Crazy Seduction(erotica)


He peeked out the door and saw Allan the VRL security man, so he opened it. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Mr. Walker. I’ve received word that the danger is over, so the security team was released.”

“Yeah, we saw it on the news. We’ll check out this morning.”

“Very good sir. VRL is picking up the tab.” He paused and looked back with a slight smile. “Including the robes.”

Nate smiled guiltily. “Thanks!”

With a nod, the big man walked away and joined two others as they went to the elevators.

Nate closed the door and glanced at the door to Jo’s room. He went to take a shower. He wasn’t sure what to do next.

He seemed to be burning bridges again. Maybe it was time to build new ones?

Henry was wearing a very sharp black jacket over a charcoal grey dress shirt, open at the collar, black dress pants, and black leather shoes. He’d been taught the basics when he initially received his glamor. He had some basic casual wear outfits memorized but had never tried anything beyond that.

While Camila warned him to stick to real physical clothes for his human body whenever possible, on special occasions like this, he could incorporate fancier clothes into his glamor once he was skilled enough. For now, he used a picture on his cell he’d pulled from a website to help him visualize it.

The cell phone was new as well as Sandy’s hadn’t survived being crushed against the side of a yacht then dunked in the harbor. He’d have to pay her back somehow for destroying it.

Camila had said she wanted his date to go well as she felt bad about pushing Sigrid so hard. He thought she might have an ulterior motive, but he kept that to himself as he also wanted the date to go well. She’d explained she taught Nathan to do this and, now that Henry had a real glamor, this would work for him as well.

He was looking forward to finally meeting Nate again.

For now, though, Henry was sitting across from Sigrid in a lovely intimate restaurant trying to keep his eyes in his head. She looked gorgeous! Her long blonde hair was partially teased up but fell in cascades over her shoulders. Her makeup was minimal, but her glow of happiness took his breath away. She was smiling at his obvious appreciation of her beauty.

“Henry! Stop! My cheeks are beginning to hurt from smiling!” she said quietly.

“I’m sorry!” he blurted softly. “I’ve just never seen you look this radiant before!”

“Oh my god, stop!” she gushed.

Henry looked down at his plate. The black halter-style evening gown she’d selected wasn’t blatantly sexy, but it did hint at the wonders it contained. The Valkyrie had wonders in abundance.

The waiter arrived and took their orders. Henry chose something light. Truthfully he didn’t even recall what it was as his eyes kept stealing looks at Sigrid. She ordered a bottle of wine.

When they were alone again, Sigrid leaned forward slightly, and his eyes dipped to glance at her cleavage before guiltily lifting to her eyes.

“This is why I told you to meet me at the restaurant!” she sighed.

She’d had her nails painted a deep, bold red and she seemed a little self-conscious of that decision. She normally just wore a clear coat. Her hands moved nervously around the table’s surface, adjusting the tablecloth and the setting.

Finally, Henry reached across the table and took her hands in his. She smiled in relief as her hands now had something meaningful to do.

“I like the color! It looks good on you!” he said admiring her nails and enjoying her soft skin.

“It isn’t too… dark? I don’t know why I let Camila talk me into this color! Red looks better on her!” she fretted.

“Sigrid.” He held her eyes and spoke with conviction. “Since when do you let anyone talk you into anything? You chose this color because you wanted it. Now, what does this color mean to you?”

She held still as she looked at her nails resting against the palms of his big hands. “Passion,” she blurted then her face flushed with heat.

He nodded. “I like it! Definitely a good word for you!” he said with a smile. Her eyes twinkled with her happiness.

The wine arrived, and he released her hands. He’d only be having one glass tonight as he was still a little freaked out about losing a day to the painkillers.

Once they were alone again, they touched glasses and smiled at each other. Henry nodded to Sigrid after his sip. “Very nice wine! Good choice! I mean, I’m no wine aficionado, but I like it!”

“Thank you!” she said. She looked at her glass, and he saw her preparing herself.

“Something wrong?” he asked.

She shook her head faintly. “When you experienced that traumatic event with the police officer, you didn’t tell anyone about it. I was wondering if I ever made you feel like you couldn’t talk to me?” she asked quietly.

