Contract Marriage: I’ve Always Loved You

Chapter 13 I’ll kill you!

Grace’s P. O. V.

The next morning, I wake up with a severe headache.

“Fuck! Why do I always end up consuming so much alcohol?” I groan, my head pounding from the hangover. As I sit up, I realise I’m wearing Steve’s shirt.

How could he take advantage of my drunken state?

“Mr. Steve Grey, where are you?” I yell, climbing down the bed, frustration and anger bubbling within me.

He emerges from the bathroom, and I glare at him.

“Why are you shouting early in the morning? What’s the matter?” He asks in a casual tone, strolling towards me.

“What’s the matter? Seriously, Steve, did you forget what happened last night?” I accuse him.

“What? I don’t know,” he shrugs, raising my anger.

“You broke the vital rule of our contract by sleeping with me last night.” I snap at him. “You took advantage of my intoxicated state. What happened to your ethics, Steve?”

He chuckles, causing my brows to narrow in confusion. “Mrs Temporary Grace, nothing happened between us last night.”

“Then why am I in your shirt?”

He laughs again. “That you’ll come to know. But before that, let me tell you how desperate you were to sleep with me.”NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

I fold my arms across my chest in sheer attitude. “If I don’t recall what happened last night, it doesn’t mean you can fool me, Mr. Grey.”

He states, “I’m not fooling you, Grace. I’m telling you the truth.”

“I don’t believe you.” I roll my eyes, irked.

“I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Therefore, I recorded everything last night.”

“What, you recorded the video? You stooped so low, Steve!” I yell at him.

“Shut up and watch it. You’re the one who was so desperate to sleep with me.” He shows me the video on his phone, and I snatch his phone, glaring at him.

‘Mr. Grey, come here and satisfy your wife. I want you right now.’ My eyes shift to the phone when I hear my voice. I can’t believe my own words.

How could I lose control in my drunken state?

‘Rules, rules, rules. Who cares about rules when you have a hot husband in the same room?’ I close my eyes in embarrassment, listening to my own words in the video.

What the heck was I saying?

I hear his chuckle, seeing my condition, and give him a deadly glare, but he hides his laughter, putting his hand over his mouth.

‘You really want to break the rules, Mrs Temporary Grey?’ I hear his voice again from the video and shift my eyes down to the phone.

‘Just one little kiss. That won’t break any rules because you already kissed me at the club.’

I was asking for a kiss from him. What was I thinking? I want to kill myself for sounding so desperate.

I’ll never get drunk in these three months. Witnessing my condition, I decide.

I watch him in the video, kissing me softly.

Why is this turning me on?

What’s happening to me?

I shoot a glare at Steve. He’s lounging on the couch, flashing an evil grin, taking pleasure in my situation.

‘Mr. Grey, I want you right now. You know you’re so irresistible.’

When I listen to myself, I fast-forward the video. I don’t want to see more of my stupidity and how desperate I was for him.

“Mrs. Grey, now you understand who was the desperate one in this situation.” He taunts me as he walks over to me, laughing, while I forward the video.

Today is your day, Steve. Laugh as much as you can, but I won’t let you be happy for long. That’s my promise to myself.

Then I see he kisses me again, this time more passionately, and I bite my lips watching this.

I won’t lie; we look so hot together.

‘Grace, this can’t happen.’ He denies it, moving away from me.

‘Steve, why can’t we just enjoy the moment?’

Seriously, what happened to me last night? Drunk Grace, I’ll kill you!

‘I don’t want to make any decisions that we’ll later regret, especially not in this state.’

How I’m fighting for him to have sex with me, and he’s explaining to me like a gentleman. His words and actions leave me in a state of shock.

“Thank you.” These words escape my mouth automatically after seeing how he controlled his desires, even when I was ready for anything.

He looks at me in disbelief to hear a thank you from me.

I stagger back, watching the video in utter mortification as I vomit in front of him.

What the fuck!

“This is the most embarrassing thing ever done,” I mutter, feeling a wave of nausea, both from the video and the remnants of alcohol in my system.

He bursts into laughter, enjoying my discomfort. “Well, Mrs. Grey, that’s the result of too much alcohol.”

I shoot him a death glare before again shifting my gaze to the video.

