Crazy Sex Adventures(Erotica)

Sister’s Erotic Videos: Ep36

“All I’m saying is that you are missing out on a lot of fun, Ron. Dating is a ritual of growing up that you shouldn’t just ignore.”

I love my sister but she could pick the most inopportune times to bring up my lack of dating. Like this time, she was sitting astride my morning hard-on, undulating her hips with an incredibly slow movement that she called foreplay fucking. She said that in the absence of other foreplay like oral stimulation, fingering, etc., this would build her arousal toward a nice vaginal orgasm. Whatever, it felt great and I wished she would just stop talking and let me enjoy it.

“You didn’t date in high school and now here you are getting ready to start your second semester of college the same way,” Maryanne continued without giving me a chance to respond. With my hands on her thighs, I tried to speed up her rhythm to no avail.

“So what you’re saying is,” I sighed, while moving my hand up to caress her rippling breasts. “I should subject myself to ego-busting rejection, spend money I don’t have on movies, dinner or whatever, make my clumsy attempts at small talk in an effort to find common interests, all in the hopes that after eight or ten dates I might get laid?” I raised my eyebrows in an exaggerated smirk as I watched her gently rocking on my cock.

“Maybe I should cut you off,” she teased, raising her eyebrows in a mock challenge. At least I hoped it was. “Maybe then you would have an incentive to start dating.”

“You’d be cutting yourself off too,” I retorted cockily as she finally picked up her rhythm.

“I was doing fine without you,” she smiled coyly. “You’ve seen my dildo collection.”

“Can your dildos do this?” I asked, pinching her nipples and tweaking the tips just the way she liked.

“Ooooo!” she squealed, rocking faster on my eager cock. I bucked my hips to match her accelerated rhythm.

“Or this?” I continued as I dropped one hand to her pussy, rotating my thumb lightly against her swollen clit.

“Oh fuck!” Maryanne cried, rocking faster, bouncing higher and nearly thwarting my thumb’s circular motion on her clit. Mission accomplished. Conversation over.

“Oh yeah!” My sister went crazy, rocking frantically with an intensified rhythm until her pussy-clutching orgasm sparked a gushing release from my cock and we exploded together in a mutually satisfying climax, leaving us both breathless.

“Come on, Geek,” she prodded moments later as she jumped off my cock. “Get showered. You don’t want to be late for school.

“It’d be your fault again,” I said, swatting her naked ass before ducking into my bathroom. We had started showering separately on weekdays to keep from getting distracted and being late. It had happened more than once.

I showered, dressed, grabbed a Pop Tart to eat on the way, and arrived at school with seconds to spare and a big smile on my face. God, I love my sister! Our morning ritual is the best part of my day.

Dashing in the back door of my Physics Lab just as the professor was walking in the front door was not a good way to start the semester. I whipped my eyes around checking out the seating. A middle aisle split the room into two rows of worktables, each with two stools. I quickly identified the few people I knew sitting at each table but those were all full.

Before I could sweep my eyes across the room a second time, someone waved at me, hurriedly motioning me over. I looked around to make sure this beautiful, brown-skinned goddess was actually motioning to me. She smiled and jabbed her finger at me, motioning again for me to take the stool next to her.

“Hi,” I whispered hesitantly as I eyed her black sweater curving lasciviously around her generous breasts. “I’m Ron.” I added as I tried to focus on her face but caught my eyes drifting downwards towards her tits.

“I know, Freshy,” she whispered back, using the common slang for freshman. “Katrina Johnston,” she added sticking out her hand. I shook it as my eyes dropped farther down to the shapely expanse of nylon-covered thighs visible below her mini-skirt. She nodded toward the front of the classroom where the professor was waiting patiently for the class to give him their undivided attention.

He introduced himself, reviewed the curriculum and told us we would be selecting lab partners for the entire semester today. I tried to covertly check out Katrina as he spoke but every time I glanced at her, she was looking at me and I looked away. A few minutes into the class, the professor asked us to introduce ourselves to the person next to us, giving me a chance to look at her more closely.

“I’m… um… not sure why you… I mean I’m glad you did, but…” Damn it! This is why I don’t date! I get tongue-tied whenever I’m around a good-looking woman. And Katrina wasn’t just good-looking she was stunning.

“You were the only freshman in the advanced Physics class,” Katrina jumped in before I made a complete ass of myself. “You became treasurer of the Physics Club,” she continued with her eyebrows raised in wonder about how I had accomplished that. “You were the only one who appeared to have read and understood the textbook.”

“I love this text book,” I said, pointing to the book in front of her. “I read it when I was in High School. One of the reasons I applied here was because of this author.” The other reason was it was close to my sister’s house but I didn’t share that detail. “I was hoping to take his class but they said he retired this year.”

“He did,” she said, nodding. “He wasn’t a young man and he kept forgetting things. But now he’s making a nuisance of himself at home with nothing to do.” It was my turn to raise my eyebrows.

“You know him?” I asked excitedly. Katrina pointed to the author’s last name on the textbook: Johnston.

“Holy crap!” I said. “He’s your father?”

“Grandfather,” she smiled, her whole face beaming with pride. “I read this whole book when I was in high school too, but I was proofreading it and didn’t fully understand everything then.” We talked about what it was like having a famous professor as her grandfather and I pointed out a couple of his theories that particularly intrigued me.

“At least when you start talking about physics you quit gawking at my tits,” Katrina said matter-of-factly just as the professor called us back together. “I was afraid I was going to have to find different lab partner,” she laughed.

“I’m sorry,” I stammered, my face beet read and my eyes inadvertently dropping to her breasts again.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Stop that,” she teased, slapping my arm.

“I’m sorry!”

“So you said… twice,” she whispered. “They’re just tits,” she smiled.

“Yeah, and a Ferrari is just a car,” I retorted. Not thinking before I spoke.

“You didn’t just say that!” she said, stifling a laugh but it looked like she took it as a compliment. She picked up her pen and started taking notes. Shit! My cock was rock hard and I could hardly pay attention to what the professor was saying, something about an initial project that was due next week. By the time we were gathering up our books to leave, I was completely lost.

“What do you think, Freshy?” Katrina asked, juggling her books against her ample bosom. About what? The assignment? Her tits? About the cushiony place her books were leaning?

“You tell me, Miss Professor’s granddaughter,” I answered, trying not to give away my lack of attentiveness in class.

“I think we should do number 2, it’ll be fun and it’s the area you seem to like the best.” I nodded but didn’t have a clue what she was talking about.

“Perfect!” I said. “Do you want to meet outside of class to get started,” I offered hopefully.

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