CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 612 - Telling the truth...!!!

Chapter 612 - Telling the truth...!!!

Kylie opened the file by shaking hands; she chanted in her head: 'There was no way he was her son,

but the entire file changed her mind to the heart; this was also like a massive blow to her heart.

She clenched the file in her hand and looked at the boy in front of her, she was in shock, yet she could

deny the feeling overwhelming her heart; she stared at Kevin as if she was trying to see if he was

telling the truth or not.

Kevin's heart ached a little even though he knew it was hard to accept this for her, but he wanted her to

accept him as her son; he also wanted to have what it felt like to have a mother's unconditional love.

Kevin said nothing and just looked at Kylie with his desirable eyes; even though he didn't say a word,

his eyesight was talking, expressing the feeling of being lonely and sad.

Kylie opened her mouth, finally breaking the silence "are you really the son I thought I lost 15 years

ago?" She didn't ask how this was possible; she just wanted an answer to calm her racing heart.

Somehow she wanted it to be true because of the wound she got from losing her unborn child yet to

heal; the damage was as fresh as 15 years ago, and that wound still reminds her how she had lost the

ray of her life.

Kevin shook his head and looked hopeful; hearing the answer, Kylie suddenly raised her hand and

touched his face; she closed her eyes and trailed her finger softly on his face.

Kevin didn't know what his mother wanted to do, but his mother's hand touched his face felt like heaven

had finally blessed him.

Tears flowed out of Kylie's closed eyes. "Can I open my eyes and believe what I will see? What if I'm in

another dream."

Suddenly everyone froze on their spot, hearing Kylie's silent yet painful sobs.

Kevin closed his eyes because the tears in his mother's eyes were as painful as losing his blood; her

tears reminded him how much she had suffered, and the more her tears fell, the more his heart

clenched with pain.

"Mom, open your eyes; this time, I'll be here to hold on to your dream and happiness tightly so that no

one will dare to cross the line of your happiness."

Kevin said firmly; this was a son's promise to a mother, a son who had to leave his mother's womb

because no one protected him and his mother when they needed them.

This was why Kevin was angry and hated Nate Allen. Still, he didn't blame him because he knew that

man was busy searching for his sister.

His pitiful princess sister suffered more than him; even though he was taken away from his mother, he

had his grandmother, a family who raised him on the palm of the golden throne.

Yet she suffered all alone, and no one was there to hold her hand; this made his hatred calm down on

Nate Allen.

Kylie opened her eyes and stared at her son; she couldn't hide her happiness when she saw the boy's

tearing eyes and the firmness of protecting desire in them "can I be this lucky after 15 years?"

She asked, but this question was for herself, was she allowed to get back everything she had lost?

Kevin grabbed both her hands and kissed her hands gently, and then looked at her face.

"Yes, you are allowed, even if you aren't, I'll fight against the luck of destiny and give you everything

back you lost 15 years ago, even tenfold.

Mother of Grace Allen and Kevin Allen, the wife of that older man, you will be the most protective

treasure of this world; now you have two sons,

You're the mother queen of the queen of David Xiver and Kevin Allen, Nate Allen's beloved wife, and

mom; if you aren't allowed to be happy, then no one deserves to be satisfied in this world."

Kevin's words moved the doctors and PA Wyatt to tears; yes, he was right; who could be this lucky as

madam Allen? She gave birth to the woman who was the pearl of David's Xiver's eyes and had a son

like Kevin Allen,

Even though he was not at David's level, yet being 15 years old, he came alone this far alone and

could rule over A country anytime he wanted. Being the leader of the Wild wolf, when he reaches 30,

he will be someone who can rule over the world.

Also, Nate Allen, that man was a lovesick fool; he had spent his entire life loving one woman; he was

one woman-addicted man whose love would never fade with time; instead, it would get thicker with


Also, the future generation, the three angels of David Xiver, would not be angels anymore soon enough

because they were born to carry David Xiver's name.

Kylie pulled the boy and touched his face, he had the same eyes as her, yet he was the second copy of

his father; that might be why Mia Smith never doubted him not being her son.

She thought it was okay since he was the blood of the Allen family but never suspected he was the son

of her sworn enemy.

"Does anyone know about your existence?" she asked.

Kevin remembered and nodded "yeah, brother-in-law knows."

"You said David also knows about you?" Kylie asked suddenly.

"Yeah," Kevin answered truthfully.

"Let me talk to David now." She said with an urgency she wanted to wash off the last bit of suspicion

she had toward this matter and accept her son wholeheartedly; her son-in-law would never lie to her.

Kevin looked at PA Wyatt; he understood; taking out his phone, he dialed David's phone number.

The phone rang for a long time; Kevin frowned; he wanted to ask what his brother-in-law was doing at

the hour that it was taking him so long.

On the other hand, David was giving the children their bath, he finished with Devin and Destiny, and he

was almost done with Daniel when his phone rang; at first, he wanted to ignore the call, but the phone

kept ringing.

Kate looked at him with a smile; she was hugging his neck from behind; she let go and went too close

to the phone; seeing the code number; Kate's brows frowned a little "darling, who is this PA Wyatt?"

Kate asked.

David warped Daniel on the towel and walked to Kate; he didn't answer and just took the phone gently;

he didn't receive the call immediately.

"Wifey, dress him up, and I'll take the call; I'll tell you later about PA Wyatt." he kissed her forehead and

handed a smiling Daniel.

