Chasing My Ex-wife Back

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Eric stood in disbelief as he watched Cole storm into the car and the driver drove away immediately.

Sill not understanding what the hell was going on, Eric took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Moore since he was certain that Moore was the only one who could talk to Cole and Cole would listen.

It rang for a while.

“Hi, In Law, I had it in my mind to call you after my meeting today. Let me be the first to congratulate you. We are Grandfathers already. How cool is that? Well, I am so excited because we would no longer get intimidated in meetings as we are now in the granddad leagues.”

“I don’t understand why these kids made us wait this late though. But it’s better late than never I guess.

“I don’t care about what you are saying. Tell your son to stay the hell away from my family!!!”

“What do you mean?” He could hear confusion all over Moore’s voice.

“He just left my home. He was so close to murdering my daughter. What the hell?”

“Cole? Are you sure of what you are saying?” Moore asked, finding it so hard to believe because as far as he knew, Cole would never lay his hands on any woman.

“He also disrespected my wife by hitting her. My home was in chaos a while back.”

“I know my daughter and Cole have been having lots of issues. But I feel there are better ways to handle the situation even when he is in doubt about the paternity of the child.”

“What do you mean Cole is in doubt about paternity? Of course, he is the father. They have been dating for years now. I am sure he is just having cold feet. He is scared about becoming a father.”

“Cold feet to the point of almost harming my daughter and wife? No, he really needs to do better! At least even though he is being doubtful, he should have waited until the child was born to request DNA and not try to strangle my daughter to death.”

“I’m really sick of these back and forth. Tell your son to stay away from my family.”

“I am really sorry about this, Eric. I will talk to Cole.”

Eric rolled his eyes, ending the call, and then he made his way into the house.

“Get lost!!! What the hell are you staring at?” Connie shouted at the housekeeper who genuinely wanted to get water for Vanessa who was seated on the floor, coughing profusely, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

The housekeeper obeyed Connie and/took her leave. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Connie helped herself up and approached Vanessa who was shedding tears nonstop. “Come on, get up.” She reached for her daughter’s hand, trying to help her stand, but her daughter refused

“Come on, baby. Don’t let what that asshole did to you weigh you down.”

Chapter 361

Col…cole… he almost led me. Morn. I thought I was going to die.”

“But you are not dead. Stand up, baby” Connie succeeded in pulling her daughter up from the floor and made her get a seat on the couch. She went over to the nearest table, poured some water into a glass cup, took out somet tissue, and went back to where Vanessa was seated.

She wiped Vanessa’s face with the tissue, and subsequently handed her a glass of water which she only took a sip of

Connic put the glass cup on a nearby table and turned her full attention to her daughter, intertwining her hands with Vanessa’s own. “Calm down, my love.”

“I don’t think I can do this anymore, Mom.”

Connie glared at her daughter. “You want to give up because of that?”

“He almost killed me, Mom.”

“Oh, you think I didn’t fight battles too? If I wasn’t strong enough, do you think you and I would actually be here, in this mansion or how else do you think you ended up as the heiress of this family? It is definitely not going to be an easy journey so you need to be strong.”

Vanessa stared at her mother with wide eyes. “I know we have done shitty things but please don’t tell me you have a hand in Aura’s death?” She referred to Hailey’s mom.

“Oh please!” Connie scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Who cares about that bitch! Besides, why does it matter?”

“The whole point of the conversation is that you have to be strong. If you want to stay rich for the rest of your life, then you have to marry rich! I made the sacrifice for you and you need to do the same so your child can enjoy wealth too.”

“What I mean is that it is not always easy to get attached to being the wife of a rich man. He is Cole Matthis, of course, every woman will want him to herself.

“Hailey is temporarily rich. But why do you think she seems so pained that you are carrying Cole’s child? Because she would do anything to be in your shoes.”

“The goal is to be rich, marry someone richer, and let generations to come enjoy the wealth.”

“She used to be pregnant. I think she lost the baby.” Vanessa voiced out, feeling a bit better.

“Oh, please, that was a long time ago. She was probably lying to you or the baby died. If the baby was alive, there is no way we would not know about it. A child is the quickest way to get tied to a man.”

“See baby, you really don’t have to give up because of that.”

“I don’t know, mama. I don’t think I can endure an abusive man.” Vanessa said with a shaky voice..

“You call that abusive?”

“Would you have preferred if I died?” Vanessa responded furiously, not believing what her mother was saying.

“Grow up, Nessa! What did you expect? Something like this was bound to happen. I mean, it is so clear that Cole and Hailey like each other. If not, why did Cole come to confront us? Hailey told us to our face that she has nothing to do with Cole but it hasn’t been hours since we left her shitty company and Cole is here acting like a

Chapter 36

maniac. They are definitely close in some way.”

“That bich!!!!” Vanessa said with gritted teeth.

“Yeah, we hit them really hard. They never expected it and that was why Cole was here to let out his anger. But with what we did, I am sure Hailey would want nothing to do with Cole.”

“You sure?”

*Of course. If there is anything I know about Hailey, it is the fact that she is very stubborn and hates lies. So we’ve got nothing to worry about. We did the right thing and now, Cole is all yours.”

“You talked about him being violent. Didn’t you see him hit me?”

Vanessa sighed, not knowing what to say.

“I am sure he acted in the heat of the moment. Just give him time. I know he is going to come around.”

“Has he ever laid a hand on you before?” Connie asked her daughter.

Vanessa shook her head.“Even when I pushed him to the edge. He never has.”

“I think that should give you your answer. And please stop saying that he almost killed you. If Cole wants you dead, then trust me, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It takes him nothing to end your life if he was a murderer. He just wants to scare us away from him and his obsessed affair with Hailey.”

“We’ve come a long way, there is no way we are going to give up now.” Connie gave her daughter’s hand a light


“Are you insane? You saw he almost killed my daughter!” Eric strolled into the living room with nothing but anger all over his face.

“Oh, please, it is not a big deal. This is a strategy by Cole. I don’t know why you all aren’t seeing that. He came here to scare us all away.”

Eric ignored his wife and approached his daughter. “Who is the father of the baby you are carrying?”

Connie rose to her feet. “Why would you be asking that question, Eric? Cole is the only man in her life so he is the father.”

“Keep shut, Connie. My question wasn’t directed at you.” Eric glared at his wife and turned his attention back to Vanessa who was trembling.

“Who is the father?”

*Answer me, Woman! Who is the father?” Eric said at the top of his voice, making Vanessa jump where she was


“C….cole…cole… is that father.”

“Don’t you dare lie to me. I am not a fucking idiot. Cole may be overreacting but he is not stupid not to know that a child is his or not.

Chapter 36

“Cole is the father. I don’t know why he hates me so much and wouldn’t accept me and the baby.”

“From now on, I forbid you to see him.”

14.30 Sat, 20 Apr

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