Daddy’s Little Pet

In Blood & In Kind!

‘True evil is more attractive than anything else. But evil has many forms, and one of its most lethal outcomes is self-destruction.’ John Clare.



Ecstasy. Not the feeling. The taste. It shook me to my core.

I lose track of time as I get lost in the experience of the heady narcotic I took earlier, paired with the sensation of this young man vigorously fucking me.

He was so good to me, and despite his roughness, I didn’t want him to stop. With every single thrust, he fucked me with a fervor unlike anything I’d experienced in a long time. While I moaned halfheartedly, my entire body shook with pleasure.

“Do you want me to come inside you? Nut in you, and…” Tyson, the stranger, started to mutter against my neck, but I didn’t let him finish.

Instead, I drew his face closer and took his lips in mine.

While I moaned loudly, he accelerated, moving up and down and pumping his hips quicker and harder. Damn! I was spiraling out of control, not wanting this to end.

His huge hands roamed all over my body, moving to my breast, rubbing and pinching my nipples till they stood upright.

“Ouch, Ty…” I laughed breathlessly, feeling lightheaded, and his only answer was a deep groan as his thrusts intensified. “Oh, you naughty boy. Yes, yes, yes!” I screamed, clutching to him and shaking wildly, his cock pulsing as a wave of orgasm swept over me.

Laying stiff, I gripped his hair as the bliss faded, leaving behind an empty nothingness that made me want more.

I clung to him, groaning as he drew away, panting profusely. Kissing my temple while massaging my stomach tenderly with his hands, I heard him say, “That was hot. No, you were hot. I’ve never fucked a cougar before, and damn!” He exclaimed, a cheeky grin on his face.

“You were pretty good, too.” I replied honestly. I pulled myself together and returned his smile, a gesture he seemed to revel in because the next thing I knew, he was leaning in for another kiss, which I delightfully indulged in.

“Mmmmm…” I whimpered between our locked lips, my hands sinking into his hair again as the previous hour’s events flashed through my head.

I’d been having the time of my life at a bar, drinking and partying my concerns away. Then Tyson, my handsome one-night stand, came up behind me. We’d ended up back in my hotel room, fucking like animals. The only precursor was a five-minute conversation, heavily laden with brazen flirting in between.

This was nothing new because I fucked strangers virtually daily without blinking. But today? Tonight, actually, something was different. It felt different, and I couldn’t place my finger on it.

All my senses were on heightened alert. Everything was more potent. And for inexplicable reasons, I felt euphoric.

But I liked this feeling. It was fantastic!

It appeared that this stranger-Tyson-was good for me.

He was just what I needed, especially after such a hectic week of keeping eyes on Robert and his little bitch ex-girlfriend.

“How about we go for another round?” Tyson’s voice pierced my thoughts.

“Um, as much as I want you to fuck me again, I need to get off this high. I-”

“Now, that’d be a buzzkill, mama. Wouldn’t it?” His tone was playful, but there was an undercurrent of disappointment.

I started to say something while smiling and shaking my head, but a quick knock on the door cut me off. Before I could utter another word, the door swung open. Tyson and I jumped apart instantly.

“Mother?!” A familiar voice called out.

A tremor coursed through me as I noticed who was standing at the door. It was Dylan-my son. The expression he gave me was one of disdain and anger.

“Dy… Dylan?” I stammered anxiously. I scrambled to cover myself as I tried to regain some semblance of composure. Though I knew it would do no good at the moment. It wasn’t like I could hide what I was doing.

Even if I managed to get fully dressed, my son had caught me in bed with someone half my age, and that wouldn’t change.

And, as if reading my mind, he said. “Seriously, Mom? Even you?”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Dylan, don’t.” My lips trembled, and my hands shivered as I held the bedsheet tight across my chest.

“What’s this fetish with young people with you and Dad? I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he’s-”

“I said don’t start! What are you doing here?” I snapped, abruptly cutting him off.

I’d already decided to disregard anything he had to say about my sex life. But comparing me to Robert? That I would not accept.

