C Chapter 57


What the fuck are they still doing locked up in that room?

Why isn’t she coming out?Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.




I’m going insane!

I will rather die than lay around d like a pathetic little bitch while another man unravels my wife. My woman. Mine.

Okay…be smart here, Matteo, we don’t want to give her any more reasons to hate us more than she already does.

My subconscious cautions. I shudder.

Hysteric laughter bubbles out of me whilst I toss and turn in bed, When did I become this person? When did I learn to stay this calm even when my insides are being ripped apart? When did I learn to share?

Mirabella belongs to me.

She is mine.

My property.

My obsession.

Mine to touch. Mine to kiss. Mine to fuck. My wife. The mother of my children. She belongs to me as much as I belong to her and I’ll do whatever it takes to win her back. I’ll win back her trust and loyalty. I’ll make sure she realizes where she belongs and in order to succeed at my endeavors, every threat and distractions must me eliminated. And right now, the only threat I see is Mark Lobster.

Mark Lobster is trying to forcefully take my toy away from me And I’ll not condone it.

Mark Lobster will die tonight for trying to eat from my plate.

Mark Lobster will breathe his last tonight for trespassing on my territory.

Mark Lobster.

Before I’m able to snap myself out of that darkness threatening to cloud my sense of reasoning, his name has already been perfectly carved

blade. into the surface of my bedside drawer by my

The same blade I plan on using to make an incredibly peculiar artwork out of him.

I throw my head back, giggling like a maniac as I replay the many ways I could get rid of that bastard.

“Oh fuck this!” I bolt out my door, running as fast as I can but making sure my footsteps are barely audible enough to startle anyone awake from sleep.

We wouldn’t want to create a commotion now, would we?

12-25 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 57


My movement come to an immediate halt the moment I reach the living room downstairs. I hear her. She’s here. I immediately hide in a corner, blending with the darkness and urging my sense of hearing to heighten.

“Seriously Mark? Even with my kid’s nanny?” Mirabella’s voice comes out in a monotone.

What the fuck?

Is this what I’m thinking?

I tune out Mark’s annoying voice as he tries to apologize to my wife and I’m most elated that she isn’t buying into his flimsy excuses. But why isn’t she reacting in a way a woman is expected to when she’s caught her lover with another woman?

“What did you expect Mirabella, hmm? It has been over four ye

years since we made our relationship official but you have refused to let me touch you. I’m a man with needs and I’ll not punish myself just because you’ve chosen to keep your pretty little body away from me.” Mark grits in her face.

My heart hammers with pride, my lips stretching into an ear to ear grin at the newly found knowledge. I guess she really belongs to me and this is all the proof I need.

“That’s the thing Mark, you seem too interested in the body than making a real connection and it makes me very uncomfortable and adding to the fact that you’re a whore. I’ll not put my health at risk just so that I can satisfy your camal desires.” My beautiful, precious wife fires back and I nod in agreement.

My heart swells with pride.

Mark chuckles. “Your husband was the biggest whore but you still let him fuck you as many times as he desired until he put those kids in


“Matteo is not a whore and I must warn that you refrain from speaking about my kids maliciously because if Matteo were to hear you, I can assure you that you wouldn’t leave this house in one piece.”

Oh, not to worry sweetheart, Matteo already heard and Matteo is waiting for the perfect time to have a private conversation with our dear

I can’t wait.

“I don’t care about your husband and I quite frankly don’t give two fucks about those kids who seem to enjoy taking your attention away from me!” Mark explodes and my jaw locks involuntarily. I patiently wait for Mirabella to do something. Anything. Slap him and warn him never to speak of her children in that manner but she does nothing except exhale a calming breath.

I chuckle. So she can hit me for calling them mine but she wouldn’t hit something who addresses them with the use of foul language?

This bitch.

“Does your jealousy towards my kids have anything to do with you destroying my son’s playhouse and threatening him into staying silent about it?” Mirabella breathes out angrily and Mark throws his head back in laughter, muttering incoherent words under his breath.

