Cinderella And Her Beautiful Octuplets

Chapter 293

Chapter 293

“Alex, leave the kitchen, I and my wife want some privacy-”

“But sir….”

“Alex, I said leave the kitchen-” he said as he turned to Alex who had a fearful look on his face.

“Brandon…” Hannah called and Brandon turned to her.

“Yes honey,” he said but then paused when he saw the look on Hannah’s face, while she was staring at a particular place.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“The chicken is on fire” Hannah yelled and Brandon turned swiftly only to see the pot of oil and chicken on fire.

“Oh my God!” Brandon yelled as he ran to switch off the gas while Hannah quickly covered the pot thereby putting them off the fire.

Alex quickly opened all the windows.

Hannah and Brandon started coughing, as they walked out of the kitchen.

They both stared at each other and burst into laughter and suddenly they both stopped laughing and stared at each other.

Hannah sighed.

“How can you forget the chicken was on fire, the house would have caught fire, ” Hannah said and Brandon shrugged.

“I would have gotten a new one,” Brandon said and Hannah rolled her eyes.

He chuckled and moved towards her and grabbed her by her waist.

“You were the one who made me forget I had put the chicken on fire. You are my weakness Hannah” he said as their gaze locked with their faces moving closer to each other about to kiss when they heard a voice from behind making them stop.

“Oh my goodness! Where’s this smoke coming from? Is the house on fire?” Lucas, who had just entered the house, said as he saw smoke coming out of the kitchen.

Hannah rolled their eyes.

“I’m going to kill you for interrupting this good moment,” Brandon thought as he clenched his fist.

Lucas stared at both Hannah and Brandon who were staring at him like she was some kind of ghost.

“Why is there smoke everywhere?” Lucas asked and Hannah shrugged and turned to Brandon.

Lucas stared at Brandon, it was then he noticed he was putting on an apron.

“Oh my goodness! Don’t tell me you were trying to cook. And I’m not surprised.

You have the money, you could buy a new house when you burn down this one” Lucas said and then gave Hannah and Brandon one last glance before walking away.

Hannah and Brandon both stared at Lucas and then smiled.

Just then they saw Alex walk out of the kitchen.

“Sir, do you want to continue cooking, or the maids should take over?” Alex asked.

“Yes I….”

“No, I would do the cooking. Brandon would assist or sit and watch me” Hannah said and Brandon hummed.

“Yeah, I don’t want the house to catch fire again and please this time, keep your distance from me and don’t distract me,” Hannah said with a bossy look on and Brandon chuckled.

“Anything for you my Lady,” Brandon said and then bowed his head Hannah smiled and rolled her eyes before walking inside the kitchen with Brandon trailing behind her.

Meanwhile, Arianna stood by the staircase upstairs watching Hannah and Brandon from upstairs.

She knew the day he sent Hannah to Brandon, it was the best decision he had ever made.

Hannah was the best decision for her son, Brandon. And if there’s one thing she knows, Hannah and Brandon may fight, argue, or disagree with each other but at the end of the day, they would fight for each other because their love is so strong.

A wide smile crept onto her lips.

She sighed and then turned to leave when she saw Lisa walking towards her.

“The Devil’s Mistress,” Arianna said as she stared at Lisa from head to toe with a look of irritation on her face.

“I know you don’t like me, and I do not like you too but this time I come in peace,” Lisa said and Arianna smiled.

“Can you leave in peace now?” She asked in response, forcing herself to smile and Lisa rolled her eyes.

“You sound so much like Hannah or should I say she sounds like you. Sometimes I feel like you should be her mother instead of Brandon’s. No offense, it’s just that the both of you look so much alike in so many ways and all” Lisa said and Arianna stared at her without saying a word.

“Okay don’t give me that killer look. I’m only doing this because of my daughter.

I know we didn’t start on the right track, and I’m sorry if I ever did any wrong to you. I know I didn’t do anything but I just want to apologize for not doing anything to you” She smiled and Arianna stared at her looking confused.

“I’m just trying to apologize for…..” she paused and then continued.

“I do not know what I’m apologizing for but I’m sorry. I hope you can start liking me now” she said and Arianna sighed.

“I thought you were going to say something important. You just wasted two minutes of my time only to hear you say gibberish” she said and was about to walk away but then she paused and turned to Lisa.

“I don’t hate you, I just hate the fact that you turned my sons against each other. If you are willing to change, you should make up for all the things you did,”

“And how do I make up for all the bad things I have done because if I know I have done a lot of bad things,” she said and Arianna shrugged.

“You sure you want to make up for all the things you’ve done?” Arianna asked with a serious look on and Lisa nodded in response with a smile on her face.

“Hmm, you can start by packing your things and leave this house,” Arianna said and the smile on Lisa’s face disappeared.

“But I don’t have anywhere else to go?-”

“You can sleep on the street, we all know you belong there”


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