“What are you doing here?” I asked again. Dylan said nothing right away. Instead, his gaze was drawn to Tyson, who had already risen from the bed. The two men exchanged frigid stares.

The atmosphere was fraught. Silent. The air brewed with unspoken words, and all I could do was curse and swear in my mind.


“Oh, my God. I’m so irritated.” He spat, his lips churning. “You don’t want me to bring it up, but really? I’m not against you sleeping around, Mom, but do you have to fuck guys this young? He looks younger than me!”

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” My frustration turned into rage. “I won’t ask you again. What the hell are you doing here? And what gave you the gall to barge into my suite without knocking?”

“You told me to come to you if I had news about my father. You gave me a spare key and-”

“You have news l about your father?” I cut him off.

“Yes, I do.”

“What news?” My heart skipped a beat when I saw Dylan’s face turn pale.

God. No. I wasn’t going to like this. At all. Whatever he had to tell me was going to be dreadful. I felt it. I may not want to hear it, but I had to know. I had to find out. My curiosity got the best of me. “Dylan…”

“Have you seen the news since yesterday?”

“No. Why?”

“It’s… I… Father spoke about Renee. That bitch.”

“What did he say? Talk to me.” I urged him to speak, and he did.

Dropping the bombshell, Dylan spilled everything. Each word from his mouth felt like a punch to the stomach.

My blood ran cold, and my entire body froze, becoming stiff and motionless. I couldn’t move an inch as I listened to Dylan tell me everything. My face turned red, and my breathing came fast. He finished speaking, leaving me stunned. What did I just hear?

“It can’t possibly be true.” I fake laughed, still unable to put it all together. Dylan had to be playing some kind of joke on me. Or was he?”

“You think I’m lying?” He scoffed. “Check this.”

He took out his phone, pressed the home button several times, and showed me the screen. It was a blog page, and the first news headline read, “POPULAR BILLIONAIRE ROBERT CLARKE TALKS ABOUT HIS PERSONAL LIFE & BUSINESS.”

“What has this got to do with that filthy whore, Renee?” I gagged as a wave of nausea surged up my throat the second I said the bitch’s name.

“Are you delusional?” Dylan huffed and thrust the phone into my hands. “Read the article. See what it says. And there’s a video there, too. Watch that if you’re still not convinced.”

“Video? What video?” I clutched the device with shaky hands as my gaze wandered over the article.

“A video of him confessing his feelings for her. It’s there. Just scroll to the end of the article and click the link.”

And so I did-scrolling down and tapping the link to play the video.

When I saw it, my breath stuck in my throat. I felt horrible. I felt sick. Sick with disgust and hatred. For her.

The video started with the camera focusing on Robert and a bubbly-looking news anchor-whoever she was. She asked him questions, beginning with business and progressing to personal matters. Bile rose in my throat for the umpteenth time when Robert started to talk about Renee.

With a broad smile, he publicly declared his love for her and revealed they were working on getting back together.

He spoke about how important she was to him and what they shared. He expressed how happy she made him and planned to love her unconditionally forever. He described her as both his soulmate and the bane of his existence. He said things about her that he’d never told me when we were young and in love. Just hearing him talk about their fairytale romance broke my heart.

“No!” I yelled. This couldn’t be happening after all my efforts to break them apart.

There was no way they would’ve made up in the blink of an eye. No way that bitch would go back to the father of her ex-boyfriend.

“No! No!” I screamed once more, and in a rage, I threw the phone against the wall. The shattering noise echoed throughout the room.

“Mother! My phone!” Dylan screamed and lunged at the device, but it was too late.

The damage had already been done, and I could only stare as he picked the metallic and glass pieces off the floor.

I didn’t even try to apologize for the mess I’d made. Instead, I kept cursing Renee and gritting my teeth while my body shook uncontrollably.

Tyson’s anxious voice called out to me. As he approached, his hands reached out to grab my shoulders, but I flinched before he could.

“Don’t! Please don’t come near me! What are you still doing here? Didn’t you leave a while ago?” As I looked him up and down, I barked ferociously; my eyes narrowed into slits.

