Captivated by the deadly mafia boss



It’s one in the morning by the time we get home. Lena didn’t speak in the car ride back from the Staszek halfway house, and the ride up in the elevator was just as silent. Now that we’re home, she slithers down the hall to our bedroom.

Every click of my leather-soled shoes on the tile makes her body tense another fraction. She’ll break in half if she lets herself get any more wound up.

When she ran from Jakub’s office, my first instinct was to get her and drag her back inside. But as the car pulled away with her staring out the back, tears shimmering in her silver blue eyes, fear trickled over me. Did she really believe me capable of the things she accused?

Thanks to the tracker on her phone, I was able to get to her within minutes of her stepping out of that damn Uber. She’s lucky she had her purse with her; what if she had nothing with her? How would she have paid the fee? What would have happened to her if she couldn’t?

As I walk down the long hallway to our rooms, the whirlwind of emotions returns. I’ve had women run off on me before out of anger. A great dramatic ploy to get attention, but Lena isn’t like that. She didn’t want me finding her. That’s why she went to the halfway house.

If I hadn’t had the tracker on her, I probably wouldn’t have thought to look there. At least not at first. The mess with Demetria already had my nerves on edge, along with my meeting with Roman this afternoon. Having my wife run off on me has only put the icing on an extremely bitter cake.

Lena’s already unzipping her dress when I enter the bedroom behind her. I walk past her to my side of the bed and strip out of my suit, down to my slacks.

“Micah.” Lena’s voice is soft, submissive even. When I look at her, there are tears again, dancing on the brim of her eyelids.

I fold my arms over my bare chest. I hadn’t planned to talk with her yet. Not until the rawness of the evening wears away, but she looks damn pitiful.

“Micah, I’m sorry.” She fiddles with her fingers. The dress has been quickly replaced with a thigh-length pajama shirt. I’d teased her about the casual nightgown when she’d worn it the first time. I don’t feel like teasing right now.

“For what?” I say, unable to keep the edge from my voice.

She blows out a breath. “A lot of things.” She takes in a shaky breath and holds it before letting it out.

Once she has her bearings, she continues.

“I should have asked you what was happening earlier. I shouldn’t have assumed you were doing what I accused you of just from an overheard conversation. And I shouldn’t have run away like that.” Her apology is sincere and heartfelt. The little shudder of her breath tears away a layer of my anger.

“I asked you to trust me. You said you could do that,” I remind her. The bed being between us is the only thing keeping me from pulling her to my chest. Seeing the sadness in her, the regret, it’s painful.

“I know.” She nods. “And I do trust you, or at least, I’m trying to.”

“Then explain what happened tonight.”

Her full lips pull down into a deep frown. “I messed up. You were so tense after you met with Roman this afternoon, and then when I heard you on the phone with Niko-I made an assumption.”

I stare at her, taking in the remorse, the sweetness of her truth and an overwhelming sense rushes over me.

I love this woman.

And with that newsflash, the anger washes away, leaving me only with a sense to protect her. Even from herself.

“You’ve spent your entire life hearing only bits and pieces of things because your brothers and father have sheltered you. And I’m doing the same.” I rub the back of my neck. “I want to protect you, to keep you from seeing the fucked-up world we live in. Because there are monsters out there, Lena. Worse than my father, and I don’t want you exposed to them. Ever.”

“I can handle the monsters, Micah.” She glides around the bed, settling in front of me. “So long as I have you by my side.” A soft pink tints her cheeks, and her eyes fall to my chin.

A feather could push me over after her words sink into my heart.

“You mean that, don’t you?” I ask, still skeptical. How can a woman with such purity and strength have such feelings toward a man like me? At every turn she’s followed her own path, even when it meant deceiving and hiding her true self from her family. I’ve done nothing but follow where I was told to go by my father. Responsibility to my family name led me by the nose through my entire life.

But I would risk it all, break through the noose around my neck if it meant protecting her.

“I do, Micah. I’m sorry I was such a brat tonight. I shouldn’t have run away like that, and I shouldn’t have assumed anything when I heard you talking.”

“Considering my family businesses, and your experiences with them, I don’t think it was such a far stretch of the imagination.” I can concede that much on her behalf. My fingers itch to touch her silky-smooth skin, but once I do, I won’t be able to stop myself.

“But you’re not your father.” She sits on the bed and looks up at me. “You’re a good man, Micah. You saved that woman tonight.”

Using my fingertips, I push the hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. “Demetria was the woman my brother saved. Right before he died, he fell for her and took her from the stable before Roman could sell her. But Roman found out, and after Igor’s death he hunted her down and sold her to the worst man he could find. Niko’s been quietly searching for her since, but Roman wouldn’t divulge who the buyer was. Niko was finally able to find her.”

Sadness touches her eyes. It makes my stomach ache to see it, but she has too big of a heart not to be empathetic to Demetria’s plight.

“He never told you about her?”

I clench my jaw. Igor and I never had a strong relationship. He’d been groomed from birth to take over for my father when the time came, while I was put on the back burner. Igor had his confidants, but I wasn’t one of them.

“Igor and I weren’t close.”

“Do you think it’s possible your father hurt Igor because of Demetria?” she asks, but there’s hesitation there. It’s a dangerous question.

“No.” I shake my head. “Roman had other issues with Igor. But he wouldn’t have killed him for them. He would have tossed him to the side and made me next in line. Sending Igor into exile after spending his entire life waiting for his time in the sun would have been a harsher punishment than death.”

