My head still hurt, but that didn’t stop me from yelling violently.

“Robert, I’m not a fucking puppet. I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself.”

“Of course, you are.” He remarked sarcastically. “Last night was great proof of how able you are.” He finished with a scoff.

“Seriously.” I glared at him. “You know how much I despise someone quietly watching or stalking me from a distance. This is what you did the first time, and it put a strain on our relationship back then. I-”

“Why I stalked you back then and why I’m having you watched now are two different things, two different situations. They have nothing in common. So, please-”

“Please, what? Oh, for God’s sake!” I exclaimed. “I thought you’d learned your lesson, but you didn’t.”

“Renee, calm down. Can’t you see why I’m doing these things? Don’t you understand why?”

“What could possibly be a good reason?”

“I’m concerned about you. I realize our relationship is still on unstable footing, and we’re no longer together, but I’m terrified for your safety. Everything and-”

“You’re invading my private space. Why would you have someone watching over me like a creep?”


“All these days, I’ve barely left my apartment, was this man watching over me then?”

The silence between us was heavy and dense, and it wasn’t long before Robert let out a loud grunt, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “Yes, he was.”

I swallowed hard, my eyes burning slightly. “God. I’m so done with this. I’m ready to go home. I simply can’t-”


“How come you didn’t leave me with Nicole last night?”

“Because… you asked.”


“You refused to follow Nicole and said something about being safe with me. Of course, you can’t remember anything.” He chuckled dryly and took hesitant strides toward me as he talked.

“I was drunk. You know I wasn’t thinking straight. You-that guy, he gave me something and-” I paused as an unexpected memory flashed through my mind, and I gasped. “What did you do to him?”

“Nothing major. I didn’t do much. Renee, you need to rest and-”

“What did you do to him?” I repeated. “Tell me what you did.”

“I…” He started but then halted as another brief silence fell over us.

The way he hesitated, and his body language abruptly changed told me all I needed to know.

Robert had done something terrible. Maybe not so horrible, considering who he’d done it to, but it was something I wouldn’t like.

I felt my throat constrict around a lump, and a chilly fear bit at my spine as I waited for him to speak.

“I’m waiting, Robert.”

“Alright. I roughed him up and got him arrested for drugging you. That’s all there is to it.” Robert exhaled deeply. “Nothing more.”

My knees weakened, and I took a step back, then another, until I stood by the foot of the bed, eyes darting around as I looked for my clothes. “Godammit!”

“What are you doing, Renee? I-” He began, but I cut him off before he could finish. “I’m leaving.”

“Just like that?”

“Yes. I can’t think straight.”

“Is this what I get for bringing you home and taking care of you?” He asked.

I ignored him, “Did we have sex?”


“Did we? I can’t remember anything, and I feel so dirty and disoriented. I still regret what happened in your office, and…”

“Goddamnit, Renee, you should know me better!” His voice sliced through my ramblings with a quick snap. “I never touched you. I will never take advantage of you without your permission.”

I tripped slightly as he continued speaking, although fiercely, with my mouth open in a whispered ‘oh’ of surprise.

“We may have our disagreements, but I’m not that kind of man.”

Robert was pissed. His face took on an icy expression that repulsed me. Worse, I could see the hurt in his eyes. I saw the pain swimming in those blue orbs, and I couldn’t utter a word.

His fury struck a deep chord within me, and I understood just how far I’d gone by asking him if we’d had sex.

I hadn’t considered what I was saying, blurting out whatever, and now I’d hurt him.

“Oh, shit.” I softly huffed. “I-”Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Someone will come pick you up and take you home.” Robert interrupted, his tone harsh and stern as he walked toward the door.

“Where… where are you going?”

“I have a meeting. I need to get ready.”

“Robert, I-”

“Take care, Renee. Have a fabulous day.” His words rang hollow, echoing across the silent room, and then he was gone.

The door slammed shut behind him, leaving me alone, surprised and dumbfounded.

I slumped to the floor, knees buckling beneath me. A sob ripped through my entire body.

I felt dirty. Stupid. Selfish.

He never relented despite my repeated protests asserting that I didn’t want to be with him. Robert had chosen to still guard and protect me from afar.

Last night I’d been so naive, and he’d appeared just at the right time. He’d rescued me and brought me home to his suite. He’d soiled his hands and put someone behind bars because of me.

He’d done all these things for me, and I’d expressed my gratitude by lashing out at him and accusing him of horrible things.

“Oh God, what have I done?” I muttered inwardly as a tear fell down my cheek.

I realized Robert would do anything for me. My heart throbbed painfully against my ribs. My throat tightened, and my breath quickened.

This was how he cared for me. In an obsessive and possessive manner, that seemed almost dangerous, but it wasn’t.

It was love. A passionate, protective, yet strong love that came to life only for me.

And I’d fucking ruined it!

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