CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

Like father like daughter

Chapter 41 Like father like daughter


Emma bite down on her lips, her eyes kept darting between her phone and the floor. It has been more than four weeks since she reached out to Darby at her store. She had thought giving her such space will make the girl crave for her mother and think to call. However, she felt foolish for thinking it would come that easy. For a girl who has lived without her mother for half a decade, she definitely doesn’t need a mother now.

Standing up from the bed, she walked to her closet to find something to wear. Emma couldn’t sit still any longer, the waiting approach obviously didn’t work. If she spends another month in the house with Noah she would definitely be subjected to losing her sanity. Not only does her hatred for him mount everyday, his interest in getting Darby to come to him by all means makes her want to gorge out his eyes.

If only Darby would hear her out, Noah and Abigail definitely seem to be in cahoot over Darby’s case. Emma couldn’t understand why they still feel spiteful towards someone who did nothing wrong to them. She constantly have herself to blame. Noah has threatened to cause scandals for Darby if she doesn’t act right and put him under a monthly pay scheme. He had given Emma an ultimatum till the end of the new week before he gets to do what he wants. It made her feel useless as a mother, there is no way she would ever be able to mend her mistakes by putting her daughter in the hands of a shameless person like Noah.

Dressing up with determination, she stepped out of the house, promising herself to not give up until Darby finds a way to forgive her and also put Noah in his place. Flagging down a taxi, she called out her destination. Biting down on her finger habitually, Emma’s eyes watered as she stared out the window. She no doubt deserves the life she got. What mother would hate her own child for years all in a bid to please an undeserving husband? It’s her fault that Darby hates her so much.

“We are have arrived.” The driver announced.

Emma’s heart paced as she stared at the fashion house fearfully. Her words suddenly seem to fail her. Taking a deep breath she made her way in bumping into Darby who was laughing with Isabella with a sleepy Sinclair in hand. Darby’s wide laughter dwindled at the sight of her mother. She had practically forgotten about her mother’s presence after all of the things that has happened lately and it didn’t give her a chance to be reminded of her detached family. Isabella took quick notice of the tension and hurried back into the space.

Folding her arms against her chest, Darby raised a displeased brow. “What are you doing here?” She queried.

“Please can we at least go in?” Emma requested her face suddenly went pale.

Rolling her eyes in frustration, Darby went in standing at the reception. “Excuse us, Jenna.” She nodded at the receptionist.

“Alright, ma’am.” Jenna replied leaving.

Emma sat her tired butt down, her legs seem to be shaking. “I thought you would call me.”

“Why would I do that?” Darby retorted.

“I didn’t think you would deprive me of the chance to at least explain myself to you.”

“What else do you have to explain? I know this scheme of yours quite well, it’s such a shame that it wouldn’t work on me. You should be glad that I am giving you this much audience. So I will advice you leave this minute.”

“Please, Darby. I need you to at least show your face to Noah. If you don’t he would come hard after you. Please.”

Darby let out a snooty laugh. “Is this some kind of joke? Why would I be scared of a toothless dog like him? I don’t owe him or you any dime. You should leave.”

“Listen to me, Darby. I know Noah more than you do and he wouldn’t mind going as far as causing you a major damage just to see you crumble to your knees. Also, your coming will grant me my freedom. Please.”

“Unbelievable! This is still all about you isn’t it? Because you are tired of the man you sacrificed your life for, you think crying to my face will help you get the freedom you seek. You are delusional, Emma. I’m not going to listen to you and that is final.”

Without hesitation, Emma fell to her knees and crawled to hold on to Darby’s legs. “Please, Darby. I am begging you. Help me.”

“Will you stop this, please. What do you think you are doing?” Darby helped her up. “Has it really gotten to this?” She inquired in shock.

“Please.” Emma sobbed. “I can’t stay with him any longer, please.”

Darby exhaled slowly. “As much as your situation sounds pitiful. I don’t care about what you want. I don’t need you to be my guard, I can handle him quite alright. I have handled tougher situations than now. Please leave before I call the security on you.”

Emma looked spellbound. What was she expecting? Nothing can obviously change her mind. At this point, she has no choice but to find a way to fend for herself.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“I promise to make it right.” She sniffed before heading to the exit.

Darby gulped hard as she watched her receding back. Every time she gets reminded of her past and family it leaves a tight knot in her chest. She could see the true emotions in her mother’s eyes, at the same time she finds it funny that Noah would want to try anything stupid in other to harm her. He doesn’t seem like the type to play petty. Also it might just be a plan on the family’s part to get in her good books.

She caressed the side of her head at the ache she was feeling. Darby heaved with difficulty, she didn’t notice when Zac walked in. He looked behind him pointing a hand at the door.

“Who was the crying woman?” He inquired. “And why so you look so pale? Do you need me to get you some water?”

She stumbled towards the table, refusing Zac’s help as she sat on the chair. “I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.”

Ignoring her, Zac ran towards the break room to get her water. “Here, drink it.”

Mouthing a thank you, Darby gulped the entire content of the bottle. “Thank you.” She let out in a strained voice.

“What’s going on?” Zac questioned sounding bothered.

“It’s my family. The woman is my mother. There is no need to bother yourself about them. I am just stressed from work. We were about to leave for home when she waltzed in. Don’t worry please.”

He didn’t need a tarot card reader to tell him something was amiss. But then, Darby won’t talk about anything she deems isn’t worth sharing.

“Alright, where is Sinclair?”

“He is in the office with Isabella. Can you help get them please? I will be in the car.” Darby mumbled making her way towards the exit. Her mind was everywhere and she wanted nothing more than to get home and curl up in her bed. For the first time in a long while, she felt really lonely.



