Claiming His Luna

Chapter 10: Let It Consume You

Lucian’s POV

“The Fells are getting closer to our borders, and they are well aware of it. We mustn’t allow them to see us as incapable of protecting our lands,” Lord Dandaario, a member of my small council, expressed his worries.

We currently find ourselves engrossed in a meeting, deliberating the audacious intrusion of the Fell packs onto our territory.

“Lord Danbury Fell, a man with influential connections to the southern Lords, leads their pack. Provoking them would be unwise,” remarked Lord Ferell, a trusted confidant of my father.

Lord Dandaario forcefully struck the table in a fit of anger.

“They are the ones causing trouble, Lord Ferell. We can’t allow them to believe that the North can be taken lightly. Their invasion is not only an insult to our pack but also a direct challenge,” he asserted vehemently.

I rubbed my temples, sensing the return of all the emotions I had worked hard to suppress.

“Please, my Lords, let us maintain composure. We cannot effectively address the matter with the Fells if we resort to bickering amongst ourselves,” Lady Stark interjected, attempting to lighten the tense atmosphere.

“Lord Lucian, do you have any input?” All eyes around the table turned to me, waiting for my response. I clenched my fist beneath the table as a surge of burning rage coursed through me.

“We will give the Fells exactly what they’re looking for,” I replied through gritted teeth.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Lucian, you must carefully consider the implications. This could escalate into a full-blown war,” Lord Ferell attempted to reason with me. I turned my gaze to him, taken aback by his audacity to question my decision.

“Are you daring to question me, my Lord?” I addressed him intently, watching his face register visible shock at the intensity displayed on mine.

Frank, standing silently behind me, discreetly moved closer.

“Your eyes, Sire,” he whispered into my ear.

I halted at his words, shutting my eyes tightly. Perhaps they had turned a fiery shade of red, a clear sign of my waning temper. Losing control once more. Scanning the room, I observed the expressions of fear and concern marked on the faces of the people surrounding me.

“The Fells will either retreat from our lands willingly or be forced to do so. Until then, no action will be taken without my explicit command,” I declared with firm finality.

“That concludes our discussions for this evening,” I announced curtly before leaving.

Frank trailed behind me as I stormed out of the room, each step resonating with anger and fury, compelling those I encountered in the corridors to bow down in fear.

Naturally, my employees and council members harboured a certain degree of fear towards me. Effective leadership often necessitates instilling a measure of apprehension. Yet, what they bore witness to today exceeded those bounds. I had tried hard to hide my condition over the past weeks, but it had inadvertently surfaced earlier. Revealing weakness or vulnerability was simply not an option.

“Sire,” Frank called out, struggling to keep pace with my brisk stride. I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor, desperately needing a brief rest to clear my head. Frank hurriedly attempted to halt the closing doors, but they had already sealed shut.

Upon reaching the parking lot, I retrieved my keys. This incessant mating ordeal was driving me to the brink of madness. I desperately needed a break this time.

“Sire, where are you going?” Frank pleaded, trying to stop the car’s movement. I rolled down the window instantly, throwing a sharp glance at him.

“Get out of my damn way,” I seethed, pressing down on the pedals. Frank hastily veered to the side, narrowly avoiding the collision. I promptly raised the window, shutting him out.

Honestly, I didn’t have a specific destination in mind. I simply drove recklessly through the night at breakneck speed, yearning to escape the suffocating atmosphere. I couldn’t let them see me in such a state of turmoil. If my people saw me as lacking control, their confidence would waver as well. I held the duty of maintaining stability, but how could I achieve that balance if I myself was struggling?

Lost deep in thought, I suddenly found myself halting in the middle of the expanse of a forest. Jumping off my car, I secured it and slipped my hands into my pockets. Sitting on the car hood, I tilted my gaze upward, fixating on the single moon that appeared in the night sky.

“What on earth is happening to me, Papà?” I uttered, my voice filled with anguish.

It had been three years since my father’s passing, a cruel and rare ailment snatching him away from this world. In his absence, I assumed the position of an Alpha, leading our pack, and took on the role of the CEO of our family’s business empire. Even though I had been trained and engaged in the operations of our businesses while he was alive, the emptiness he left behind was still deeply felt.

Time had gone by, and I had successfully surpassed the uncertain path, figuring out the type of leader I wanted to become and picking up a few strategies to keep the company thriving. Just as I was starting to regain command of my life after my father’s passing, this condition struck me.

Closing my eyes, I drew in a deep breath. Echoes of my mother’s voice reverberated through my mind, “Let it consume you.”

Clearing my thoughts, I let go of the firm grip on my suppressed emotions. I embraced the surging tide of feelings, allowing the burning sensations to engulf my entire being.

Giving in to the flood of pent-up emotions, I felt my very bones crack and shift. Opening my eyes, I knew they had transformed into a fiery crimson hue. The transformation into my wolf form had started, and I willingly gave in to each sensation and emotion, embracing the overwhelming torrent that coursed through me.

After the transformation had been completed, I sprinted through the forest, feeling free and unrestrained. The chill breeze caressed my fur, and the moon illuminated my path, serving as my sole guide in the deepest part of the vast forest.

In that wild and unbridled state, I enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, savouring the freedom offered by night. Fully unaware of my surroundings, time slipped away, and exhaustion eventually engulfed me, luring me into a deep sleep in the middle of the woods.


Waking from my heavy sleep, I discovered myself in my human form, without any clothes on. Looking around, I attempted to retrace my steps, struggling to recall the way home. Everything seemed strange, and I couldn’t transform into a wolf as the scorching sun beat down from above.

I tried to find my way back, wandering through the wilderness without clothes, relying on brief flashes of recognition. Hours stretched on as I slowly walked my way, until finally, I emerged from the woods and found my car. Thankfully, no one had come across me during my naked walk.

Even though I had lost my keys, the fingerprint scanner allowed me to get inside the car, making me settle safely and easily without anybody noticing my nakedness. I drove my way back home, only to find my concerned mother waiting anxiously at the gates.

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