Contract With The Billionaire


Alex didn’t allow his friend and Chloe to visit them, he kept them out of his penthouse and tried to spend his time with Bryan, who seemed to be slowly recognising him.

Two weeks had passed, and although most of the time Bryan would be asleep, that didn’t quite sit well with his father.

“Why is he sleeping so much? In fact, all he does is sleep.” That was the complaint made by Bryan’s father, which made Mia laugh aloud.

“Mr. Ian, babies tend to sleep the most at this stage because they need it, and if you’re so irritated, please become his nanny so that I can rest well.” She had teased him, and surprisingly, he just gave her a bored look instead of a cold face.

Bryan would flap his hands whenever free, or roll on his stomach and sleep.

He was closer to his mother, but of course he recognises his father now as well.

He would stare at Alex’s face for as long as he was trying to memorise it, and Alex would stare back.

The staring game always had Mia rolling in laughter because both of their faces would be worth watching.

Alex was an amazing father, as Mia had predicted, because he voluntarily helped her by changing his nappies, bathing him, or carrying him in his arms when he was awake.

All of a sudden, he didn’t seem cold. Alexander Ian It was just the father who cared for his son the most.

Alex was working on his laptop when his phone rang. He glanced at it and sighed at the display.

“Hello? Does he recognise you now?” Mark asked impatiently, and Alex rolled his eyes.

He had been calling almost every day to know about the progress between the father-son duo so that he could introduce himself as well.

And Alex, even though Bryan now knew who his father was, didn’t want to inform Mark about the same.

He’s never been this possessive of anything or anyone in his entire life up until now.

“No,” He lied and was going to hang up when Mark yelled, “You liar! He does recognise you, doesn’t he? I can hear it in your voice. The tone was accusing as Mark yelled into the phone, which was already kept aside with speaker mode on.

“Don’t you have work to do?” Alex asked, concentrating back on his work, while Mark scoffed on the other hand.

“Yes, I do, and that is meeting Bryan. I’m coming there right now.” He declared it and cut the call without letting Alex reply to him.

“Why aren’t you allowing him to meet Bryan?” He looked up to see Mia at the door, holding Bryan close to her chest.

She slowly swayed back and forth, trying to make him sleep.

“He’s coming anyway.” He dismissed the topic with a roll of his eyes, and Mia chuckled. He watched as she patted Bryan’s back and hummed softly.

“Is he asleep?” He asked, and her eyes wandered to his.

Yet again, they weren’t cold, like she remembered as she watched him staring at Bryan’s back.

“He will be there in some time,” she informed him, and he nodded, sighing and going back to his laptop.

“Mr. Ian, you can go back to your office if you want. It’s fine.” Mia suggested, as his fingers halted on the keyboard.

He knew she was right, but was he ready to leave Bryan and go?

“Where is Bryan?” They heard a yell from the living room, and as he got closer to the room, Alex muttered something under his breath, which she couldn’t hear well.

“I will surely meet Bryan today!” Mark was still yelling, and this time, because he was near, Bryan stirred in his almost sleepy state.

“This fucker,” Alex’s curse, was heard by Mia this time, and she winced, glaring at Alex and covering her son’s ears.

Just as Mark halted near the door, his eyes landed on Bryan, who was blinking his eyes lazily in his half-sleepy state.

Glancing at Alex, he found him giving a cold glare, to which he smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

“Sorry,” he whispered, but Mia just smiled and blinked her eyes.

“Why is he always sleeping?” There came the whine again and the look on his face.

Mia pursed her lips to prevent the laughter and scare Bryan. Alex got up and pulled Mark outside, but not before shutting the door behind him.

Mia shook her head and continued with her humming. Five minutes later, she looked at him, and he was sleeping soundly.

With a smile, she kissed his head and placed him in the crib before covering him properly and moving out of the room.

“Can’t you keep quiet?” Alex’s tone was hard, and Mia hurried her steps.

“How would I know he would be sleeping?” Mark grumbled, sitting on the couch with a frown on his face.

“Even though he was not sleeping, you can’t come barging inside, yelling like a madman. There’s a kid in this house now, so you need to stop behaving like one.” The last line was filled with humour, and she could sense it, but Mark just huffed and looked away.

The poor man was always excited to meet Bryan, and every time something or the other would stop him.

“Mark,” Mia called out, walking towards him, and he just glanced at her once before going back to sulking.

“Where is Chloe?” She asked to change the topic, and he stood up in a jerk at once, startling her.

His eyes widened, and his mouth hung open as he covered it with his palm hurriedly.

