Crazy Seduction(erotica)


She closed her eyes, released the hands, and pushed her talent back into a parked state. “Please move a little distance from the table so I can put my back to it,” she instructed, and Mahati opened her eyes and stepped away from the table. The lawyer immediately closed them again. Marisa faced away from the others and took Mahati’s hands as she opened her sight once more.

Now the potentials bursting forth were only those of the woman before her. As usual, the images made no sense to her as they overlapped so densely. But she was able to feel the power radiating from them. As this was her first time reading a wielder, there was spice, texture, and weight to the reading she’d never experienced before.

She opened her mind to the flow of images and let them flash by. She was relieved there were no dark streaks like she saw in Henry’s aura. Mahati’s was an explosion of brilliant colors! The only darkness was a grey haze surrounding the impression of a stern, dark-skinned older woman who resembled Mahati. Then images of the VRL execs flashed by with a prismatic burst, and Henry flared within this.

Suddenly, a wave of intense emotions hit Marisa. She sucked in a deep breath. They swept through her, and she gasped softly as a bubble of profound longing gripped her, then vanished. Layers of different emotions surfaced and burst, most were deliciously positive, and all tried to pull her inside. Marisa struggled to remain separate from the torrent of Mahati’s emotions as the intimacy was too intense.

Another burst of images of Henry flashed in her mind, painted with the emotions. She gasped again as the intensity took her breath away and she found herself frantically sifting through the layers to see where the feelings were anchored, to know what they meant. They rang crisp and sweet in her mind, but she couldn’t hold onto them. The effort drained her, her muscles protested, and she lost her grip on Mahati’s hands as her legs gave out.

Camila caught her before she fell but had to ease her down as her legs continued to shake.

Marisa felt genuine respect and affection for Mahati, but her intellect rejected that as- it couldn’t be real. She hadn’t spent any time with her to honestly know the woman. The one-sided intimacy left her confused and dazed. She finally opened her eyes as she heard her mother whispering questions of concern in her ear. She nodded and lifted her eyes to the woman she’d just read.

Mahati looked stricken as she watched Marisa’s reaction.

Marisa caught the expression and shook her head gently with a weary smile. Conflicted by her emotional state, she realized she’d have to let that go. It had no meaning in this circumstance.

“Don’t worry. I was just caught off guard by the strength of the reading, not by what I saw. It was my first time reading a wielder,” she said breathily.

“Oh! Oh, is that good?” the lawyer asked with a trembling voice.

Ignoring the lawyer’s question, Marisa looked into her mother’s eyes.

“You should.”

Camila’s eyes widened in surprise at the strength of conviction she saw in Marisa’s eyes. She gave her a little nod. “Thank you.”

She helped her up, and Marisa nodded to the group and left, walking a little stiffly.

When she saw the door close behind her daughter, Camila turned to the group. “I believe I’m ready to proceed now.”

Mahati smiled a little shakily and nodded. “I’ll wait for the revised draft. In the interim, I ask that you do not sign any documentation from my mother’s firm. She is not above strong-arm tactics to get what she wants.”

Camila nodded. “We’re used to dealing with characters like that, aren’t we Roy.”

Roy just gave the CEO a sour look. He’d be happier with fewer dealings with them.


Dayshia was going to be late for work, and it was all Henry’s fault!

She’d had the strangest dreams all night and she’d woken in an… excited state. In them, she was running from a ram-horned Satyr. The one they’d seen in the shared vision at Sandy’s place. While she still wasn’t comfortable with what happened that night, she’d stopped denying it happened.

While she was dreaming, she hadn’t been afraid so much as nervously excited about what it would do to her when it caught her. It was more sexy than dangerous.

When it finally did, it swept her up in its powerful arms and kissed her until she was left panting. She pulled back from the kiss and Henry was smiling down at her with a hungry look in his eye.

Of course, the image of being carried in powerful arms came from when Henry took his neighbor Michelle into the bedroom the day before. That had been so hot! The kiss in her dream had almost been as intense as the one she’d shared with Henry as he left.

Her toes wanted to curl even now as she thought about it. Damn! He was a good kisser, and the feel of his hard body against her softer one was so delicious, including the massive bulge she’d rubbed against… SHIT! She was distracting herself again!

