Chapter 25

Shoot me!

Kenzo pushes Elina off him. She fell on the ground, hitting her butt hard on the concrete floor. He didn’t spare her a look, and began walking ahead of her.

Elina stood up, staring between the dungeon room and Kenzo. He had let her go. She wasn’t gonna spend another night here. She was free!

She jumped. But end up falling again in a loud thud. Which got Kenzo to stare at her with a strange look. She lowered her gaze immediately, standing up again. She hurried to catch up with Kenzo. Who walked quite fast.

He’d let her go.

He did let her go.

Monster Kenzo.

She was happy, she could breath clean air again. At least get a shower. She wrapped her hands around herself. Smiling. It felt so good to be out of there.

She survived.

She chuckled at the thought.

Earning another glance from Kenzo. She looked elsewhere. Not meeting his dark stares.

Where was he talking to her anyway?

She waved when they past by sambas. He waved back. But quickly dropped his hands when he saw Kenzo staring at him. The smile on his face, automatically disappeared. When Kenzo looked away. She smiled back at Elina giving her a thump up.

Her smile broadens.

Maybe he was right, maybe there was a lot to know about everyone in this mansion. Not just Kenzo, Sambas was included.

She followed him, wherever they were going, he hadn’t spoken a word to her, so she stare at him, watching him as he walks.

What was he, a king?

She hissed.

Kenzo turned. With a hard look. That was him. His looks would never go soft, always hard and his dark look, the look of murder.

“Did you just hiss?”

She blinked her full lashes at him.

“Did I?” She asked back.

“What has Aziel been telling you, or Sambas, what have they been telling you? Hissing isn’t allowed here. Tell me, what have they telling you all this while?”

She shrugged. Hesitated for a long time before replying.

“About you…”

“What about me?”

He was getting patience something he won’t do to anyone. She would have at least by lying on the ground now, begging him for mercy. But he doesn’t want to go rough on her this morning, she was already looking so frighten.

They were a step away from his office. She still hadn’t replied him. His hands went to his pocket, and placed them on it. He leaned on the door of his office.

Waiting for her. To speak.

Elina rubbed the nape of her neck. Nervously. How is she going to say it. Anyway he asked for it. She should at least give him what he was expecting to hear.

“That you’re cold, wicked and shows no mercy. You could easily kill me without blinking. You’re very heartless.” She drawled. It was her opportunity and she had to use it quite well. She lift her head to look at him, see his reaction. His brow drew together, his jaw tightened. His hands were definitely clutched in his pocket.

The emotion and everything left and he had the look he once had on his face.

Now he smirk.

The smirk kinda look good on him to, she couldn’t help but stare at him.

“How do you plan to survive here, when the only think you know is about me.”

She wished she could punched him now, his nose. So it could bleed. Just imagine them, she told herself and you would actually get to punch him, in your imagination.

In her imagination, she had killed him so many times but he seems to survive every single time.

“I would die, if I got to tell them who my master was.”

Did he try smiling, but she didn’t see anything, his face was still hard as rock.

He didn’t say anything else, he moved his back from the door and opened the door.

He enters.

She followed from behind. Entering the office, it was big, bigger than her entire house. Things she hadn’t seen in her life. She doesn’t even know of, was in his office. Unlike Carols office, which was just a table and her laptop. With few books on her table.

This was his office, it was awash with gold, a picture was on the wall, a man and a woman. Could they be his parents, but they didn’t look anything like the Brennon.

She saw Aziel standing by the chair, his head was down. But he lifted them, when he saw us coming. And greeted Kenzo.

Guns were on the table. She cringed at the sight. Her thought went to when she was shot. She step backward. And shuddered lightly.

Kenzo saw her moving backwards, with her gaze on the gun.

Was she scared of it.

He scoffed.

“You didn’t tell her the rules Aziel. Should do I for you?”

“I’m sorry. Sir. She was stable yet, but I try saying a word or two to her..”

“You better do that fast, if you want to paste it on her forehead, you do, I won’t spare her if she keeps breaking the rules.”

He turns to Elina.

“Come here.”

He didn’t have to say it twice with the tone he used. She dragged her feet towards him. Though she was scared.

“Pick up the gun.”


“You heard me, pick it up. Now! You shouldn’t be scared of guns, cause you’re gonna be using them.”


“No I.” Aziel answered.

“You don’t wanna to be a burden, do you?”

“I haven’t been a burden to anyone.”

She replied.

“You have been a burden.” Kenzo replied.

She wanted to say a word before but clamped her mouth shut.

“Now take the gun.”

He ordered.

She took the gun in fright.

“Can you run?”


“How long can you run?.”

“Five minutes.”

Aziel chuckled. Taking the remaining guns from the table, and everything they would need.

“Come with me.” He ordered, Elina follows with the gun in her hands. They went out of the office. Right into an open field. She gasped. He wasn’t gonna ask her to run was he?

She can’t run.

He turned to her.

“This is an opportunity for you, You’ve been thinking of killing me lots of times isn’t it? It’s your time now. Shoot me!”

She blinked.

What’s he saying, he walked up to her side, teaching her how to hold the gun. She stare down at his hands on her hands. And how close he was to her. She could smell his cologne, melting into her.

“If you wouldn’t shoot me, I would shot you..”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Stop staring at my hands, look at what I’m showing you.”

She looked away, he’d caught her staring.

Letting go off her hands and moved away.

“When last did you have a bath, your stinks.”

She glared at him.

Aziel came over with a bowl, so he could wash his hands. He deep his hands in the water and washed them.

She held the gun, aiming at him, Aziel took the bowl away, leaving the two of them. But stood close enough to see and hear their conversations.

Could she shot, can she truly pull the trigger.

“You shouldn’t let your emotions hold you back from doing it, and don’t hesitate either. If you do, you might get killed instead. Pull the trigger.”

She could do this, he asked for it anyway.

“Failure to do it, you’re getting punished.” He held her hands again, aimed it on his left breast. He let go.

“Now shot,” he step back.

She cocked the gun, just like he taught her to.

“C’mon Elina. I’m tired of waiting. You could say I’m the man you hate most isn’t, you don’t hate Ray, despite all he did, you don’t hate him more than you do to me.”

He was right, she loathe him.

So much for all the pains he cause her. With this she could get to make him feel how badly she felt in that dungeon of his.

She pulled the trigger.


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