Kate nodded and took Daniel away; David didn't leave from there, just pressed the answer button and

went to the balcony "what happened? He knew that without reason, PA Wyatt wouldn't call him.

"Thank god, master Xiver, you picked up the call; my master is on the verge of losing his mind." PA

Wyatt was thankful when he heard master Xiver's cold voice.

"Your master has a mind?" But, David said irritably, no matter how strong his brother-in-law was in front

of the world, he would always be the naughty and idiot boy in front of him.

PA Wyatt's lips twisted; as much as he wanted to agree with master Xiver's words, he didn't dare say it

while his master was eying him like a venomous snake who was waiting for him to give him an answer

or die on his hand.

"Master Xiver, something happened here." He wanted to talk about the fundamental matter.

Kevin couldn't take his PA's foolishness and snatched the phone away and talked to David "brother-in-

law, mo, mom; she woke up."

Kevin almost screamed, but when he felt his mother's hopeful gaze on him, he softened his gaze and

talked in a low voice.

David suddenly turned serious, the phone in his hand tightened, and he felt he heard things like "are

you sure you're not dreaming?" David thought the boy was messing with him because this matter was


Kevin wanted to bang his head against the wall; his brother-in-law knew how to get on his nerves.

"Brother-in-law, I'm not joking, mom; you should talk to my brother-in-law." Kevin handed the phone to

Kylie because he didn't want to curse out where his brother-in-law could hear him; he was hotheaded,

not a fool.

Kylie looked at the phone, she didn't know what she should say, but she just called him "son-in-law?"

So she called him but didn't know if he was David or not.

Her words caused an uproar in David's brain; he would never mishear the voice, and even he

recognized it even though he hadn't heard it for months.

"Mom, you woke up." David was subconsciously stunned.

Kylie finally believed this person was her son-in-law. "Yeah, it's me; how is my Grace? What about

Devin, Daniel, and Destiny?"

She could help but want to know about her child and grandchildren; she remembered her cute


David finally returned to his senses and replied excitedly because he understood something from her

words; she was now over her past and got her memories back.

"They are okay, mom, are you alright, are you uncomfortable anywhere, don't be afraid, tell them if

you're not feeling well anywhere.

The surrounding people are my people; they will not harm you," David explained everything, even

though Kylie didn't ask him.

He knew what her mental condition was since she had just woken up.

Kylie shook her head. "Okay, David, can I ask you something? This boy is here saying…."

"Yes, mom, he is telling the truth." David knew what she wanted to know; knowing the boy, he knew the All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

boy had already told her about his being her son, and no surprise, his mother-in-law didn't believe his


He knows why his mother-in-law asked the boy to call him to find out the truth.

Kylie's heart shook, and a new feeling, like a new leaf, had grown in her heart; she finally believed

Kevin was her biological son.

"I understand." Kylie had no courage to ask anything else.

"Mom, we're waiting for you; Kate wants to have her mom back at her side soon."

David knows how much Kate yearned to see her mother, but since she understands his heart, she

knows there might be a reason why he didn't allow her to meet her mother, who was still in a coma.

Kylie sobbed, but the tears were not about sadness or pain anymore; these tears were from happiness.

Kylie hugged the boy in her arms and cried, letting out the pain she had shut in her heart; she had

never dared to call like this until she found out Grace was alive.

She always thought God wrote her fate with tears of ink, but now she finally believed the sun would

shine after the clouds, now she finally believed the time she had spent in pain was the clouds in her

life, and now the sun was finally smiling at her.

People might think she was foolish to believe this in her son-in-law's simple words, but even if there

were a 00.1% chance of him being her son.

She would retake it because life had given her two-second opportunities, and she knew God had finally

blessed her with happiness.

Kevin hugged his mother's waist and cried like a little boy who had just found his way back home after

suffering in the wild, the feeling of home was something only a person who suffered the same pain

would understand.

The doctors shed tears with the mother and son duo; after a long time, the team finally calmed down,

and Kevin recited everything to his mother from the beginning until now.

Both mother and son were in tears and angry after he finished; if she had 70% trust he was her son,

now she was 100% sure he was her son because she believed her son-in-law more than

Kylie had never hated someone so much as she hated Mia Smith, her daughter, whom they treated

with the pearl of their eyes and blooming flower on their palms worse than an animal by that cruel


"Mom, do you want to see the cruel fate we prepared for Mia Smith?" Kevin sometimes knew one

needed to see with both eyes how the person hurt them and ended up clamoring their hearts.

Even though he didn't want his mother to step into that woman's shadow, he knew his mother could

never let her hatred go without witnessing it.

Kylie's body shook violently when she heard the name; her eyes showed determination.

"I want to see her suffer a worse fate than my daughter." She never complained about her pain and

suffering, but she could forgive anyone who hurt her children.

"Okay, mom, as you wish." Her command was his wish.

"Where is your dad, son?" She didn't forget about the person who suffered the most, she forced herself

to shut up her feelings because somehow she also blamed Nate, but he never let her go and

shouldered every pain she had suffered.

Kevin's expression turned cold, and Kylie could tell her son didn't like his father.

"Son, he is the person who suffered the most; he lost his son, his princess, the woman he loved more

than the world, so don't hate him." She said,

A name only played on their lips, Grace, now Kate, hearing the news about her daughter, a huge smile

plastered on Kylie's lips; both mother and son had similarities between them because their common

topic was Kate.

"Mom, do you want to stay in A country or go to S country to stay with my sister?" As much as Kevin

wanted to meet his sister soon, he wanted to know what his mom wanted.

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