Crazy Seduction(erotica)


“Should we make a reservation?” he asked.

Sandy was already dialing and smiled at them as she listened to it ring.

They listened as she successfully booked them the last table for four with a promise to be there in five minutes. Once she hung up, they scrambled to their feet and rushed out of the condo. They took the elevator down and rushed outside. The night was beautiful, and they fast walked up the street and over one block to the small, single-story building. Sandy got them inside and seated at their reserved table in the back corner moments later. Henry sat with his back to the wall with Sandy seated next to him. Tish took the seat across from him, and Dayshia was next to her. Menus were handed out, and the waiter was delighted when they immediately began to order dish after dish.

They ordered drinks as well. Tish looked at Henry’s curious expression. “Do you drink?” she asked

“I’ve had wine before,” he admitted.

“Let me order for you,” she said, and he nodded. She gave him a long evaluating look then faced the waiter. “He’ll have a Long Island Ice Tea.” The man nodded and rushed away to get their order started.

“That’s a pretty strong drink,” Dayshia cautioned.

“He’s a pretty big man!” Tish grinned.

“If you don’t like it you don’t have to drink it all,” Sandy told him, and Tish pouted at her.

It didn’t take long for some of the appetizers to arrive and they were passing them back and forth as their drinks arrived.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Once the wait staff had moved on, Sandy raised her Cosmopolitan, and the other’s raised their drinks as well. Tish had a Manhattan and Dayshia was drinking a Mojito. “To my new neighbor to welcome him to New York and the building! To Henry!” she cheered and the others joined in except for Henry who just nodded to them.

He took a tentative sip and was surprised to find he liked it. It didn’t seem that strong. He nodded in appreciation to Tish who smiled happily and stuck her tongue out at Sandy. The blond rolled her eyes at her friend.

The chicken satay was delicious in the peanut sauce, and the spring rolls went fast.

“We should order more of these!” Henry gushed.

“Slow down fella! We have plenty more food coming. Pace yourself!” Sandy replied with a grin.

A loud slurp sound drew all eyes to Henry’s glass. His straw was draining the dregs from the bottom. A waiter was immediately at his elbow. “Another?”

Henry smiled and nodded to the man who hustled off to the bar with the empty glass.

“Remember what I said about pacing yourself?” Sandy said, but Tish was delighted.

They talked a little about the hospital and the kooky patients they’d encountered this past week while Henry listened with rapt attention. The drink appeared at his elbow, and he immediately drank half.

“Whoa, whoa, WHOA, partner! Strong drink! Empty stomach! Not a good combination!” Sandy cautioned.

He looked at her in confusion. “What? I ate some satay and spring rolls. My stomach isn’t empty.”

“Yes, but that’s not enough to absorb the alcohol!” she explained.

“I don’t think there is much alcohol in this drink. It tastes very good! And it’s cold and refreshing!” he returned.

“I’m just sayin’ pace-”

Tish had had enough. “Let the man enjoy himself, Girl Scout!”

Sandy narrowed her eyes at Tish as she didn’t like that nickname. Tish was more than a little bit of a shit disturber though not as much as Roger. Sandy was more of a rule follower. That was all. She didn’t need lessons in behavior from this one!

“Peace!” Henry said, placing a hand on theirs. “I will slow down my drinking.”

Sandy smiled.

“But I will have another, later.” It was Tish’s turn to smile.

“Don’t look now but we are drawing the attention of our neighbors,” Dayshia quietly said as she faced Tish. Of course, that just made everyone glance over at the occupants of the next table. Four young women in oversize t-shirts, yoga pants, too much jewelry and make-up with teased up hair were staring at Henry with expressions of delight. Three were Japanese, but one was Indian and had very dark skin and lovely eyes. She glanced over timidly.

The boldest of the group with shocking pink hair smiled at Henry. “Excuse me, please. Are you related to Stanley Garin?” she asked in a thick accent.

Henry’s eyes widened as he looked back at them. He didn’t recognize any of the young women, so he had no idea how they recognized him.

“Uh, yes. I’m his brother. How do you know Stanley?” he managed.

“We are friends of Yuko Imamura,” the bold one answered. She held up her phone, and there was a picture of him, as Stanley, stepping out the front door of his building. Yuko had taken a picture of him and shared it with her friends?

“Ahhh…” he began then saw the looks from his table. “Stanley told me about Yuko,” he quickly explained.

“Where is Stanley?” the timid girl asked. She had a ring through her nose with a chain leading down inside her t-shirt. He tried not to follow it with his eyes though he was having a little trouble keeping his eyes steady.

“Uh, he recently died in an accident while overseas.”

The group moaned in dismay. “Yuko will be so upset when she hears!” pink hair exclaimed.

