Contract husband

Chapter 11

She loved the control she had over him, over all her men. The euphoria of the feeling of seeing that sheepish look in Emeka’s eyes, was fascinating.

But one thing she was dissatisfied about was his sudden concern to spend more time with his wife this days. And this was not a good sign at all.

She must double the love portion, and drive an irreversible wedge between him and his family.


Binta yawned tiredly.

She must have dozed off after the series of heart rending tears she poured out some hours ago.

She glanced at the wall clock for the uptenth time and swallowed hard the lump that had long gathered in her throat.

He asked her to wait!!….. He asked her to wait up for him.

“It was 1:20 am already. Why would Emeka make a fool of her.” Binta pondered deeply, allowing her memory lane lead her to the past during their early days of courtship.

They had met in church. But they were more like total strangers, not until they met at the workers meeting mid year report program. That was the first day they had struck a conversation that ignited the spark of attraction between them.

She was in the Sunday School department while he was the head of the ushering department in church and also one of the most sought after men among the eligible bachelors then.

They spent most of their leisure times on dates and outdoor events that got her falling head over heels in love with him.

And when he proposed, she was overjoyed, even the head pastor approved of him and within a short period of time, the wedding took place.

“But why were things falling apart now?

Why has Emeka changed so much?”

This were thoughts that flooded Binta’s mind as she brooded with fresh tears pouring from her eyes.


” Attention all!!…. We are pleased to inform you that the time of landing is approximately 10 minutes ahead of schedule.” The flight attendant’s voice echoed from the speakers.

Omar yawned tiredly. She felt worn out by fatigue in an impromptu journey.

She turned sideways to see Ife sitting beside her, typing on his iPad.

” Come on, it’s time to go.” He whispered to her, as he stood up to pull his small suitcase in a nearby bin.

They alighted from the plane and checked into a very expensive hotel in Dubai.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

” So what next?” Omar asked Ife as he lied on the bed and seemed to be brooding.

” We will go get you as many clothes that can last for a week.”

” And?”

” Then we will have a good meal tonight.”

” And then?”

” We will include the purchase of a wedding gown among your clothes, because tomorrow is our wedding.” Ife announced.

Omar chuckled unbelievably.

” Tomorrow is our wedding?…. Since When did we change the plans?” She asked him.

He slowly got up from the bed and faced her.

” Since now.” He whispered.

” Do you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to hold……..” The priest’s voice echoed in Omar’s ears.

Omar shivered…. She thought she had it under control, after all, it’s just business. Not until now that she realized it was harder than she thought it would be.

This had happened before!!

Though not exactly the same scenario, but it was similar. She could feel the rumbling in her stomach and the palpitation of her heart.

” Are you alright Omar.” Ife whispered into her ears. He must have noticed her uneasiness as they stood before the priest to take their wedding vows.

Omar straightened up and looked at her sweaty palms inspite of the air conditioner, blowing cool air into the atmosphere.

She was feeling all sweaty due to the tension brewing inside of her that made her nervous.

She managed to force a smile at him.

” Please may I use the rest room?…. I feel a discomfort in my tummy.” She explained.

” It’s ok Omar…. Take your time and use the rest room.” Ife permitted and signalled to the priest to hold on.

There were only three guests present in the auditorium, which were Uncle Makinde, his wife, and Jadesola; one of his daughters whom Ife fondly nicknamed as Jade.

Uncle Makinde and his family had been earlier informed by Ife about the change in plans for the wedding, and took the next available flight to Dubai.

Omar stared at her reflection in the mirror once more. She was gorgeously dressed in a simple white classy wedding gown.

Nevertheless, she felt so tired!! Tired of living a life of deceits.

Tired of the loneliness in the midst of many men.

And most importantly, she was tired of being broken!!


Even a mirror, when broken, becomes a razor!.

This was exactly what she had been transformed into. A time bomb in form of a woman, waiting to explode. A woman who had spent most of her time chasing the shadows of her past.

Happiness was now a luxury she desired desperately for, but she knew beyond a shadow of doubt that in other to be happy, she must first of all start with the woman in the mirror, and make a conscious effort in changing the pattern of life she was towing.

Although it might take a long process of time, but she would take it one step at a time.

Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled.

” It’s ok Omar….. This is just business as usual.” She told herself and exhaled once again, before going into the church auditorium.

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