The sun is smooching the sky, saying goodbye to the day and ushering in the night. The first part of this party has been so good so far. Everyone is having fun and enjoying a kick out of the party to the fullest.

I have mingled a lot with some of Jerol’s distinguished guests, and his parents too. Everyone was nice, except for that gross woman he has for a mother. She didn’t seem to be so delighted, but today though, she didn’t seem to be so annoyingly antagonistic as before. I could not wrap my finger well around her mood swings during the few minutes we were together. I would also love to steal a glance at her from afar, but this place is flooded with people. It’s hard to spot someone except my husband who accidentally happens to be everywhere my eyes land. How did Jerol even organize all this in just a day?

Looking at my prince charming as he mingles with his people, I must say that I am seeing the most glossiest face on earth in him. I love the way he seems free and happy. That smile, is something I can’t take my eyes off. Something that satisfies my heart.

I would have loved to be by his side all the time till the end, but my lethargic pregnant self couldn’t cope ambling around for so long. The heels are like a thorn in my feet as well, hence why I had to leave him alone for a bit and take a rest. I should join him now because being beside him is my duty and pleasure.


Come to think of it… How will I break my surprise to him, huh? I mean, I just can not grab the microphone and fix my eyes on his and howl to the world that I am carrying his baby, damn! Now why did I not think of a way to break this news? Or should I just whisper to his ears after he breaks his surprise for me? Gosh! What was I thinking? Hang on, ooh, I know. Maybe I should just place his hand gently on my belly, and rub it around as I whisper the news between us? That sounds a little bit better, right? Yeah! But so old-school! Dang it!

“You seem so lost for someone who is hosting such a huge party!” A voice strokes my ears from behind me.

Even without turning, I know that itching tone very well. I have mastered it so well. Hopefully, she isn’t here to cause trouble. I am in an ecstatic mood today. I don’t want anything to wreck this joy from me. But I also know this woman, and I also know that there is a threshold to what I can take. I should go to Jerol to avert getting into any trouble if I pay attention to this enemy of my peace.

I stand up ready to leave. The last time we spoke, the dialogue ended not so well. Since she has eyes and can clearly see that I redeemed her son, or should I say that “I fixed her son”, as she put it back then, I should leave her to deal with her own issues alone. She brings nothing but trouble whenever she looks for me. I can’t do this. I can’t deal with her bitchy self today.

Turning around, I meet with her face racking right in front of my nose. The way I am dwarfed beneath her tall demoanor sucks more than the dismal expression on her face. There is no tinge of mockery – the crown she always wears whenever she faces me. There is no anger, nor joy, and you know what, I don’t give a damn what her problem is or what her moods insinuates. My goal is to escape her. She is like a chameleon – camouflaging in a second. She is always a ticking bomb, ready to blow me up every time we crash. But not today.

“I will go to my husband.” I thought it decent enough to excuse myself. She should know that I am not a bitch as she sees me. She just provokes me.

Trying to lift up my leg to evade her, she pins her hand on my right shoulder, stopping me. I know. She doesn’t like intimidations. I had to play the obedient girl and take a step back, but deep down, I am like, “What the heck now, woman”? I mean, she doesn’t hate me that much to awaken my demons now, does she?

“Look here, Mrs McCall, I…”

“Won’t you at least force yourself to call me mother?”Heaven is coming down to earth! What’s that? Where did that even come from? Definitely not from her. But, she is the only person before me.

Mother? She must be joking if not confused! I mean, does she know who she is talking to? It is me, for crying out loud! The girl she never liked from the very first day she set her eyes on. The same girl she has taunted and looked down upon over and over again and again ever since day one of our encounter. The one she almost kicked out of her son’s house and life. The one she made it clear that she can never be part of this family. And now, this? Is she a joke herself?

I was about to speak, to let her know that it is me, Angelica, like she annoyingly calls me, but she beat me to it.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Congratulations, Tessa! You passed the test.” Huh? Test, huh? She throws a quick glance at Jerol, and I follow her gaze, staring at the criterion of beauty known as my husband. “I have never seen my son this way. He seems totally a brand new person, all thanks unto you.” She drags her gaze back to me, and I fix mine on her as she adds. “It’s not in my nature to bow to someone, but I give you a bow today. You won this one, and I must say that I didn’t believe in your capabilities even just one bit.”Of course! She didn’t have to say that.