“I forgot her,” he said, horrified, and Mia’s eyes widened as well.

“I was trying to recall throughout the journey what I was forgetting, and it was her. Shit!” He cursed, and Mia blinked her eyes at him.

“God bless you.” She said so, and he gave her a confused look.

“What?” Alex asked instead of Mark, and she sighed.

“She’s going to be pissed, like really pissed.” She informed me, and Mark felt like killing himself. He was so gone!

“Where were you?” That was the first thing Chloe asked as he reached back to his office.

He refused to look her way, but she still stopped him.

“Uh, work?” It came out as a question rather than a statement. Chloe narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms.

“Which work? I have your schedule.” He gulped and pressed his lips into a thin line.

“Well, I am the boss, you can’t question me.” He protested weakly, and she gave him a fake smile in return.

“And I am your secretary, so I need to keep track of everything related to work.” She stated that, and he gave up, sagging his shoulders.

“I went to see Bryan,” he mumbled, hoping she wouldn’t hear, but he was not so lucky. She did, and her mouth hung open.

“You went out? How could you?” She glared at him, and he made a sorry face, but she wasn’t having it.

How dare he go without her?

“I’m sorry, I was just angry at Alex for not letting me meet him, so I forgot to tell you in my state of anger.” He pouted, and she huffed, looking away.

Did he look cute when he pouted? This is not right. You met Bryan and didn’t even tell me.

Now how will I meet him when that monster isn’t allowing anyone to even look at his son’s way?

“What?” She kept on rambling, while Mark crossed his hands and stared at her with a smile.

She was a rare beauty, the way her nose would scrunch up in distaste, her hands flailing to explain something, her lips pressing in a thin line, and her eyes were the best part.

He loved her eyes the most because they were the most expressive.

“Mark? Mark? Are you even listening to me?” Chloe waved her hand in front of him, and he came out of his admiring session and straightened up.

“Okay, you need to calm down. I surely went to meet Bryan, but I couldn’t because he was sleeping. So maybe tomorrow.” He shrugged, and she stared at him, amused.

“You didn’t meet him?” She asked, and he nodded, to which a giggle escaped her mouth.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

He gave her an offended look, and she palmed her mouth.

“Sorry, it just seems that Bryan doesn’t want to meet his uncle.” She teased, and he glared at her.

“Ha ha, so funny! In that case, he doesn’t want to meet you too because Alex isn’t allowing anyone near his son.” He smirked as her smile dropped, and she glared back at him.

“I’m not afraid of your friend.” She said it haughtily, and he narrowed his eyes.

“We’ll see.”

“Definitely.” And with that, both marched away in opposite directions.

Alex entered his company, and everyone stood up in shock. They probably weren’t expecting him to come to work anytime soon.

George came and walked beside him till he reached his office.

“Sir, there’s a problem, Ella Kate is demanding to see you. I don’t know from where she got the news that you’re coming to the company starting today.” He informed Alex, and Alex said nothing as he entered his office and settled on his chair.

“Escort her outside either politely or by using force, I don’t care. I want her out now.” He ordered, and George nodded, moving out immediately.

Ten minutes later, he heard her screams outside, but when, even after ignoring her for another five minutes, she didn’t stop, he stood up and went outside.

“Don’t you fucking dare touch me! I will sue all of you.” She screamed as soon as the guards took a step towards her.

George seemed to be having a headache, and so did the entire staff as the drama unfolded.

“Ms. Ella!” Alex called out, and she stopped screaming like a banshee.

Something akin to relief passed on her face as she visibly relaxed upon seeing him.


“Get out!” He ordered without letting her complete it, and she looked taken aback.

“What did you just say?” She gritted, as she bawled her fists and glared at him, but he cared less.

“If you can’t hear, then my company can send you a free hearing aid. Now out.” He said bluntly, and her nostrils flared as her eyes turned into slits. She almost looked crazy.

“How dare you, Alex Ian? How dare you!” She screamed, while he slid his hands into the pockets and stared at her with a cold look.

“You have insulted, Ella Kate, and I will make sure you pay back for it. Just wait and watch!” She threatened, and glared at everyone around her who snickered at her threat.

“Very well then,” Alex replied, and he showed her the exit. She gritted her teeth and stomped out of his office the next instant

“Get back to work, everyone.” He ordered as he heard hushed whispers, and everyone obeyed while he turned around and left.

George stood there, staring at the exit, thinking about Ella’s words.

Why did he feel she was more dangerous than she looked?

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