“So he told you? That little piece of-” he doesn’t get to finish when Mirabella’s palm connects the side of his face once. Twice. Thrice.

That’s my girl.

“They’re two kinds of people that I hate the most Mark, first, bullies, second, those who silence their victims. Hurt my kids in anyway one more time and I’ll surely put you in your place.”

From what I can deduce, Mark’s head seems to be bobbing continuously as his tongue glides across his bottom lip. He releases a scoff and


Chapter 57

mutters, “The next time you put your hands on me, Mirabella, I’ll make sure to take away everything you’ve ever worked for. I’m sorry for my actions towards the kids for what it’s worth. And please get that fucking husband of yours to sign those divorce papers already so that I can have you to all myself. I can no longer wait to make you my wife.”

Over my dead body.

He pecks her cheek and begins heading upstairs but Mirabella sucks in a sharp breath and a chuckle breaks out of her, her eyes immediately connecting with mine from where I stand.

She holds eye contact with me and calls out, “Mark?” The bastard hums and she continues. “I’m very upset with you right now and I cannot fathom sharing a bed with you. Could you please go over to the other wing and crash in one of the free bedrooms?”

Fuck yes!

She’s sending him my fucking way!

She’s well aware that I heard every single thing they talked about and she’s baiting me. Except, she’s somehow convinced that I’ll throw a few punches and let it be but it’s quite unfortunate that I’m out for blood.

I’m out for Mark Lobster’s blood.

The moment he walks past me without noting my presence, I text Maxwell who somehow developed Pablo’s agility in the past years.

That overly washed white boy is coming your way. Corner the bastard and bring him outback.”

“Sorry for taking so long guys, I needed to get a few things ready” I snicker as I approach the sit out at the back of the building where the boys are holding Mark Lobster. “Cazzo!” I exclaim excitedly pulling out a seat with my eyes observing how beat up the fucking bastard looks.

He spits in my face, sneering. “Does Mirabella know about this? I bet she’ll go haywire on you if she finds out what you’re doing to her


That does it.

Who the fuck gave this dirty bastard the right to spit on me?

“Do you know why people fear me?” I drawl, dragging the tip of my blade across his skin whilst cleaning his spit off my face with the other hand. “People fear me because I’m not just ruthless, I’m extremely petty. When I desire to end disgusting bastards like you, I make sure to make a joke out of your death so much so that even your ghost will become too ashamed to cross over to the other side. Do you know what

that means, Mark?”

A humorous giggle slip my lips and the bastard whimpers as I push the tip of my blade into his skin, cutting his face open. “It simply means that I’ll make sure you do not rest in peace.”

He cries out and I throw a heavy punch against his throat, causing him to choke and gasp for air, painfully clawing at his neck whilst grunting.

“One rule Mark, no screaming, I don’t like screamers except their names sound a lot like Mirabella,” I throw my head back in laughter as reminisce on how my wife would scream my name whilst writhing beneath me.

Not now, Matteo.

“What do you want?” The fucker asks through trembling lips and I nod with a hum. Now we’re getting somewhere. “I had spent long hours thinking about your situation with my wife and I was finally able to come up with a few theories, First, Mirabella isn’t the type of woman who’d want to be with a man like you because the truth Mark is that there’s absolutely nothing special about you. You’re just nothing but a


12:25 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 57

rich white boy with a shit ton of money, a powerful family name and a few connections,”


“Secondly, Mirabella isn’t the type of woman to condone infidelity. She frowns upon the act and it’s so weird that she seems unbothered by it when it comes to you. Lastly, Mirabella would never tolerate anyone who hurts her kids, be it verbally, physically, emotionally or event mentally and that brings me to a conclusion. A conclusion that you have something on her and you’re using that something to your advantage.”

His eyes widen and his lips part in his attempt to speak but I throw another punch against his throat, gaining a strained grunt from him as he thrashes his head in pain.

“Another rule, Mark, don’t speak until i give you permission to.” I clear my throat. “As I was saying, Mark, I don’t mean to sound cocky or anything but I’m the smartest fucking person you could ever come across which is why it was so easy figuring out what you have on my wife.”

