Crazy Seduction(erotica)


When they reached the vestibule before the front doors Camila set the clothes on a small table there. “Now Stanley. Quickly please.”

He blinked at her then dropped the robe and kicked it forward as he stepped back from the ladies. He twisted the ring and snapped back into his human form. Marisa stepped close with his clothes and he dressed himself as quickly as he could.


Walter’s voice was doing that omnipresent thing again but this time he didn’t sound happy.

“Yes Walter?” she answered cautiously towards the ceiling, now assuming there were hidden cameras.

“How is it that Stanley alters his form like a Dragon?” the voice returned, slow and calm but there was an undercurrent of barely contained rage. This confirmed her suspicions about the cameras.

“You would need to ask Baba Yaga that question. This was her doing. Remember, she took Stanley as an infant. She hid his true form from him his entire life. She didn’t ask the Fae to give him a glamor and I believe you are starting to understand why,” Camila said.

“I see.” There was silence. “Send me his details. Have a good evening.”

Dressed, Stanley left the mansion holding Marisa’s hand and Sigrid brought up the rear, keeping any eye out for danger. Or reprisal.

The sun was just dipping under the horizon when they made it back to the truck where Mr. Duncan was waiting patiently. He took in the tense expressions and held his questions until everyone was seated and they were on their way back down the lane.

“Did everything not go alright? Is Walter not going to help Stanley? I heard from Marisa about Stanley being bitten but did something else happen?” he asked.

“We discovered where Stanley’s ability to switch shapes comes from. Dragons change the same way. The witch obtained the switching power from one and that likely meant the end of the line for the Dragon.”

“Shit,” Roy said quietly.

They reached the end of the lane and pulled out onto the quiet road which would take them out to the thruway back to the city. They got maybe half a mile from Walter’s place when they spotted someone wearing a white gown with red trim sitting in the middle of the road.

“That’s Meixiu!”

“May You?” Roy asked.

“The vampire! The one who bit Stanley!”

“Should I accelerate?” he asked.

“NO!” Stanley and Marisa cried out.

“She’s kneeling in the middle of our lane, head down and hands on her thighs. That doesn’t look like a stance of aggression but… she’s a vampire. I don’t know much about them.” Camila said examining the woman they were approaching.

Mr. Duncan stopped the truck twenty feet away from Meixiu, keeping her in the headlights and Sigrid got out. She gestured for the others to stay inside.

Slowly walking closer she looked for signs of movement, preparing herself to fight. She stopped eight feet from the kneeling woman who looked so tiny.

“I am so very sorry for my actions. It was my first and only opportunity to escape in a very long time,” the woman said with a trembling voice.

She tilted her face up and the first thing Sigrid noticed were her dark eyes. The milky white was gone. She was no longer blind.

“I see your eyesight has improved,” Sigrid said carefully.

“It was the young man! He broke Mr. Zhou’s curse!” the young woman gasped.

“Stanley? How-” Sigrid began then she recalled that he’d changed before her and how she’d reacted. “Your blindness was caused by a curse from Walter?”

“To keep me from escaping!” Meixiu blurted as her lips trembled.

“Why did you bite Stanley?” Sigrid growled and the Meixiu dipped her head forward in shame.

“Mr. Zhou wouldn’t feed me often so I was always weak and dependent on him. The only extra food I could get was from vermin that entered his home. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get far if I didn’t feed. Again, I’m so sorry for my actions but I had to escape. Please don’t take me back! I would rather you kill me. I’m- I’m unable to take my own life.”

“Why are you waiting here?” Sigrid asked.

“I have nowhere to go. I don’t know this country. I’ve been inside Mr. Zhou’s home for a very long time. Since I was sent here from China. I was only a child then. I’m frightened,” Meixiu moaned.

“Damn,” Sigrid sighed. “Stay here.”

Sigrid walked back to the car and related what she’d been told.

“Damn,” Camila sighed.

“We have to bring her with us,” Stanley said firmly.

“Stanley! She bit you! She may want to do it again!” Sigrid exclaimed in frustration.

“She’s apologized. You know her reason. Her parents gave her away as a present! We have to help her!” Stanley gushed then realized he was getting a little overly emotional. “Sorry, I’m a little shaky at the moment. But I stand by my words.”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“We can’t stay parked on this road much longer,” Mr. Duncan said.

“Fine. We take her with us but then what?” Camila said.

“I’ll keep her with me for now,” Sigrid sighed. “My place has enough room.” She turned to face the young woman. “Meixiu! Come here.” Looking inside the truck she pointed to the back seat for Stanley to sit with Marisa. Sigrid would keep an eye on Meixiu in the middle seats.

The woman in question approached and Sigrid gestured for her to enter the truck and move to the far seat. She climbed in and Sigrid showed her how to put on a seat belt. Then they went on their way.

Meixiu gasped and clutched the armrests.

“You haven’t been in a car before?” Stanley asked.

“No, I was brought to Mr. Zhou’s a long time ago. There were no cars then. We rode in my parent’s carriage to the ship. I remember… horses. My time on the ship was terrible. Then I was given to Mr. Zhou and I woke in his home. I have been there ever since.”

They were quiet for a time as they digested the horror of her story.

Stanley finally faded and fell asleep cuddled against Marisa’s shoulder.

Meixiu looked over the seat at Stanley and looked into Marisa’s eyes. She mouthed an apology and Marisa nodded with a small smile.

She turned back to see the tall blonde next to her giving her a troubled and evaluating look.

This one would not be so quick to forgive her.

Stanley woke with a snort in the back seat. The truck had parked. He saw he was alone with Mr. Duncan who must have dropped the others off on the way. They got out and the big redhead walked him inside, carrying his bag of wine bottles, and took him right upstairs to the door of his condo.

“Stay inside this weekend and get rested up. I’ll come back for you when it’s time for the meeting,” he said gruffly.

“Thanks for everything, Mr. Duncan,” Stanley said quietly.


Stanley smiled and nodded to the man then closed and locked the door. He walked into the kitchen to put the bottles on the counter. Next he made his way into the living room. He pulled his cell phone out of his bag and plugged it in to charge the dead battery.

Speaking of batteries, he realized he’d spent a good deal of today in Satyr form so the ring wouldn’t need to charge too soon. Still he had to keep the cycle so he’d have a full charge for the next day. He looked at the clock and saw it was only 9PM.

He jumped when there was a sharp knocking on his front door. Sick dread shot through him. They’d come for him. His cell was dead, the condo phone only worked to operate the front door, so he had no way of reaching any of his friends. The Fae were going to break down his door and take him by force and he’d never see his friends again.

He peeked around the corner at the front door.

“Stanley? Are you in there?”

A huge tremble of relief rocked through his body as he recognized Sandy’s voice. Suddenly it was all too much and he found himself opening the door and taking his friend in his arms as he broke down and wept. She burst into tears as well as she clung to him. More arms held them both and he looked up to see Tish, Dayshia, and Roger were all there.

“Let’s go inside,” Dayshia suggested gently.

He nodded and released Sandy. He had to gently untangle himself from her hair and felt its gentle resistance. He kept his worry about that from his face. He moved back inside his condo with Sandy clinging to his hand as he led everyone inside.

Roger brought up the rear and locked the door.

They all took seats in the living room and Stanley struggled to get his emotions under control.

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