
Chapter 20- No tears left to cry

? Ain’t got no tears left to cry

so I’m picking it up,

I’m picking it up.

I’m living ?



I froze at the oh-so familiar voice and the pressure applied on the grip to my hand. The same hand drew me up so close, I could perceive the musk I’ve learned to fear.

“I never knew you could wear something that’s not….. appalling” laying a little too much emphasis on the word appalling with his hand slightly grazing the bare skin on my back and I flinched away from his touch.

“Hunter please let me go. I promise to go home” I didn’t think I’ll have to beg tonight.

Only if I had stayed with Meredith.

or if I hadn’t come at all.

“oh no, tonight I want you to stay as long as you wish” he pushed me back against the wall and I hit my head on the impact.

Using one hand to snake around my waist and hold me tighter, he pulled me deep into his body and I could feel all his muscles ripple through my dress.

“Hunter p-please”

“shh” the curt command was enough to silence me and have me whimpering.

He lowered his lips to my neck and his hands went underneath my dress. I’m trying to push him away but my efforts are useless.

Placing kisses here and there that make me want to throw up and his hand slipping in between my thighs to a part that has never been touched before. I felt something hard poke the bottom of my stomach with much agony, I looked to see whatever it was

Then I noticedit was ……. uhmm……. him

And he’s grinding it harder unto my skin.

Maybe he just wants to scare me with this and let me go.

please let me go.

Well I was wrong, because as soon as he freed me from his body, I was about to take to my heels when he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

“where do you think your going?” then he slapped my behind that was directly in his face “I’m just getting started” and he gave out a bitter laugh.

That’s when it kicked in.

He’s not trying to scare me…. he’s he’s…

I started crying.


I started pounding against his back and my knees kicking vigorously.

“let me go!!, Help!! somebody help me!!” I managed to scream with a cracked voice.

“shut up, you’re gonna cause a scene”

I didn’t care I continued kicking and kicking till I heard a door open that was when I realized I was in a room.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I dug my skin into his back and gave the deepest scratch I could have given with my nails.

“aah!” he screeched and threw me down onto the bed but I didn’t give up. I jumped up as soon as I landed to make a run for it.

But I wasn’t quick enough as he slapped me so hard I saw stars in my vision.

“do you think you can hurt me and go scot free?” he gave me another slap again that threw me back unto the bed. I lifted my hands to cover my face from any more attacks as I couldn’t feel my cheeks anymore

“huh? who gave you the audacity to touch me?” and with that heclimbed on top me and threw a punch on my stomach.

“oww!” I bent with my hand cradling my stomach to ease the pain but he didn’t let me recover before throwing my arms apart and pulling me by the legs closer to him so he was situated in between.

” you’re so stupid, I honestly don’t know how you’re still alive ” he threw another punch to my face which I’m sure derived an opening on my skin.

Spreading my legs farther than they can go with his hands holding them in place, He raised my dress up to my face to cover my view.

I picked the last drop of energy I could muster and kicked him in the shin. He muttered a strangled fuckbut still didn’t let me go.

It was then I picked up a scent from him.

He reeks of alcohol.

That explains why he even touched me like that in the first place.

“Hunter, please.. I’m begging you. I swear to leave and never tell anyone” now all I can do is whisper, I’m weak against his strength.

My fate was in his hands at this point, but I won’t give up.

“shut it” he growled while pining my hands above my head. The pressure he applied on my fore arm is certain to leave a mark.

even when he’s not normal he still has the ability to give me scars.

I winced from the pain, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

“stay still, or you’ll regret it” he hissed and landed a blow to my nose. I heard a crunching sound which has added to the list of things I have to treat after this.

He took his hand to my right breast to give it a tight squeeze, that totally hurt, more tears slipped down my face, My eyes closed tight while silently praying for someone to walk through that door.

Hunter laughed, so deep and harshly. The laugh that hunts my dreams whenever I manage to fall asleep.

” you cry for everything, and you expect me to stop?” he laughed again as he placed his head to my neck. “that’s even more reason why I shouldn’t” and placed a slobbery kiss to my jawline.

“mmm, you taste good, did you know that?” he moaned and ran his tongue on my cheek.

I thrashed against his grip on my wrist to no avail, to which he found my struggle amusing.

He bit down on my pulse, it was meant to be arousing but was rather painful.

I can’t take it anymore

“HELP… somebody please-” I was cut shut by his lips on mine. Using his hand to push aside my panties.

