Claimed By The Dangerous Alpha King: Betrayed Luna Novel by Gorgeous Aliyah

Chapter 48

I felt my heart leap into my throat and threaten to leave my body if I didn’t act fast.

The way he smelled threatened to drive me mad and strip me of all my senses. And to think all he had to do to mess with my mind was take a cold shower annoyed me. I probably didn’t have anything close to that kind of effect on him.

His presence in my room was a little more than shocking and just like always, his expression gave me no information on what’s on what he was about to do to me. I had no clue as to why he was here and it was only natural that I was curious but for some reason, it felt good to see him. It didn’t change the Tact that I was mad at him for what went down at the throne room though.

I waited for him to say something, anything. Tell me why he was here in front of my door occupying the entire floor frame with his wide chest, why he was looking at me without looking away but nothing came out from him instead, he stepped into my room without permission and closed the door behind him, I felt a surge of flustered emotions. Coming in was one thing but shutting the door behind him was another thing entirely that hakl my heart beating harder than necessary.

His presence was overwhelming, it was safe to say that I was being choked by his presence and I couldn’t help but remember the time we had sex. It wasn’t what I was supposed to be thinking about at a time like this but my stupid brain couldn’t help but bring back memories from that night with images so vivid, I was sure my face wasn’t doing a great job at masking my embarrassment at the things that I did to the man standing in front of me, shamelessly,

He inched closer, towering over me like a mountain and the moment he rescued me suddenly pooped up in my head. The way he growled and chased the men off just by the sound of his voice. The way he helped me up like a knight in shining armour, it all felt so surreal. I couldn’t believe the same man that gave me his shirt to cover up after saving me in the middle of nowhere in the woods and helped me back home was standing in front of me, in my room with mean scowl on his face. It was like he was a completely different person than he was then and I wasn’t even sure what version of him I wanted more.

The fact that he was now my fated mate didn’t make things better. I wasn’t sure how to feel standing in front of him. Was I supposed to feel ashamed of myself for having sex with him? grateful for him saving me, worried that we are somehow mates or annoyed at the judgement he made? Confusion clouded my judgement for a little while as I stood rooted to the ground but then I realised grateful was something I could afford at the moment.

We were stuck together in the room, annoying him wasn’t going to do me any good. He could very well harm me as effectively as he could save me.

I cleared my throat, trying to sound calm so I could thank him for rescuing me but my voice still betrayed me as I spoke. “Thank you for coming for me,” I said, trying and failing to sound gracious.

But he just stood there, silent, his eyes fixed on me. I wondered what he was thinking, why he was even here. And then he finally spoke, his voice low and rough.

“I’m not here to get a half hearted display of gratitude from you, I’m ok much more serious business. I’m here because of our… situation,” he said, his eyes narrowing and his index fingers dancing through the space between the both of us.

“Our situation?” I repeated, my heart racing with annoyance. I had no idea what he was about to say about “our situation” but I knew what he was talking about and the way he referred to it like it was something that was an abomination to utter annoyed the shit out of me.

If anyone was supposed to be embarrassed about the whole thing, it was definitely me and not him but he was in front of me acting like he was some sort of untouchable god and I was about to put a dent on his “impeccable image”

“Yes, Kira. Our situation. We’re fated mates now. And I can’t accept it,” he said, his voice firm, his word blunt and his eyes venomous. He was practically glaring at me as he spoke. As she rejected me so brutally, who the hell did he think that he was talking to me in that manner? If anyone was supposed to be mad about this union, it was me! Not him.

I felt a surge of annoyance. Did he really think I was excited about being mated to him? That I had been hoping for this? I aceded him to get the f**k of his high horse and think clearly.

“I understand,” I said coolly. “And I don’t want you as a mate either.” I made sure to add so I could make him understand he wasn’t that much of a catch either.

Aston scowled at me, his eyes harrowing. “You don’t want me?” he repeated, his voice laced with disbelief and the shock his face was almost laughable. He thought he was the king of all the women and he could get any woman he wanted, tho it was not exactly far from the truth it didn’t make me feel any better. I also wasn’t part of the women he could get just because he wanted.

“No, I don’t,” I said firmly. “And I’m sure you’re relieved to hear that. His teeth gritted and he rubbed the back of his palr with his other hand like he was holding back the urge to beat me up.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Watch your mouth, Kira,” he growled. “Remember who you’re speaking to.” He said doing all his best to flaunt his author over me.

I hated that even in a situation as horrendous as this one, the only thing he could think of was himself. Did he think that I was excited to be mated to the man that had brought me nothing but great pain? M

The man that had imprisoned me and turned my life into a living hell. The man that played a major role in the loss of my unborn baby. The same man that had brought us nothing but hardships and difficulties as soon as I stepped into his pack. The man that has treated me like nothing but trash?

If he thought I was excited about getting mated to me, then he was really wrong. He was terribly wrong, he couldn’t have been more wrong as a matter of fact.

I didn’t even know that getting a second chance mate was a possiblity for me or for anyone else as a matter of fact. I had always thought that it was just a myth but I guess I was wrong. I had prayed that if there was such a thing as getting chance to fall in love again, then everyone should get whatever and whoever they deserved.

I guess the prayer didn’t end up working for me because Aston being my second chance mate was the most horrible that could ever happen to anyone.

“I know you don’t want me to let anyone know about this but I need you to know that I’m not excited about this either and would be traumatic as it would be for you for me, if not even Worse.”

Aston turned to look at me offended by my disrespect. He looked like he was about to explode in his clothes but he takes slow deep breaths before finally speaking again.

“I don’t give two shits what you do with your life, what I just need you to know is that the moment anyone finds about this, then you will be in serious trouble. I’m going to make you regret having a mouth then I’m going to make you regret using it I was not immune to his threats completely but the anger that I was feeling at the moment numbed every other emotion that was brewing at the surface of my chest.

It felt like if I even moved too much, I was going to explode. I tried to keep it all in, I was doing my best to keep my mouth shut but it literally felt like my heart was going to stop working if I didn’t say what I was about to say.

Aston was already in his way out of my room, stomping towards the door like the warrior he was.

“Why didn’t you arrest Mara?” I blurted.

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