Noah hissed in contempt as he glared hard at Emma, she seem to be enjoying the frustrated state he was in. “How dare you take me for a joke?” He yelled throwing one of his sandals at her.

Emma stood by the wall almost melting into the arranged brick. She had barely woken up from bed when Noah had slapped her roughly to get up. She has been avoiding him for a few days hoping to not get questioned by him. Unfortunately, he eventually did catch up with her by waking up a bit too earlier than expected.

She sniffed back the tears threatening to fall. “What do you want from me?”

“I know your tricky self has been doing her possible best to avoid giving me a feedback on your visit to Darby. I am sure she has given you some money and you chose to not share it with me.” He growled, clenching his fist.

Scoffing, Emma wrapped her arms around herself like she felt cold. “You must think Darby is a fool or still that child from years ago. She is a reasonable adult now and she knows very well what is right from wrong. Why would she give her hard earned money to me when I haven’t done anything to deserve it?”

“Of course you don’t deserve it. I am the one who provided for her in the end, you couldn’t contribute a dime because of how useless you are. Darby wouldn’t dare to refuse me when I make my demands.”

“Then go do it yourself!”

“Never!” He yelled so much it made Emma shudder. “I won’t stoop so low to get money from that low brat that I fed. She is just as ungrateful as you are. I am warning you, I would make her life miserable if you don’t make her come here. Do this last thing as a mother.”

Rolling her eyes, she sat back on the bed when her legs felt like they were going weak. “From the look of things now, it’s obvious you are merely bluffing. There is nothing you can do to get at, Darby. You are just a jealous and hopeless man, who wants to take out the frustration of his own failure on a young soul.”

“Shut up! You bitch!” Blinded by rage, Noah reached for Emma, grabbed her by the hair and kept slapping her face hard until her lips bursted. He ensured she was bleeding before letting her go. Emma didn’t make any sound as she laid on the bed when he tossed her away. “That should remind you that you don’t have any right to talk to me in whichever way pleases you. Your fucking ass still lives under my roof and survive on my hard earned money. You stupid fool.” He hissed, heading out in anger.

As Noah descended the stairs, his mind raced. Emma was right about him not having anything he can use against Darby. It’s not like the girl did anything wrong to him but it still doesn’t mean he can’t be entitled towards her. At least he didn’t mind the fact that she was a bastard and let her survive in his premises. The least she can do is be appreciative of everything he did for her and pay him handsomely.

Stumbling into the couch, he caressed his aching palm. Emma seem to have grown a tough skin overtime, he can no longer hit her without feeling the pain himself. Cursing loudly under his breath, he shut his eyes tightly. From the look of things, Darby is his only option if he wants to save his head.

His godforsaken first son, Harold had gotten himself involved with some fraudulent activities which requires that the money gets paid back to the victims if he is to be let out of jail. Even though Harold is a pain in the neck for Noah, he obsessively loves the kid and wouldn’t mind going extra mile for him. Aside that his own debt was wrecking him and if he doesn’t pay up, his only house would be taken away from him. Even though the house worth is nothing close to the money owed, but Noah himself had given it away during gambling after borrowing from a notorious loan shark to play.

Biting on his lips hard, he thought hard and long there has to be a way for him to get the money from Darby without losing his son and house. She should have enough money to spare after all. Exhaling in frustration, he leaned back into the couch thinking on what he can do without dragging his pride on the ground.

Noah turned back abruptly when he heard a loud yawn behind him. It was Abigail, her face looked like a witch preparing for Halloween. He wasn’t surprised, she must have been out partying all night and probably just returned. Sometimes it bothers him that his children are nothing to write home about. The only one who seem to be reserved is the last child, Caleb who lives next door and that is because Noah doesn’t have any hand in his training. He couldn’t lay claim either as his mother Diane had paid him off to never make contact with the boy.

“Good morning, pops.” Abigail yawned again, pulling at her tangled hair. Noah ignored her and she scoffed. “I hear you have resumed practicing lightweight with mom.” She taunted.

He kissed his teeth. “What are you insinuating?”

Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she shook her head. “Aren’t you ashamed of being a woman beater? I don’t care what you two do, but if I were mom I would have stuck a knife in that cold heart of yours. Why can’t you vent out your anger somewhere else instead of her?”

“Whatever happens between Emma and I is none of your business. She is my wife.”

“And she is my mother, which means I can actually have you reported to the authorities for domestic violence. You are broke, do you still want to serve some jail term?” She glared not taking her eyes off him.

Looking away from her, the older man hissed in irritation. His life definitely is nothing to write home about at this point.

“Anyways, I heard you mentioning Darby consistently. What’s with you both?” Abigail inquired curiously.

An amused smirk appeared on Noah’s face, “I thought you hate mentioning her name?”

She shrugged making her way to the living room, “I still do definitely. It’s just that whatever it is you are discussing sounds interesting. So let me in.”

An idea came to him, causing Noah to smile. “I will let you in only on one condition.”

“What would that be?”

“If you promise to help me get what I want. And in the end I will give you part of whatever we earn.”

A smile appeared on her face. “That sounds nice.”

“I thought so too.” He mused.

“What do you need me to do?”

“You seem smarter than your mother. I need you to find a way to make Darby pay us some good cash to keep us off her trail.”

“Why would you need anything against her? It’s not like she is involved in some sort of scandal.”

“Listen, she seem to be avoiding our family. For a public figure like her, she would try her best to avoid any kind of trouble as hard as she can. I feel like if you show up to her place of work a number of times asking her to be a responsible child and take care of her parents, she would do whatever we want to keep tongues from wagging.”

Abigail tapped her cup with her nails as she thought on the idea. “Do you think we can get her to do whatever it is we want?”

“It’s up to you to leave her with no other choice.” Noah grinned devilishly.

She mirrored his expression. “Leave it to me then.”

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