Breaking The Routine

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 - New York to Illinois

Chapter 4 Chapter 4 - New York to Illinois

The next morning David woke up with a yawn. With his eyes still closed he rolled over searching for his wildcat with an arm, he needed to feel her body against his again, but he realized he was in the bed alone. He sat up confused and looked around the room seeing no sign of her. Her clothes were not where he threw them and the night stand didn't have a note.

He fell back on the bed with a pit in his stomach and an ache in his chest he never felt before. Did she really just leave without say anything? He couldn't believe it. He groaned loudly realizing that he had been played. She was just like the rest, only looking for a bit of fun, a one night stand. That nice girl act was just that, an act. He threw the sheets off of him grumbling as he got up off the bed and into the bathroom.

He turned on the shower, wondering how he could be so stupid. Once under the steamy water the events of last night passed through his head and he felt his body react to her memory. He scowled demanding to himself to forget about her. At least she gave him a good time, he thought with a nasty smile. He shut off the water wrapping himself in a towel as he heard his phone ring. "What," he barked in answer.

"Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Mark joked with a laugh.

"Worse, woke up alone," he replied moodily.

"Ouch, got played did you?" Marked asked keeping his teasing tone.

"Yeah something like that, you want something," David snapped not in the mood to be messed with.

"Wow, she must have been something to get you that bitchy!" Mark continued barley keeping his laughter under control.

"I am glad you find this whole thing amusing but I am about three seconds from hanging up on your ass," David threatened.

"I am sorry man; let me treat you to a late breakfast." Mark replied trying to keep the amusement out of his voice but David heard it all the same.

"As long as we are going someplace good," he said pointedly.

"Okay how about the little coffee shop off 1st and 3rd," Mark asked and David agreed telling him he would be there soon then snapped the phone shut. He dressed quickly and gave one quick look around the room hoping to see a note that he could have possibly missed but of course didn't see anything.

Mark sat at the little café with a coffee and cinnamon roll already. He wore a nasty smirk on his face when he saw David arrive. "There is the little broken heart now," Mark teased and David glared at him.

"Say that again and I am going to make you the little broken nose," he growled and his friend tried to stifle a laugh. "I am not broken hearted anyways, just pissed that she left." He added before he gave the waitress his order moodily ignoring the fact she was practically drooling over the both of them. He was done with women; they weren't worth the trouble that was very clear to him now. "So why are you so interested in my night? Trying to hide the fact you went home alone," David sneered nastily but Mark just looked as smug as ever.

"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell," he stated with an arrogant air but David laughed bitterly.

"Since when are you a gentleman? It's okay, I get it you can't admit you got shot down, I understand," he goaded his friend knowing just how big and sensitive his ego was.

"I did not get shot down!" Mark snapped now frowning as David wore an expression of disbelief. "I did take her home with me last night," he insisted then his smug expression suddenly returned. "And I even got a good morning kiss too," he finished with a evil smile and David was the one that frowned now realizing he just walked into that one.

"What don't have anything to say now, Davey," Mark teased. He glared at his friend wondering if he should knock that smug look on his face or not but the waitress brought David's breakfast and he decided against it. "Okay, okay, I will leave it be," Mark said finally holding his hands up and David nodded hating to have to beat the crap out of his friend on his last day in town. "I will just say this though," Mark started and David gave him a warning glare.

"Tabs told me that they had an early flight back to where ever it was they came from, that may be why she left," he explained obviously trying to smooth over the situation but David didn't feel very soothed as he took a drink of his coffee. What he felt was incredibly jealous of his best friend. Usually it was David that got the upper hand where women were concerned but today Mark got to know her name, when she was leaving and a kiss in the morning while David got nothing.

Two hours later David stood at the airport with his friend. "Don't have too much fun without me," David told Mark after they gave each other a brief hug.

"Going to be hard to have fun at all without you man, then again I will be able to get your share of the sexy women," Mark added with a excited gleam in his eyes.

He shook his head. "They are all yours buddy," he told him before he left to make his way through the crowded airport towards security. As David arrived at his terminal he noticed they were now boarding so he made his way towards the stewardess. She took his ticket as she roamed his body with her eyes and gave him a flirty smile. Wildcat's smile is better; he found himself thinking and scolded himself.

How did she get under his skin so fast, David asked himself as he made his seat. He didn't understand it at all; no woman had ever done so to him. He looked out the window as he tried to think about something else than her, anything would do.

David arrived in Illinois but had a hell of a time trying to find the little town where he was supposed to go, not even his cab driver knew where it was. Nearly three hours after he had landed did he finally find the tiny town and his even smaller hotel. He collapsed on the small hard bed, exhausted. The evening was setting in and even though he had barley eaten in the whole day the only thing he wanted to do was try to get some sleep. What a god damn day, he thought bitterly. He was quiet sure that today had been the worst day of his life yet and was convinced that it was all that damned woman's fault. As he tried to get some sleep he asked himself once more how could it be possible a woman he only known for a couple of hours had affected him so much when his previous girlfriends never caused this affect in him.