“And so, just because I redeemed your son, I have now reaped an emblem to be considered a McCall?” I ask, and she goes mute. So unlike her. I take the opportunity to add. “Just so you know, Mrs McCall, I did not do it for you, madam. I didn’t stay just to try and pass your test so that you can finally accept me. As I told you before, I do not need to prove myself to no one! Jerol’s love alone is more than enough for me. At least for him, I didn’t have to prove myself or anything.” I stop, and she drops her glass of juice to the table before speaking.

“I understand where you are coming from, Tessa. But I need you also to understand that I was just looking out for my son.” She says, boldly as if she merits a medal for treating me like garbage before.

So it was okay for her to throw all those insults and accusations at me in the freaking name of looking out for her son? How… nkt! The only thing calming my demons down right now is the fact that at least she is not calling me that old granny’s name.

“Looking out for your son, you say? I am not a mother yet, but I think looking out for my son’s well-being would mean considering and respecting his choices. I was Jerol’s choice, but you didn’t even bother giving me a chance to prove myself. Your son was a mess, yet instead of understanding what he was going through, you diverted all your attention to questioning his choice of wife. How does that sum up to looking out for your own son?” I query, and her face hunches down.

Mrs High and Mighty? Bowing down? This is news, but I don’t whether to call it good or bad news.

She looks up after some seconds, her aqua eyes full of remorse and regrets and sorrow. I didn’t even know she had such beautiful eyes.

“Look, Tessa. I am sorry, okay? I was just being a mother in my own way. Believe you me, I love Jerol so much even if I don’t show it always. I apologize for all the bad things I said to you. I really am sorry. Let us leave bygones be, and start afresh. As a family.” She pleads.

Family? Smirk at that!

“I still don’t have a surname, Madam McCall. I will never have one, and I don’t have a family like yours. As far as I recall, social standards and surnames matter to you so much.” I speak.

“Not anymore. I might not know you, but I trust in Jerol. There must have been something special in you that attracted him, and I believe I have seen it. Your forbearance, your vigor, your love and care, your strong will… The list is endless. My husband wasn’t wrong when he said that Jerol was mining a gold. You are the best thing that happened to Jerol. Welcome to the family, Tessa Angeline, McCall!” She says, extending her hands wide open for something I find so hard to comprehend.

“If I failed to redeem your son, would you have accepted me?” I ask.

“The fact that you stayed and endured everything. The fact that you tried even when it seemed impossible and under all the pressures you were in, that alone is enough, my daughter. You are a true loving, caring, and dedicated wife. Welcome to the family, my child.” Her hands are still wide open, a genuine smile plastered on her lips.

I fall into her arms, and she wraps them too tight around me. This feels so sweet and odd. Sweet, because I have never received even a single hug from my own mother. I never knew how it feels to be in a mother’s arms. And this is odd because I had to experience this with a stranger. A total stranger!

“Wow! I didn’t know there was a small party inside the main one. What’s the occasion?” Mr McCall startles us, and we break from the hug.

I was about to tear up from that warmth. It is a feeling I can’t explain. Sweet and warm and all so beautiful. Why did God have to give me such a mean mother, huh? Sha! That aside. She isn’t worthy of ruining this day.

“I was just welcoming our daughter to the family. We should do a party at home to welcome her properly, don’t you agree?” Mrs McCall speaks, appalling even her own husband.

“Mmh. So, should I take it that you two have patched things up? No more bakering and…””Hey, love! Come on! We have buried everything so don’t take us back there. Don’t be a killer joy!” She defends herself from her husband.

“Okay, my dear. I agree with the idea. And they should start preparing for the church wedding now, don’t you think so?” Father says.

The name father rolls out just on its own when it comes to Mr McCall. He is such a sweet and understanding man from the beginning. Easy to blend with. That is why I don’t struggle at all or feel odd addressing him as my father. I see a father figure in him, and I consider him a father that I never had. Fate is smiling at me for once in my life.

“You are right.” Mrs McCall chirps, turning to me as she adds. “And they should start preparing to give us a grandchild soon. I can’t wait to become a granny.”Ooh, my! She can’t hide the rapture of that notion. Well, she will be. Sooner than she can know. Well, she already is since the seed is joyously growing in my belly.

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