Henry paused. How would Yuko find out? Wasn’t she being punished in Japan? “Stanley mentioned something about her going back to Japan?”

“Oh, yes. But Yuko will be back soon. Her father has forgiven her, so she is allowed to return!” the bold one cheered and her friends picked that up.

“Ah, ok. Well, it was nice meeting you.” He paused as he wondered at the coincidence of meeting them here. “Do you live around here?”

“No. Yuko’s father bought a condo for her and her sister in a building very near here. We came to take pictures of us standing outside of it to send to her. Oh! Could we take one with you?” Her friends were suddenly excited by the idea, and all pulled out their cells.

Henry felt rocked by the news that Yuko was not only coming back but was bringing her sister and might be living in his building! He caught Tish and Dayshia looking at him curiously as he’d paused for so long. He turned a smile to the ladies at the next table. “How about after dinner?” he suggested, and they pouted but agreed.

He turned back to his table and saw their expectant expressions. He swallowed and glanced to the other table, but they were back to looking at the pictures on their cells.

He spoke quietly to keep his words from their neighbors. “Stanley spoke to me about his encounter with… his housekeeper. He said it hadn’t gone well, but she was sent back to Japan and thought she would be there permanently.” He looked at them. “You met her too?” He knew they’d recall that night and saw them nod.

“Stanley told you a lot for having just met you,” Dayshia said with a slight frown.

Henry had expected this. He’d prepared for it as well. This time, he had the truth to defend himself.

“Yes, we discovered we had a lot of common experiences growing up, and we shared a lot. You could say we had an instant and deep bond.” He smiled faintly as he recalled seeing his new human disguise in a mirror and how he’d broken down and cried. He sucked in a breath and tried to start again. “He said-” Henry paused as his emotions suddenly welled up and almost overwhelmed him. He forced it down and took a deep breath. “He said that he grew up without friends too… he said being brought into your circle and being accepted by the people at VRL… those were the happiest moments of his life.”

Henry wiped his eyes roughly then sucked back the remains of his drink. He nodded to the waiter who spotted the action and headed off to the bar once more. The man was remarkably attentive!

Henry felt hands settle down on his and squeeze. He glanced down and saw three hands resting on his on the table. He gave the ladies a shaky smile.

“You’re among friends here too, Henry,” Sandy said.

He struggled to smile as his emotions surged again. “Thank you,” he managed with a rough voice. Another drink arrived, and he reached for it. He caught Sandy’s concerned look and set the glass down.

She leaned against his shoulder, and her hair immediately swept up to rest across his back and interwove with his long wavy brown hair. Dayshia rolled her eyes and sat back, releasing Henry’s hand. He pretended not to notice her abrupt pulling away and Sandy’s overly fond hair.

Sandy’s face relaxed, and she smiled in contentment.

Their meals began arriving, and Sandy reluctantly sat properly in her chair. Her hair released him with only a slight tug.

They enjoyed their meals and got to sample from each other’s plates as each had chosen something different. Some were too spicy for Henry. He tried quenching it with his drink, but that only had the effect of making the room spin a little. Sandy leaned against his side as she giggled at his reddening face.

Tish reached across the table and poked a piece of bread between his lips. “Bread to soak up the spiced oils,” she explained but let her fingertip linger on his lower lip for longer than was entirely necessary. His eyes lifted to lock onto hers as he felt a strange and gentle tingling on his neck just below his ears and beginning on the sides of his torso under his arms. Tish was smiling mischievously, but she gasped softly when she saw the heat flare in his eyes. She pulled her hand back, but her body was already tingling.

Another drink was placed on the table before Henry distracting him and the tingling faded.

“Last one,” Sandy said firmly to the waiter as she straightened up in her chair and he nodded, giving her a nervous look.

Dayshia chuckled as she looked across at Sandy’s concerned expression. “Such a good little mother.”

Sandy scowled at Dayshia. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Her friend smirked at her. “You’re such a righteous young woman! Never willing to take a risk and live dangerously.”

“That’s not true!” Sandy barked. “Take that back!”

Tish was grinning at the ladies and had to add her two cents. “Sorry Sandy, I have to agree with Dayshia. You’re a sweet girl, as pure as the driven snow.”

“I’m not!” Sandy hissed.

Henry was aware of how agitated Sandy’s hair was becoming though Dayshia and Tish couldn’t see it. He began sliding his left hand off the table to reach for it before it moved into view.

Dayshia reached across the table to take Sandy’s hand.

“It’s not a bad thing! Being innocent and a bit of a prude these days is sweet!” Dayshia insisted.

“Oh, I think prude is a little strong,” Tish said putting her arm around Dayshia shoulder.

Sandy nodded firmly. “Thank you-”

“Virginal is more accurate,” Tish said.

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