Crazy Seduction(erotica)


Henry couldn’t argue with that. He knew her over-indulgent father spoiled her, but he couldn’t share that bit of insider knowledge.

“I hope what happened at the dance club hasn’t turned you against the idea of going out dancing with us!” Tish said with a hopeful expression.

“No, I’d like to try it again, just without the booze.” He sighed. “I still have to get over my awkwardness with dancing. I have two left feet!”

Tish’s face lit up with a broad smile. “We can help you with that! You just need to learn a few steps and become comfortable with them. When you get out on the floor with the music playing, you follow the steps you’ve learned with the beat. Soon it’ll become second nature, and you can relax!”

He realized that was a great idea! He nodded, and she clapped quietly with a grin.

They finished up their lunch and moved the coffee table to have room to move. Sandy put on some music at a low volume as all they only needed was a beat to follow and Tish started Henry off with some simple forward and back steps. Henry watched Tish’s feet, and once he had her pattern, Tish reached over and lifted his chin so he couldn’t see his feet. He bobbled a little but she kept him moving, and he settled into the pattern.

The afternoon was spent learning moves, none too complicated for the noob dancer. Each of the ladies managed to work in a slow dance with Henry. Closer to dinner time, Michelle made an appearance and had a turn as well. As that happened, Sandy enjoyed a slow number with Marisa though she blushed and grinned happily through the song. Marisa had to tone down her naturally sensuous moves but still got an appreciative nod and grin from Tish and a slightly envious look from Dayshia.

They munched on the leftover sandwiches and salads for supper then Marisa said that she had to head home. She shook hands and hugged Sandy then Henry walked her to the door and got a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He closed the door and walked back to the living room. Glancing at Michelle, Henry saw she was ready to leave too. He turned to his host.

“Thank you so much Sandy, Dayshia, and Tish for the delightful hospitality, delicious food, and the dancing lessons. I’m feeling ready for our next night out at a club. Without the drinking!”

He got smiles and chuckles for that.

“It was very nice meeting you all, and it was extremely generous of you to let me sleep in your bed,” Michelle said to Sandy who smiled and gestured dismissively.

They walked to the door.

“Henry? Aren’t you forgetting something?” Dayshia said with a slight smile on her lips.

He looked back curiously. “What?”

“Our goodbye kisses.”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Dayshia’s lips were on his, and he squeaked slightly in surprise. Then he was kissing her in return as she pressed her soft body against his hard muscles. Finally, she pushed back gently, and his lips followed until they parted. His eyes opened just in time to see Tish slip in against his body as Michelle watched in wide-eyed surprise.

Tish was an excellent kisser, and Henry was swept away by her passion. He was reaching for her ponytail when she suddenly pushed back from the kiss with a gasp. He was dazed and focusing on her mouth as his neck began to tingle. Tish took another step back, and Henry looked down into Sandy’s hungry gaze.

The blond tilted her face up to him, and his mouth came down to meet her soft lips. Her hair swept forward to caress his face and he gently pushed it back by running his fingers through it. Sandy’s kiss was sweet, slow and tender and the tingle eased.

Michelle cleared her throat timidly which broke the moment, and Sandy pulled back with a happy smile.

“Have a good night Henry!” she said.

He nodded, still dazed from the kiss and stepped out into the hall. Michelle followed him out and took his elbow to guide him to the elevators. They heard a burst of excited giggles as Sandy’s door closed.

When they were alone in the elevator, moving up to their floor, she glanced at him. “Does that always happen?”

He glanced at her in embarrassment and thought about it. “I- yes, I believe so, though not usually so aggressively. They truly are lovely people,” he said with a wobbling smile. She smiled and looked away shyly.

They exited the elevator and read the sign Johann posted on the opposite wall that said the floor was clear for habitation again. They walked towards their units.

When Michelle reached her door, she turned to Henry, and he looked to her with a smile. “Thank you for introducing me to your friends. They are, as you say, lovely people.” He nodded to her and waited as she seemed to have something else to say.

“Could we- I mean, would you- can I- never mind,” she finished in a huff as her face got redder and redder.

She’d been watching his mouth the entire time so he guessed that she might be asking if they could kiss as she’d just witnessed. While he knew in reality Michelle was an Arachnid with the body of an enormous spider, her shy and gentle nature muted his instinctive fears. He reached out to touch her hand as she turned away. He stepped closer as she faced him and he could see she was trembling. “I would like to kiss you if it would be-”

Henry found himself pressed against the opposite wall with Michelle’s mouth pressing firmly against his. He moved his lips to kiss her, and she gasped quietly as her mouth tried to follow his lead. It was becoming awkward. He pulled back slightly. Resting his fingers ever so lightly on her jaw, he leaned forward and gently stroked her lips with his. She sighed and trembled under his fingers. He pressed a little firmer and dipped the tip of his tongue between her lips. She made a cute little mew of need and slipped her tongue out to caress his. He sucked on her tongue, and she squealed, pulling back from him to take a few steps back, staring at him.