She hurried forward to rush down the stairs into the subway. She paid her fare and made it down to the platform where she heard her train approaching in the tunnel.

Shit! Her phone!

Dayshia opened her cavernous purse and began digging furiously.

She couldn’t go to work without her cell!


A short distance from the dark-skinned beauty, a skater punk leaned up against the wall, his backpack with a skateboard on his back, and watched her from under the brim of his hat.

Rohann was wearing the youthful glamor over his far more austere features. As a Fae assassin, he had numerous disposable glamors available to switch to in an instant to prevent observation and capture.

Ikehorn had given explicit instructions that the female was not to be killed but must suffer a severe injury that would require Fae intervention to survive. Killing her would have been simpler, but he was a consummate professional. He rarely turned down a task and couldn’t turn down one from the Queen’s man. His spotter, Dalewin, was on the opposite platform in the glamor of a pregnant Asian woman. He was watching the target and indicated to his partner by splaying his fingers on his domed tummy that the female was prime for taking. Even from behind Rohann could tell she was distracted.

He eased himself forward casually, listening to the sound of the approaching train, timing his approach so he would be in the perfect position to engage the target. She was going to strike the side of the train after it entered the station but while it still had sufficient forward momentum to cause the head trauma they needed. Observing her size and estimating her mass he gauged the amount of force he would need to apply to her shoulder blades in a shove to get her to launch forward head first into the train. He was ready. Glancing at his spotter, he saw the ok sign, a circular stroke across the tummy.

The platform was crowded but not so packed that he’d have difficulty escaping.

The train rushed into the platform and Rohann counted while the woman continued to hunt through her purse. He couldn’t have planned this better. Casually bringing his hands forward to the straps of his pack, his countdown was rapidly ending in three… two… one.

With a frustrated grunt, the woman spun in place.

Rohann’s perfectly timed and weighted thrust earned him two large handfuls of soft tit. He couldn’t prevent the automatic squeeze reflex. He looked up into shocked and outraged eyes as his jaw dropped in surprise.

The heavy purse struck him on the left temple, and he went down hard, bouncing the right side of his face against the cement platform. Stars exploded then his mind slid into darkness.


The police officer took Dayshia’s statement as his partner cuffed the groggy perp.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I was hunting in my purse for my phone. When I couldn’t find it, I turned around, and this little creep grabbed my chest! He grabbed and squeezed! Hard! It was almost painful!”

The officer was struggling to keep from staring at her generous bosom and the thought of grabbing her himself was almost irresistible. He kept his eyes on his notes as he scribbled them down.

“Listen I have to go home to get my cell, and I’m late for work-”

A muted ringing came from within the large bag. Frowning, she looked inside again and opened an inner zipper to discover her ringing phone. She saw it was her boss calling. She nodded to the officer and answered it.

“Hi, Margaret.”

“Dayshia? Is everything ok?” her voice said cautiously.

“Yes, I’m sorry for being late. I was assaulted on the train platform. I’m giving the police my statement, then I’ll be right in,” Dayshia explained.

“Assaulted! Are you hurt?” her boss gasped in shock.

“No. A creep just grabbed my chest!” Dayshia said in outrage.

“Oh! Well, I told you they would get you in trouble one day!” Margaret said cheekily.

“Very funny. I’ll be in soon. Again, sorry for being late.”

“Not your fault… this time,” Margaret said with a smile in her voice.

Dayshia hung up and looked to the officer who was staring at her cleavage. She bounced her tits once, and his eyes shot back to hers to see her frowning at him. “Are we finished?”

“Yes, we have your information so we’ll be in contact,” the man said, unable to keep his eyes from dipping once more as he spoke.

Dayshia snorted and moved to enter the train that just arrived. Men were such slaves to their dicks.

Her mind went back to a particular shape she’d felt pressing against her last night, and she grinned to herself wickedly.

As the train pulled out of the station, she missed seeing the police running for the stairs to catch the fleeing skater punk who’d somehow got free of his cuffs. He bumped a pregnant Asian woman who almost fell on the stairs and blocked the police from continuing the chase.

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