Captivated by the deadly mafia boss



The girl has more grit to her than I would have given her credit for.

After giving the guards instructions to bring her a real meal, I went home. The stables leave a film on me that will take more than a shower to wash away. Igor built the bunker where the girls are kept. One of my father’s prouder moments of my older brother.

It’s going to be the first thing I destroy when my father hands the family over to me. But until that time, it remains and I do the only option open to me-nothing.

It’s seven o’clock in the morning when my father rings me. “Staszek wants a meeting.”

I stand at my bedroom window, sweat from my run already drying on my skin, and look down at the busy pedestrians rushing to work below. The penthouse condo where I live is far enough off the ground, city sounds don’t rise up to me.

“How did you answer?”

“He’ll be here tonight. Him and that fucking son of his.”

“Do we know Dominik intervened knowing the shipment was on its way to our holdings in Moscow?”

“Does it matter?” he scoffs over the phone. It does to me, but I’m the reasonable one in our family. I’m the one who looks at the entire situation. Unlike him, I don’t chase after immediate gratification with blinders on for the future.

“If we are going to file a grievance, I think we should know everything first.” I dance at the edge of being helpful and lecturing. Igor would jump on this wagon with him, guns blazing ready to fight.

“Either way, the shipment was taken by the Staszek family. And for that, they lose their precious cargo.”

“You’re really going to sell that?” I raise my eyebrows.

“Of course I am. Or I can get rid of it? Which do you think would hurt them more?” He’s like a wolf salivating over a fresh kill.

He doesn’t need to elaborate, and it’s best he not. Our phones are checked constantly, but they can still be tapped. People could be listening.

I shouldn’t be hesitant. I shouldn’t give a shit what happens to the Staszek girl.

“How much do you want to hurt them?” I turn away from my window and the bustle of life happening outside it. In another life I thought I’d be one of them. Running down the street, briefcase in hand, chasing after one deal or another. I’m still a businessman, but there’s not much chasing happening. Deals are brokered differently in my world.

“This is more than a theft,” my father says.

“It’s about disrespect.” I sum up the lecture for him before he can get started. I have shit to do and this call is taking up too much of my morning. “Where’s the meeting?”

“I’ll get the location to you later this morning.”

“If the product is going to be shown, it will need some spit and polish first, I think.”

My father disagrees. “Let them see what becomes of it when it stays in our possession.”

His aim isn’t to simply prance the girl around her family, but to enrage them. A war is going to erupt the moment that girl shows up dirty from the cell we’ve kept her in. I know how my family would react to such a display, and the Staszek family isn’t so different than my own.

“If they see a damaged product, the meeting might turn hostile.”

“Good reason to be well prepared then. I’ll send you the details. I expect you there, Micah.” As his second in command, I would be nowhere else.

“Of course.” I make my way to the bathroom. I need a shower and a change of clothes. “I’ll be there.”

“Good. I can count on you. I know it.” Does he though? There’s a bit of hesitation in his tone, the same he’s had ever since Igor’s death.

“I’ll see you later.” I wait for him to hang up before I drop my phone on the counter and strip out of my clothes.

* * *

The house is quiet when I arrive at my father’s house. By the heavy scent in the air, I’ve missed dinner. As I pass the dining room, I peek to be sure. It’s empty, save for the kitchen staff clearing away the leftover food.

“Micah.” Katarina, the housekeeper, smiles warmly when she notices my arrival. “You missed dinner, but I can make you a plate?” she offers.

“No, no, thank you,” I say, glancing down the hall. “Is my father in his office?”

“Yes. He’s expecting you.”

“There are other men coming too.” I glance at the ornamental clock hanging on the wall above the buffet. “Soon.”

“Yes. When they arrive, I’ll bring them straight to the office.” She averts her eyes for a moment. “And then, I’ll be going home for the evening.”

Katarina has worked for my family for as long as I can remember. She has no illusions about her job, about who she works for, but still escorting dangerous men to secret meetings puts her ill at ease. Even so, she’s never hinted at leaving her post.

“Sounds good, Katarina.” I start to walk off then pause. “Do you think you could wrap up a plate for me?”

I haven’t gotten around to hiring a full staff, and whatever my housekeeper has made will most likely be as inedible as the other meals she’s made. Katarina’s cooking is home to me.

She smiles, a light flickers in her eyes. “Of course.”

I give her a curt nod, then leave her to her work and head to my father’s office.

Two soldiers stand outside his office and step aside as I pass them and go inside. Niko paces the room, probably contemplating my father’s rage when he finds out what I’ve done.

“Micah. Good.” My father checks his watch. “They should be here any minute.” He turns to Niko. “I want the girl ready to be brought in, I don’t want to have to wait.”

“She’s ready. Just down the hall. I’ll get her myself when you’re ready.”

He’s satisfied for the moment. “Good.”

“I want to talk to you about this plan before they get here.” I move to the bar in the corner of the room and pour myself a drink.

“What plan? We dangle the bitch in front of their faces.”

Since my back is to him and he can’t see me, I close my eyes and take a moment for my patience to fill. My father has carried the burden of keeping the Ivanov family at the top of the heap for so long, he’s forgotten how hard he had to fight to get us here. Arrogance is a sure way to lose everything. And he’s forgotten.

“And then what?” I turn on my heel and walk back to the desk, cradling the drink in my right hand. “They see her, get pissed, and then we have a pissing contest? What do you want from them? What can they offer that will make the truce valid again?”

His eyes narrow; wrinkles form around his eyes. “Truce? I don’t want a fucking truce. I want their territory. We make good money on the girls, but if we cut into their drug trade, we’d double our money.”Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Those territory lines were drawn long ago,” I remind him.

“And if they want their precious daughter to avoid the auction block, they’ll redraw them,” he spouts at me.

It won’t be hard. From what my sources have told me, Joseph Staszek dotes on his daughter like royalty. She’s been spoiled her entire life, needing to only glance in the direction of a bauble before her father has purchased it and handed it to her with big fucking bow on top. If my father asks for a few more blocks of the city, Joseph Staszek will give it.

“You’ll take more territory and hand the girl back over to them.” I swirl the drink in my glass.

He looks to Niko then back at me. “She’s precious to Joseph. He’ll give up a large portion for her. Or he won’t get her back.” He shrugs like it doesn’t matter to him which way it turns out. Like keeping her won’t cause a war between our families that will drag out and kill our men.

“You kidnapped his daughter.” I emphasize the reality, but he continues to look at me with his eyebrows drawn together. “He will want retribution for that.”

Roman throws his hand in the air. “His fucking son stole my product! And I learned today, the train yard has been taken out of our control. We will need to find another way to move the girls. A more expensive way.”

I sip my drink, letting the burn of the alcohol replace the sense of dread crawling up my chest. If they’ve cut us off from transportation, it’s going to take more than a few blocks of territory to appease Roman.

A knock on the door cuts me off before I can speak. One of the soldiers’ head peeks in.

“Sir. Staszek is here.”

“Did you search him?” my father asks loudly, more for Joseph’s sake than his own.

“Both are clean.” The soldier nods.

“Let them in.” My father gets out of his chair and leans forward with his knuckled fists on the desk.

I place my glass on the desk and move to stand beside my father. Niko rounds the desk and flanks him on the other side. United, we wait for the Staszeks to come claim what they believe to be theirs.

But I know how this will play out.

Lena Staszek won’t be going home with her family tonight.

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