“Easy, Mami!” Tyson said. “I want to know if you’re okay and-”

“Leave! Get the hell out of my hotel room!”

“Woah! I’ll leave, but you have to pay for the drugs I brought. You said that-”

“I said get lost! Leave before I call security.” I threatened him, and his eyes widened for a fraction of a second.

Then he nodded, taking a hesitant step back with a painful expression on his face, his palms raised in faux surrender.

Turning on his heel, Tyson packed up his things strewn about the room and hastily exited, closing the door behind him. As his footsteps echoed down the corridor, leaving only quiet, I finally released the pent-up rage in my chest and screamed.

“That fucking bitch has brought me to the end of my patience.” I muttered, my feet pacing around the room like a maniac. “I should fucking murder her! Wipe her off the face of the planet, and…”

“Calm down, Mother.” Dylan mumbled, taking a few steps toward me. “Just relax, and let’s…”

“No!” I clenched my hands as a loud growl escaped my throat. “No! I won’t be at ease until I’ve destroyed Robert and Renee. I won’t stop until I’ve destroyed their life and taught them a brutal lesson.”

“Fine. But how about we leave Father out of this and concentrate on-” Dylan began again, but I cut him off again.

“I don’t give a damn about him! He should get a taste of his medicine. You can leave if you don’t want to do this. But keep it in mind, we’re talking about your leech of an ex-girlfriend here. Someone who’s damaged your life and made you a laughingstock with your friends. Someone who’s caused you nothing but harm. Someone who’s still with your father despite knowing who he is. She has no shame. No fucking respect.” I paused and looked my son in the eyes. “Don’t be a wimp. You only came to tell me about that interview because you were as irritated and angry as you knew I’d be. If you weren’t, you’d have kept quiet. But you did. So get your fucking brain together and think!”

“I’m down with whatever you want to do to destroy Renee’s life. But I’m adamant we not wreck Father’s life. He may have his issues, and I may not like him, but he’s still part of our family.”

“A family he destroyed?” I scoffed.

“Mom, please. Rethink this.” Dylan pleaded.

A brief silence fell between us as I processed what he said. However, I wasn’t fazed. With a sour grin, I shook my head in disbelief. “You don’t get it, do you? It would be best for you, Dylan, if you didn’t have any sympathy at all for that man. I have a scheme in the works. It’s hazardous, but it’ll wreck not only Renee’s life but also Robert’s. I guarantee you that I-”

“You have a plan already?” Dylan’s eyes widened with surprise. I smirked.

“Of course I do. I came up with it a long time ago. Let’s call it a contingency plan. I had hoped she wouldn’t do something stupid-like try to reconcile with your father-but she’s gone and done it. She screwed up big time and’ll pay terribly for it.” I chuckled bitterly, my voice dripping with hate.

“What is the plan, Mother? I…” Dylan began, but the harsh ring of my cell phone cut him off.

I shifted my focus from my son to the device on the bed and, picking it up, looked down to see who was calling.

There was no name. Just a number. One I didn’t recognize.

I was tempted to ignore the call, but I didn’t. Curiosity got the best of me, and I swiped the answer button, placing the device against my ear.


“Hello. Am I speaking to Mrs. Clarke?” A deep, male voice asked.

“Yes. May I inquire as to who this is?” I replied cautiously.

“My name is Gonzales Patrick.” He said calmly. “A lawyer representing Mr. Clarke.”

I stiffened, and a tremendous shudder rushed down my spine. As the lawyer continued to speak, I realized that answering this call out of curiosity was the stupidest decision I’d made today.

Robert had screwed me over in the worst manner possible. Again. I listened as the lawyer went on and on talking about defamations, breach of trust, and a lawsuit, but I kept my cool. I wasn’t fazed through all this. Why? Well, I was going to beat him at his own game.

It didn’t matter if, in the end, I won a court case. No. Instead, all my twisted, sadistic self wanted was for this foolish, lovesick duo to experience pain. Immense agony.

Yes! This time, they’d pay dearly. In Blood & In Kind!

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