“Did I do something wrong?” he asked cautiously.

She shook her head vigorously, making her lovely ebony hair swing back and forth. “I must go. Thank you. Good night!” With that, she slipped into her unit to close and lock the door.

He paused a moment, unsure what just happened. Michelle’s assurance that he hadn’t done anything wrong seemed to be refuted by her actions. Looking at her door, he sighed and moved on to his. He stepped inside and locked up. He smelled nothing to indicate his unit had been affected by the fumigation.

He sat on the couch and wondered where his relationship with the three ladies at Sandy’s place was going. He valued their friendship, but they weren’t shy in letting him know in no uncertain terms that they were interested in something a little more intimate.

Having learned his lesson from Sandy’s hair, if they wanted a physical relationship with him he was going to have to insist on condoms and be extra diligent in preventing a reoccurrence of what Mary Carsten had done.

He had to protect them. From himself.


The chairs around the VRL Executive boardroom table were full except Henry’s. He was late for the meeting. Camila frowned at Sigrid who shrugged.

The door at the end of the room opened, and Henry rushed inside carrying his laptop. He stopped next to Camila and began to gush. “I’m so sorry I’m late! The N- uh, agency is back to poking at our firewall again but not so vigorously-”

“Henry, sit down so we can start the meeting,” she said.

He nodded, and his eyes flickered over to the stern expression on Mahati’s face.

He rushed to his seat and plugged his laptop into the table’s built-in base station to re-establish his network connection. He quietly apologized to his neighbors Rosalind and Frank who both shrugged it off with smiles. He sent a nod to Sigrid and caught Roy’s concerned look. He was likely still thinking about what Henry had begun to say about the NSA.

Camila called the meeting to order, and the executives reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting then went on to speak of new items. Henry’s attention kept slipping back to his laptop’s screen which showed another NSA tech poking about his firewall unsuccessfully. Then they were gone. He checked the date stamp of the last attempt and calculated they’d been at it for thirty-six straight hours almost to the second. This hacker followed the rules and ran checks for all the known exploits but lacked the creativity of Kent. It was like they were only going through the motions.

He paused. A distraction? He ran a script to look for any out of the ordinary patterns in the reports he was pulling from the server room equipment. Then he scanned the support hardware like the power backup and the Cooling system and spotted the anomaly. The chiller was working harder than usual as the web servers were consuming almost twice as much power as they typically did. It was a like a custom denial of service attack. He checked the web servers and saw some unexpected calls. Examining the records closer, he saw the exploit they were using and groaned quietly. He adjusted the firewall rules to filter all queries to the webservers against the previous cache entries to detect duplicate calls. Subsequent identical calls would now be identified as such and ignored. Once he posted the rule fix, he watched the traffic on the web servers, and they showed an immediate decrease in spurious transactions. He kept his eye on the flagged reports and soon he saw the affected servers cooling as the redundant calls were skipped and the load decreased. He smiled. Clever hacker. If the server room’s cooling stack hadn’t been able to easily compensate for the additional heat of the overworked CPU’s, they might have faced a meltdown.


He jumped and looked at Camila guiltily.

“What has your attention so focused that you missed me calling to you for the last minute?” Camila growled.

“Sorry, the hacker just tried to overload the web servers to cause them to overheat. The server room’s AC was running harder than it normally does due to the temperature increase. I blocked the redundant calls on the website, and the CPU temps are returning to their normal levels. That kind of attack won’t be a threat anymore. What- what were you going to ask me?”

Camila snorted. “I was trying to determine if you had any ideas why we’re receiving reports that our website is slow.”

“Oh, well… that would be it. It should be back to normal shortly,” he remarked.

His eyes went to Roy who had that grim look again.

“Maybe we could add that to our marketing message. Servers so secure they keep their cool even under attack.” Rosalind suggested cheekily, and Roy made an involuntary moan. Chuckles erupted around the table.

“Very funny but we need to deal with this persistent attacker,” Roy grumbled.

Camila nodded. “And we will. I have a meeting at 5 PM today with two representatives of the agency we believe is responsible. Henry, please make yourself available for this meeting which we’ll take in my office. Try not to be late for that one.”

He gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”

They moved on and, crisis averted, Henry paid attention.

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