I need a plan, and I need it fast. A finger pushing it’s way to my insides was enough to boost my adrenaline.

With a fake gasp, I opened my mouth slightly to pretend I was enjoying whatever he was doing.

His lips slowly forming a smirk as he puts his tongue into my mouth.

Time to strike.

Pressing down my teeth with all the force I could gather, I bit down on his tongue. After letting out a shriek of pain, he pushed himself off me.

But before I could rejoice about my victory, he was back on me and with the look in his eyes, all I can see is red.

“YOU BITCH” a blow to my right cheek

“BASTARD” another blow to my left eye.

“GOOD FOR NOTHING” two blows to my stomach.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“IDIOT” he takes a handful of my hair and stares me right in the eye.


i already do.

My sleeves are torn from my shoulders and he uses the shredded materials to tie my hands together. Still never breaking eye contact. A smirk plastered on his face again.

I’m dead.

He lowers his mouth to my ear level and whispers words that send shivers down my spine.

“Now, sit back and enjoy it while it lasts” My arms are lifted above my head and tied to the wooden board.

tears, that’s all i can think of. and how they must have stained my face.

“you know most girls beg for this” he yanks me by the waist to meet his excited member.

“and here I am giving you for free” he unbuckles his belt then goes for my underwear, ripping it at his grasp.

“Hunter p-please” please. someone, something… just… please.

He gave a breathy laugh that sounded like I just cracked the world’s lamest joke.

“haven’t you learnt that begging gets you no where?” he growled and the intensity made me shrivel.

Satisfied with the reaction gotten from me, he smiled to himself then positioned at my entrance.

With one last pleading look from my eyes, I tried to beg silently, but the windows to his soul seemed clouded with the fog of desire.

All it took was a few seconds and I felt him slam hard into me, without caring about the barrier of pain I would face.



He was done with me.

Fixing the buckle of his belt, he didn’t even bother sparing me a second glance as he walked out the door.

I on the other hand clutched at the remaining pieces of clothing that still managed to hold together on my body, while staring at my own blood streaked across the sheets.

At this point I had stopped crying. Just looking blankly to realize how my life was shredding before my eyes.

I was miserable.

Wiping the stray tear from my eyes, I stood up from the bed and decided to make my way home.

Clement and Meredith promised to be with me.

but they weren’t

No one ever is.

I sauntered out of the building, with a sob pricking at the back of my throat and began walking home.

The cold wind piercing my skin but that was the least of my worries.

Today I felt different. I felt other than my usual self.

I felt broken.


After almost an hour, walking alone on the road like a ghost and silently observing the eyes of pity and wonder people gave me, I found myself at my doorstep.

The lights were out, a clear proof that no one was at home.

I’m always alone.

Taking the spare key from beneath the flower pot that stood directly beside the door, I unlocked it and stepped in.

All dark. The entire house. Nothing had a speck of life. Not even myself.

The very first thing I did was to take a shower. Maybe it will wash away this feeling.

But it didn’t.

I laid down on my bed, suddenly fancying the patterns on my ceiling because honestly…. I don’t know what else to do.

Changing my position, I rolled onto my side, only to come face to face with my parents little bear gift.

The fuzzy animal looked at me with it’s dead beady eyes and I can’t help but think that’s exactly how my eyes look.


I let out a sigh but not ready to turn away from the only thing to keep me company tonight. Little after our stare down my phone began blaring with that ringtone that I hoped to always call me.


Sadly, today I don’t want her call. I don’t want anyone’s call. Placing my hand over my ears and shutting my eyes tight. I let the phone ring till the end.

then again…

then again……

then again………

Then no more calls. Getting up to make sure my door was sealed shut and returning to my bed another call comes in.

I don’t check who was calling, so I don’t know who did. But I do know one thing, and that is I don’t want to talk to anyone.

Over five calls and the phone is still ringing.

The more the rings, the more erratic my heart beat became. So I did one last thing,

I put it on silent.

Sliding the metallic communication object to the other end of my bed, I tucked myself to sleep.

My heart heavy and my head clustered. I wanted to cry.

I needed to cry.

But I couldn’t, the tears wouldn’t let out.

Seconds passed and turned into minutes, still yet not a single tear.

That’s when I realized why I couldn’t.

I had no more tears left to cry.

No more tears because I was empty.

I was finally broken.

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