The next morning David woke feeling stiff with his restless sleep. With a sigh of frustration he got up from the bed and prepared for his first day in the small accounting company. Peter's Accounting, if he remembered correctly. They were small but the place showed real promise. His father had said a lot of great things about Albert Peters and he understood it to be an honor to work for such a man.

He checked out of the hotel with determination to make today a better day, got into his rental car, hoping when he got off of work his own car would arrive. Then of course he would have to meet up with his new landlord and finish the details on his new apartment as well. David let out a loud sigh as he drove through the small town streets. The day was just starting and he was already starting to feel exhausted.

When he entered into the tiny parking lot of the building where he now worked David noticed he was a good half hour early. At least something goes as planned, he thought bitterly as he got out of the car. He really wanted to make a good impression on Albert Peters. This was his big break to get away from his father's long dark shadow.

David looked up at the off white building. It didn't seem too impressive on the outside but he knew better than to trust appearances. Involuntarily Wildcat slipped into his mind and he scowled pushing any thoughts of her out of his head with a feeling of indignation as he walked towards the building.

"Good morning, how my I help you?" A plump elderly woman asked him as soon as he entered.

"David Andrews, I presume," a stern looking man asked holding out his hand and David nodded and shook the man's held out hand. "Good, we're glad to have you here. I am Albert Peters and this is Agatha Simpson," the man began then turned to the woman. "Mrs. Simpson any sign of Samantha," he asked and the woman shook her head no. "Blast that girl, I asked of her one thing and does she do it, of course not," Mr. Peters said with irritation.

"Women" David replied quietly so that Mrs. Simpson couldn't hear, with "what can you do" expression and Mr. Peters laughed patting him on the back.

"Ah yes the bane of every man," Mr. Peters replied leading him ithrough the small building. He introduced David to the small staff. The blonde, Tabitha Mathews, looked so damn familiar but he couldn't think where he had seen her before. Mrs. Simpson called over Mr. Peters as he made small talk with the other employees.

The blonde gave him odd looks as if expecting something and he was just about to ask her exactly what she was expecting when Mr. Peters returned and ushered David to his office where he began to discuss the ins and outs of the company.

Around fifteen minutes passed when Mr. Peters suddenly stopped his explanation on the more important accounts and got up to called someone to his office then returned back to his seat. Shortly after David heard someone else enter in the office. "Good Morning Mr. Peters. I have the morning's duties here for you as well as some documents that you need to look at," he heard a female voice say

and David felt his blood still, that voice sounded like her but it couldn't be! He didn't turn around preferring for Mr. Peters to introduce them.

"Yes but first I would like you to finally meet David Andrews. David this is my secretary and daughter Samantha Peters," Mr. Peters said sternly and he turn his attention to the woman. It was all he could do to keep his face in a calm business like expression as he saw indeed it was his wildcat!

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Andrews. We are excited to have you here," she said but he could note a slight shake in her voice that wasn't there before as she held out her hand.

"Thank you, I am glad to be here," he said taking her hand in a polite hand shake with a slight smile noticing how nervous she was. She quickly pulled her hand from his and turned her attention toward her father. David fought off the smile that was fighting to break out across his face. It looked like his luck was finally starting to change, he thought. He couldn't believe out of all the women, Wildcat happened to live and work right here. He watched her speak with her father with amusement, she was clearly making ever attempt to keep her gaze away from him.

David started to make plans to take advantage of this situation to enact his revenge on her but it was clear he would have to tread carefully till he figured out what kind of woman she was and just how close she was with her father. The last thing he needed was for her to run to her father to get him fired. "Nice to meet you Samantha, I look forward to working with you," David stated once she had finished, making sure she wouldn't forget he was there. She nodded politely and quickly left the office clearly affected by his presence.

Unfortunately Mr. Peters kept David busy for the first half of the day and he wasn't able to talk to Wildcat again or go very far in making his plans. But he had progressed far in learning about what type of woman Wildcat or Samantha Peters was. David admitted he was surprised when everyone described her as the quiet goody-two shoes type of woman, apparently she never did anything crazy or wild.

He wondered bitterly if that was the reason to her trip to New York. To break her little boring routine and he was the perfect tool to do so. The idea caused a nasty taste to fill his mouth and his stomach churned determined to make her pay for using him like that.

David looked up from the accounts he was reading to watch her file some papers. She definitely was much more conventional from how she looked in New York but he still found her incredibly sexy. He scolded himself for thinking such a thing reminding himself that he was done with women and without a doubt done with that one woman in particular.

"Well I do say it is about time for lunch. Go get yourself something to eat David," Mr. Peters announced at noon breaking David out of his thoughts. "Be back in the office by one," he added sternly and David wondered if the man ever smiled. "Yes sir," he said rising from his chair.