He held her eyes. “No. Absolutely not. Ever since that first night when you…” He glanced around, but they had privacy. “rescued me, you’ve shown me nothing but compassion. You have been incredible-”

“Then why-”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. It was probably because I didn’t want to think about it. At all. I pushed it back into my mind and tried to forget. But I couldn’t. It kept surfacing.”

“I have the name of a doctor who you can speak to,” Sigrid offered.

He smiled at her and lifted her hand to his lips, gently pressing them to her knuckles. “Thank you. When I could no longer bear to keep it inside, I spoke with Sandy. She’s an excellent listener too. That took the edge off. I’m sleeping better, for the most part. Granted, that might also be due to recent activities. I’ve had the nightmare again, but its intensity greatly reduced. I’m hopeful the worst of it is over. If you believe the doctor can help me make it go away completely, I’d be willing to see them. Truthfully though, I do feel better.”

She looked into his eyes, and he did seem calmer and well rested. However, she wanted him healthy in body and mind. “I’ll set up an appointment for you to talk with her.” He nodded.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Their meals arrived, and they made small talk. Most of the larger topics were off limits for discussing in public. None the less, they enjoyed themselves as Henry flirted with her to keep the smile on her face.

Finally, she held up her hands. “Ok, you have to stop. My cheek muscles are sore from grinning like a fool.”

He grinned back at her then his expression changed to concern as her smile drained away quickly. He saw she was looking over his shoulder and turned to see what she saw. He understood why she stopped smiling.

The Fae agent Ikehorn was approaching and right behind him was Queen Mab. The agent pulled a chair from a vacant table across from their table and positioned it for Queen Mab to sit facing them. Then he stood back, and the Queen sat with a smile on her perfect lips.

Sigrid was watching her cautiously, but Henry was wobbling back and forth between being terrified and pissed off. “Queen Mab, I wasn’t expecting to see you… any time soon, especially here in New York, and certainly not while I was on a date,” he blurted as his frustration won over his fear.

She smiled at him. “I do enjoy visiting this city from time to time. I’ll be spending a month or two here. After receiving a rather disturbing report from Ikehorn, I felt it was in everyone’s best interest that I address some points with you directly.”

Henry wasn’t surprised that she ignored his annoyance at the interruption, but he was surprised that she hadn’t punished him for it. He glanced at Ikehorn and caught the displeasure in his expression. Then he took a closer look at the Fae. He looked very fit and vital! Younger too?

“Ah, you’ve noticed Ikehorn’s recent makeover. I understand he has you to thank for that. You’ve been manipulating the global healing spell for your personal use.”

Sigrid shifted uncomfortably at Mab’s speaking openly about magic, and the Queen turned her attention to the Valkyrie. “Within my area of influence, we have complete privacy including protection against all forms of Human electronic surveillance.”

“I wasn’t aware of manipulating anything. That’s not my thing,” Henry said honestly.

Mab looked into his eyes and saw he was speaking the truth. She frowned. “Aware or not you must not treat the spell as your personal first aid kit. Which brings me to my second point.” Her eyes turned to Sigrid, and there was a suppressed rage there that made the hairs on the back of Sigrid’s neck stand at attention. “Why is Henry being placed in dangerous situations which resulted in his need to be healed? I believe he indicated he just wanted to work on computers. That sounds like a safe and dull occupation. No danger there,” Mab insisted.

“They told me to stay with the car. They didn’t place me in danger. I did… to protect my friends,” Henry rushed to their defense. Mab turned her green-eyed stare on him, and beads of sweat popped up on his forehead.

“Do I need to remind you of your importance to the Fae? We need you alive and healthy. We don’t need them alive and healthy.” Mab said with a frosty clarity.

Ikehorn caught the motion of someone approaching and watched in surprise as they were able to ignore the aversion compulsion of the spell. Then he recognized Lise-Anne Hoek and Rand von Deussel from the Hidden Races Council. They stopped a distance away from the edge of the spell and waited to be acknowledged.

Ikehorn leaned in and whispered to the Queen. She pursed her lips in frustration and turned her head to look to the two council members. She gestured for them to approach, willing the spell to give them access.

Once they were close, they gave her shallow bows. Lise-Anne appointed herself speaker for the two. “Your majesty. We weren’t expecting to meet you here tonight.” She glanced over to Henry and saw his discomfort at the Queen’s presence as well.

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