Though if Igor felt for Demetria what I feel for Lena, I’m not sure that’s so true.

She picks up my hand and brings it to her cheek, leaning into my palm. Such fragility and strength mingled together with her simple gesture. “I really fucked up.”

I chuckle. “And now you’re adding bad language to the list.”

When she turns her gaze up to me, there’s uncertainty lingering in her stare. It’s as though she wants to say something, confess something-but is holding back. Maybe it’s the same thing I’m keeping to myself but analyzing all of that will take time. And right now, I have a naughty wife to deal with.

She lets go of my hand and gets up from the bed, heading around the footboard.

“Where are you going?” I ask her.

She points to her pillow. “To bed?”

I laugh. “Do you really think that’s how this plays out?”

Her smile fades, as well as her confidence. “I already apologized, Micah.”

I nod. “You did, that’s right. Do you think my goal when I punish you is to make you sorry? All that does is make you sorry you got caught, not regretful of your actions.”

She tugs at the hem of her nightshirt.

“You ran away tonight, Lena. You got in a cab and took off. Do you really think I’m letting you get into bed before you pay the consequence?”

She looks away, as though she can ignore the situation. But there’s something else in her expression. Relief.


Whatever Micah is planning, it can’t be worse than the heavy regret suffocating me. It’s more than just the way I acted at the club or running away from him that’s leaving this ache in my chest. It’s the pure disappointment written all over his features when he saw me at the halfway house. The dead silence that built between us in the car on the way home. The fear that I’d made everything so bad, we’d go back to square one.

As much as I didn’t want this marriage, now that we’re in the thick of it, I don’t share the same anger about it. I may never be loved by Micah, but I know he’ll respect me.

“You took the evening from me, princess. Your behavior stole the night,” he says while stalking his way around the bed toward me. He unbuckles his belt, making my ass clench at the prospect of what is to come.

“I know.” I won’t argue. I’ll take what he gives me and wipe the slate clean. And tomorrow, things can go back to how they were.

“So now-” He reaches out to me and shoves me to my knees. Grabbing my hair in his fist, he yanks my head back. “I’m going to take from you, and you’re going to be a good girl and deal with it.”

With his free hand, he reaches into his unzipped pants and pulls out his thick cock. Slowly he strokes himself until a bead of pre-cum rests at the tip.

“Open that pretty mouth, Lena, and keep it open.” He holds the head of his dick at my lips. I’m not stupid enough to pretend this is going to be easy. This is not better than an ass whipping with his belt. He’ll be sure of it.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

As soon as my mouth opens, he shoves his cock past my lips, down down down until he hits the back of my throat. Instinctively, my throat clenches and I start to gag, but he holds me firmly.

“Breathe, princess. Swallow me down,” he orders, tugging on my hair to keep my attention where he wants it.

I plant my hands flat on his thighs to brace myself, nothing more. There will be no pushing away from this, Micah will take what’s his, and I can’t stop him.

I don’t even want to.

Finally, my throat relaxes, and he slips further down. I’m able to swallow again and keep from gagging.

“Good, princess,” he coos and pulls back from my mouth. Never leaving completely but gives me enough space to take in a breath. It’s a minuscule break though, before I can steady my breathing, he’s pumping back into my mouth-fucking my face with as much fever as he fucks my pussy.

I’m already soaking my panties with his roughness and his power.

“Fuck, princess. Yes. Just like this.” He holds my face on both sides and pushes me back until my head is against the bed. I have nowhere to go. I’m simply his vessel. His little fuck toy.

My clit twitches at the thought, but I don’t dare touch myself.

Over and over again he pumps into my mouth, down my throat while I struggle for breath. After several strokes, he slows, letting me take a gasp. Tears leak down my cheeks, but he’s not swayed by them.

“Bad girl tears don’t run in sweet little lines like this.” He smears them across my cheeks. “Better.” He groans, then thrusts forward again.

Spit collects at the edges of my lips, spilling down my chin, but still, he doesn’t stop.

His balls tighten, his strokes are slower, deeper. He’s going to explode down my throat. I curl my hand around his balls, gently cupping and massaging him. The animalistic howl he lets loose tells me I did right.

“Fuck. Fuck.” He moves his hand from my head to the bed and leans more into me. Another stroke, then another until he stills. Hot streams of cum shoot and spurt into my mouth, down my throat, over my tongue. I swallow as quickly as I can, and each constriction of my throat earns a muffled groan from him.

“Hold still, baby.” He eases his cock from my mouth, then tips my chin up. “You’ve made a mess of yourself.” He grins down at me and just like that, in that moment his disapproval washes away.

“Can I have a towel?”

He yanks off his t-shirt and wipes my chin and mouth clean. As he squats in front of me, he searches my face.

“You’re not to touch that pretty pussy of yours tonight, Lena. You’ll go to sleep hungry for my release, do you understand me?”

“I understand, Micah.”

“Good.” He kisses me gently. “Let’s get to bed. I have an early morning.” In one movement, he sweeps me into his arms and lifts me from my knees. I’m dropped into the bed with a bounce.

Once we’re both in bed, beneath the covers, he snakes his heavy arm around my middle and drags me to him. There hasn’t been a night since he’s brought me to his bed that I’ve gone to sleep without his embrace.

I may never have his love, but I can live with this much from him.

I’ll have to.

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