Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 91

Aston’s voice cut through the tension, his eyes gleaming with triumph. “I know you know better, Kira. You’re smarter than to Cross me. I was seriously resisting the urge not to cry. I felt so dumb, so freaking fickle! Coming all the way here with Brax by my side and still not being able to achieve anything worthwhile. The only thing I achieved was embarrassment. Aston had once again managed to show me who was boss and it was not me.

My legs trembled as I inched away from Brax. My lips trembled but I was determined to stop the tears from falling. I was already embarrassed enough, I could not add to it by crying. I would never be able to live with myself.

I was now standing in front of Brax, just a few inches away from him, I could still hear the sound of his ragged angry breath and I could almost feel the heat of it against my neck.

Aston paused, his gaze lingering on me with a mixture of mockery and amusement. He was having so much fun with what he was putting me through, he was going to realise in this moment of his victory over and again and he was going to make fun of me each and every time. He was going to put me through so much **it and I didn’t even know the half of it yet.

Maybe if I had just gone on the trip with trying to start a war before leaving, it would have gone so much more easier. Who knew what kind of sic**t he was going to put me through because of what just happened. Aston held grudges tighter than he held my a** the last time he f**d me, he was not going to let this pass and I was going to pay for every minute of it.

“You know the consequences of disobeying me.” He said, his words loud and clear. There was no mistaking what he said. He was flaunting his authority in my face and letting me know that there was nothing I could do about what just happened. He was making me aware that he was in charge and I was going to have to get through him if I wanted to get anything done. My heart was hardening, I was going to show Aston. I was really going to put him in his place even if it took everything in me.

I remained silent, my teeth gritted in frustration. I didn’t dare look at Brax, afraid of what I might see. I went all the way to his room, made him aware of my problems then somehow managed to drag him into it. I didn’t have any intention for us to come down here and I felt really bad that I had to let this happen. I put Brax in the middle of a problem he had no business with

I had no idea why I was consistently attracting trouble into my life. It was either one trouble or the other. I had no idea if the goddess was behind this or if I was just naturally endowed with bad luck. I tried to think back, I tried to figure out when it really started to go wrong. When was it that I got cursed? When was it that my life decided to go down the drain?

His anger and frustration were palpable, and I knew that Aston was baiting him, trying to provoke a reaction. Brax didn’t know that though, they both ran on their egos. Their pride was really important to them and in Aston’s case, his pride care, before anything else in his life, Brax still knew how to be reasonable. He knew how to set his priorities right and that was something that I was glad about. There was at least one reasonable one.

“Leave us, Kira,” Aston ordered, his voice dripping with annoyance. “Go change into something suitable for travel. I’ll summon you when it’s time to leave. The sound of his voice made my ears bleed and I felt so irritated at his orders.

He waved his hand dismissively, as if I were a servant. Not only his words were insulting anymore, it was they way he looked at me, the way he ordered me around without even opening his mouth to speak. I was always on the verge of madness every time he made me do something that I didn’t want to do.

I hesitated, not wanting to leave Brax behind. But I knew I had no choice. It was like leaving a lamb with a lion and I felt so freaking worried. Only one of them was reasonable and it was not Aston. Brax was not exactly in the calmest of moods at the moment and it worried me what would become of two of them in the same space.

I wanted to stand my ground and stay but that would be defying Aston and he held all the power, and I was just a pawn in his game. I took one last look at Brax, his eyes blazing with anger and frustration. Then I turned and left, my heart heavy with despair. I prayed earnestly that nothing went wrong. I was genuinely worried for Brax

As1 walked away, I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I was consumed by a feeling of powerlessness, trapped in a life I couldn’t escape. “when would it all end?”

When the hell would I gain back my freaking freedom?”


Chapter 91

“When would I have the power to make my own decisions again

I felt like a prisoner, a slave to Aston’s whims. Someone he could control with just a flick of his finger. Someone he could bend to his will with just and order. Someone whose entire life was being controlled with strings. I was practically a puppet and that sickened me to my stomach. I was always aware that I didn’t hold much power in this pack but right now was when I found out how inly powerless I was.

I was grateful that at least, I wasn’t pregnant anymore, sparing an innocent child from this cruel world. How would I be able to defend it when I could not even defend myself? How would be able to command respect from my child when I myself had lost my

sell respect? How would I be able to give it everything it truly deserved?

It would have hated me even more than I would have hated myself. I mourned the loss of my child but I celebrated its return to a much better place than I could have ever been able to give it.

After dressing in a simple tunic and leggings, I sat on my bed, my mind racing with anxiety. I didn’t even know if I was properly dressed for the trip because I had zero knowledge about the trip, I didn’t know if it was going to be too cold or too hot, if I was going to need less clothing or more clothing.

What were Aston and Brax discussing? Was Aston revealing the dark secrets that I intended to go to my grave with? Was he telling him things that I would rather die than let someone else hear? Was he telling about the times we had sex?

1 hoped not knowing that Brax would never look at me the same way again. I felt a chill run down my spine at the thought. Brax was confident that I hated Aston and I would never willingly have anything to do with him so heating that her had sex twice! Would be completely unimaginable.

Before I could dwell further and overthink myself to death, a guard summoned me that Aston was waiting outside. I gathered my belongings, my heart heavy with worry. I didn’t know what lay ahead, but I knew it couldn’t be good. I wanted to see Brax before leaving, even if it was just a wave or a glance from afar, I wanted to see his face. I wanted to know what he looked like, I would be able to tell from his face if Aston manageil to make him hate me already or if he was okay and Aston didn’t do anything wild and unreasonable to him.

As I approached the car, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Mara approaching, her luggage in hand and a determined look on her face. I had thought it was Brax coming to fight, my heart was already beating real fast trying to think about my faith.

“Aston,” she said, her voice firm. “I’m coming with you.”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised. “What do you mean?” if Kira was going with us then my life was going to be hellish for sure.

Mara’s eyes locked on mine, “I’m not letting you go alone. We’rein this together, always.” She glanced around, her eyes finally settling on Aston and I stared in between them. Confused as hell.

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