He shifts in his seat uncomfortably and I let out a chuckle.

“Four years ago before she became a force to reckon with, she was desperately looking for a way to clean out her money when she met you. Her knight in shining armor.” I giggle humorously. “You convinced her into buying very promising properties under your name and like a naive business woman, she played right into your trap and you’ve been using that against her, You’ve refused to either refund her money or put the properties back under her name. You used the opportunity to force a relationship on her and now you’re trying to force marriage down her throat. How pathetic can you be?”

He gulps aloud, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Again, I wave my hand dramatically, urging him to stay calm.

“All I want from you is very simple. First, here’s your briefcase and I sure as hell know the property transfer documents are in there. Take out the documents and transfer each and every one of my wife’s properties back to her. Secondly, you’ll put a call across to your account officer and transfer every single dime in your name into the offshore account details that I’ve just provided.”

His voice shakes as he mumbles, “I can’t do that.”

Alessio chuckles. “You don’t have a choice white boy

Mark. It’s your money

life, choose wisely, pretty boy.”

Mark is a stubborn one that much I can tell. He blatantly refused letting go of all his assets and it took a few minutes of ruffling him up before he realized that this is a lost course. And now, he’s signing those papers with trembling fingers while crying like a little bitch. And that’s after he’s wired a few hundreds of millions into an offshore account.

An offshore account that was opened for my wife a few years back.

She’s definitely going to have a full blown heart attack when she finds out the amount of money laying around carelessly in that account.

Now, it’s time to focus on the real reason we’ve gathered here. The real reason being that certain Mark Lobster has been trying too hard to take my wife away from me.

“You know, Mark, I actually overheard your discussion with my wife and I’m truly not happy about the things you said.” I drawl, pouting playfully as i swirl a strand of his greasy hair around my index finger whilst using my other hand to rip off his pajama pants.

“W-what are you doing?” He stutters, shifting in his seat whilst attempting to pry my hand away from his groin.

“Calmati bel rag ughing at i os d i k whilst tears spill from his eyes. “The fact that you wan italia.

“Ca zzo!” Dean throws his head back in laughter when I hold up Mark’s d i c k, obs ving it with an ear to ear grin whilst basking in the shameful whimpering coming from our little friend/

“Why are you crying? Hmm? White boy Mark?” My fist is plunged into his face before he’s able to register my question. “You cheat on my


12:25 Sat, 22 Jun

Chapter 57


f u c k g wife with your disgusting f u k i n g d i c k and then you threaten my son with that useless tongue of yours?” I growl, nudging Maxwell to hold his mouth open.

I stand abruptly, kicking my seat back. I lean down, my face inching very close to his. “My name is Don Matteo. I am The Godfather of Italy and I am the head of the Denaro famiglia. No one, absolutely no one is allowed to touch the things I’ve marked as mine and that includes my wife and my children!”

Mark Lobster continues struggling with Maxwell’s grip, groaning and thrashing his head around whilst I cut his tongue off at a slow and torturous pace. Mark’s mouth is clamped shut by Maxwell’s large palm in order to m u f e his scream while I sit back down with a sigh of relief

Nodding towards the boys, Alessio picks up his axe and begins cutting Mark’s fingers off one after another until all ten fingers are completely

detached from his hand.

“Shh…”I coo, pressing my index finger against my lips as I lean forward. “Calmati… calmati, si?” He nods in understanding and I smile, signaling Maxwell to let him go.

“We could have easily avoided all this but the fact that you threatened my kid… o ! I hurt you too much didn’t 17 I’m so sorry pretty boy Mark.” I giggle. “Now, I have to go and present my wife her little gift like the wonderful husband I am and I bet she’d jump into my arms and shower me with kisses.”

I get off my seat with a chuckle. “I was just trying to be petty, Mark. Sorry if I took it too far. My friends will take care of you, si? Please be a good boy, I’d really hate to come down here myself.”

Nodding my head towards the boys, I turn on my heels with a victorious smile as I head back inside.

Except, I’m about to punish Mirabella for being so careless with my children.

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