I feel a mix of embarrassment and surprise as I watch him take care of me in the video. He helps me to the bathroom, holding my hair back as I continue to be sick.

This explains why I’m in his shirt.

“You see, Grace, I didn’t take advantage of you. In fact, I took care of you. We didn’t cross any lines.” As he clarifies, I give him a slight nod.

The video concludes with Steve tucking me into bed, placing a glass of water on the bedside table, and turning off the lights.

His efforts to take care of me paint a different picture than the one I initially assumed.

Wait, wait!

How could I fall for his evil games? Since he was recording the video, why would he engage in any wrongdoing?

I’m certain it’s all his plan to make me look foolish.

“Mr. Steve Grey, I’m not that easy to fall for your traps and your deceitful games.” I return his phone, glaring at him.

He gives me a confused expression, trying to act innocent, but I can see through his act.

“Don’t pretend to be innocent, Steve. I know all your evil games to show you’re a gentleman, not taking advantage of a drunk girl who is ready for it. You want me to fall in love with you by showing me this? Is this your game, right?” His expression shifts from amusement to a more serious one as I confront him about the video.

“Have you lost it, Grace? I recorded the video just to show you how desperate you were to sleep with me because I knew you wouldn’t trust me,” he justifies himself.

I narrow my eyes at him, still dubious. “So, you’re saying this isn’t some trick to make me fall for you?”

His response is direct and clear. “Of course not. Why would I want to make you fall for me? I’m just waiting for our contract to end so I can live in peace without you.”

His words sound genuine, and his intentions seem clear.

“You mean you’re not trying to manipulate me?” I ask, my scepticism waning.

“You manipulate people, Grace. Don’t think everyone is like you.” He responds with a hint of disdain.

“Whatever!” I shake my head and head to the bathroom.

As I enter the bathroom, my mind is spinning with confusion and doubt. Was Steve telling the truth? Could he really have recorded that video just to show me how desperate I was? I splash cold water on my face, trying to clear my thoughts.

Jace’s P. O. V.

As I step into the restaurant, a smile spreads across my face, seeing Zara waiting for me, seated at the corner seat.

“Hey, Miss Innocent Eyes!” I playfully greet her, and a blush creeps onto her cheeks as her eyelashes lower.

“Hey,” she responds, tucking her hair behind her ear as I take the seat beside her.

I compliment her, “You look gorgeous in this purple dress.”

“Can you just stop flattering me, mister?”

“No! Because I don’t take orders!” I tease, enjoying the slight surprise in her widened eyes.

“Anyway, Jace, I want to ask you something.”

“What is it?” I raise my brows at her.

“Are you interested in me for only physical needs?”

Her question catches me off guard, and I respond with honesty, “No, it’s more than that. I like you, Zara. The moment we bumped into each other, I felt an instant connection with you beyond physical needs.” I take her hand in mine. “And you know, before you, I never felt this connection with any woman.” She gazes into my eyes as I share my feelings.

“Now your turn. What do you feel about me?”

“No one makes me feel the way you do. You’re the only one who made me feel beautiful and desirable. I never thought that I would start liking someone so soon, Jace.”

Her words bring a genuine smile to my face.

“I’m interested in getting to know you better. Share more about yourself. I want to delve into the depths of who you are.”

Zara takes a moment before she shares her story.

“Well, Jace, my childhood took a turn when my parents died in an accident. Since then, my uncle has been my guardian. Professionally, I’m a fashion designer, and I have my store in New York. And I’ve always dreamed of having a family.”

Then I reveal details about myself, sharing that I am a successful business tycoon. Despite having been with many women before meeting her, none held my interest as she does.

Time seems to slip away as we completely engross ourselves in conversation, and we lose track of the hours that have passed since we first sat down.

The connection between us deepens with each revelation, and I like everything about her: the way she laughs, blushes, and bites her lips.

As we prepare to leave the restaurant, just before standing, I mention, “I completely forgot to tell you something.”

Curious, she asks, “What is it?”

Once again, her cheeks turn red as I disclose, “I like to be in control in intimate situations.”

“I figured that out during our first encounter, and strangely, that was one thing I liked the most about you.” She admits, glancing around, eliciting a grin from me.

“It seems we’re a perfect match.”

“Certain-” Before she can respond, I draw closer to her face and shush her with a passionate kiss.

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