David stretched his stiff muscles before he left the small office where he had been working. He hadn't taken a single step down the hall when to his surprise and delight he was nearly be run over by none other than Wildcat herself. Yep, his luck was changing for the better and he wasn't going to pass this opportunity up. He noticed she lost her balance and held on to her waist to keep her from falling.

"Whoa easy there Wildcat," he told her the edges of his mouth curling into a little smile but was inwardly disturbed by how his body reacted to her closeness. He was relieved and disappointed at the same time when she quickly pushed herself away from him looking very flustered. She looked up at him with those gorgeous eyes of hers and sent ripples of excitement through his body. He cursed silently wondering how this woman had managed to do what she did to him.

"Excuse me," she muttered and started to move around him obviously wanting to get far away from him as possible but he refused to let her get away that easy this time. He moved to the side to block her path.

"Now where you running off so quickly," he asked then grinned wickedly as he added, "again!" He barely could contain his laughter as she turned a bright shade of red.

" not running off I am just leaving for lunch," she said with a frail squeaky voice. This was going to be a perfect start to his payback, he realized keeping his grin.

"Really, what a coincidence so was I," he replied and his grin grew as he watched her press her lips together with irritation.

"Good for you, now will you please excuse me," she snapped back and tried to get past him again but he moved to block her again.

"You know it would be great if someone showed me a good place to eat," he stated enjoying immensely as she seemed to start to get frustrated with him.

"I am sure anyone in the office would love to help you," she told him quickly, as she moved a third time but he moved in time blocking her yet again. There was no way he was going to let her walk past him until he was good and ready.

"Yeah I suppose but since none of them are leaving now that leaves just you," he said letting mischievous look take over his face and noticed she pressed her lips tighter as her irritation and frustration were growing.

"I really don't think that is a good idea," she insisted.

"Well I do Wildcat," he mused and hardly kept himself from doubling over with laughter as he saw her flinch. He leaned forward slightly and added in a whisper, "after all you kind of owe it to me since you left without giving me so much as a kiss good-bye." She blushed the brightest red David had

ever seen and was moving her mouth much like a fish out of water till she finally looked at down at her feet.

For a moment he wondered if it was wrong to be enjoying this so much but he decided it was just too much fun to care. Next time she will think twice before leaving him in bed alone, he thought evilly but chided himself once more for even thinking of sharing a bed with her again. No, all he wanted from her was revenge for using him and tossing him aside. He had no intention of giving her another opportunity.

"All I am asking is lunch," he told her and she looked up at him with a stony look upon her face and he was afraid she would refuse so he put a his best sad face hoping that would win her over. He felt the thrill of triumph and unwanted arousal wash over him as she started to smile.

"Alright follow me," she said with an air of defeat in her voice and he let a large smile spread across his face. He held his arm out of her, he was a gentleman after all but it didn't surprise him she refused it by walking past him. He shrugged mentally and followed behind her allowing himself to enjoy the view of how her hips moved when she walked.

He watched her silently as she drove noticing just how nervous she was. It felt great knowing that he was making her nervous and uncomfortable. "Dottie's Diner?" he asked as they got out of the car which was parked in front of a little dinner. It looked like something out of an old movie. It's shape was a long metal oval with rounded square windows topped off with a bright red sign.

"It may not have a menu like you have in New York but Dottie is the best cook in town," she replied as she made her way to the diner quickly obviously trying to create a distance between them but he wasn't going to allow it.

"Well that's good enough for me," he said quickly catching up to her. He opened the diner door for her shooting her a bright smile that only got brighter by the grumpy look that came across her face.

"Good afternoon Sam dear, what can I get you and your friend today," a middle age woman asked her placing huge emphasis on the word friend. The woman smiled a happy grin when she saw David sit down in the same booth as Wildcat who blushed again and hid herself behind the menu. He was amazed at how easily she blushed, he never a woman that blushed as much as her. He would have fun with that, he told himself very amused. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"He's the new guy my dad has been excited about, Dottie this is David Andrews. Mr. Andrews this is Dottie Sanders" She mumbled still hiding behind the menu.

"Please call me David, and it's nice to meet you. I hear your cooking is the best in the whole town," he charmed with a charismatic smile towards the woman. She was absolutely beaming when turned back to Wildcat.

"Oh this one is a keeper," she said winking at her and Wildcat found some way to reach a whole new level of red and hid even more behind the menu mumbling her order. God he didn't have this much fun in years.

"I would like a hamburger please," he told the older woman nodded jotting it down on a piece of paper then turning to back towards the kitchen. After a few minutes Wildcat finally emerged from behind the menu with a normal color to her face which he wasn't going to allow at all. "So I am a keeper huh," he asked and she quickly covered her face with her hands but he could clearly see the familiar flaming red color cover her face.

"This is not funny," she demanded between her fingers. He couldn't hold it in any longer and began to laugh. He leaned over the table and looked directly into her eyes.

"I actually think it's hilarious! I guess you're not much of a wildcat are you after all," he mused and she glared at him with anger but it only increased his pleasure. Let the game begin, he declared silently with a large grin.

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