Breaking The Routine

Chapter 13 Chapter 13 - A Girl's Day on the Town

Chapter 13 Chapter 13 - A Girl's Day on the Town

When Sam finally woke it was already late in the morning. She stretched then rolled over onto her stomach still not ready to get up. She knew as soon as she did everyone was going to be telling her to go talk David. Sam wondered crossly why every friend she had wanted to butt in her life and tell her what she should do. Couldn't she just be left alone to do as she wished? She frowned when a knock on the door answered her.

Speak of the devil she thought sourly and she turned her head away from the door with no intention of opening it. Just a few more hours she pleaded silently. She only needed a few more hours then she would be ready to deal with her nosey friends. Snuggling into the pillow, she proclaimed it her new best friend with a smile on her face. The knocking ceased and Sam sung victory bringing the blankets to her chin.

Her door opened and Robert walked in frowning. "How did you unlock my door," she exclaimed angry that he broke into her room.

"Obviously because I have a key," he said waving the card in the air and she frowned, how the hell he got a key to her room.

"Go away Robert! I am not ready to get up, which is obviously the reason I didn't answer the door," she grumped at him turning over and pulling the blankets over her head.

"It's nearly eleven in the morning already! I think it's a good time to get up," he scolded her and she growled at him.

"Well I don't so go away!" She shot back.

"Well at least I tried," she heard him say and the door closed. Well that was easy she thought happily. It was a short lived happiness as Robert hadn't left as she thought. He ripped the blanket off of her. She shrieked at him grabbing one side of the blanket.

"Robert, give me back my blanket," she demanded pulling on the blanket.

"No, you're going to get up and quit being so lazy!" He commanded her as he pulled the blanket back his way.

"Since when do you think you can boss me around?" She demanded as she dug her heels into the bed pulling the blanket back her way.

"Since you decided to waste the whole day in bed!" Robert barked at her then gave the blanket one quick and hard pull. Sam shrieked as she lost the blanket and her balance causing her to fall off the bed. She sat on the floor crossing her legs and her arms frowning up at Robert who was doubled over in laughter.

"That's it! You are no longer my friend Mr. Bradford," she told him as she stuck her nose up in the air and he walked behind her and placing his arms under hers and pulled her up to her feet.

"Don't be a spoiled brat and get up! Tabby is waiting for you downstairs; she has planned a girl's day out," Robert told her.

"That sounds nice," She said reluctantly. "Are you tagging along? Going to get in touch with your feminine side," she teased and he shook his head.

"Not a chance, I am going to hang out with a friend here in New York. I think I need some guy time or I will end up turning into a girl," Robert told her with a horrified look on his face.

"Well you'd make a fine girl," she teased and swiftly saw that his bottom lip was split and slightly swollen. As well he had a small bruise along his right cheek. "What happened to you? Get in a fight to prove how macho you are?" She asked half teasing and half serious.

"Something like that," he said, smiling to cover the truth and Sam eyed him suspiciously, all the time she had known Robert he never gave her the impression of being the fighting type.

"Quit giving me that look! Go take a shower and get dressed," he demanded.

"Yes Dad," she said sarcastically heading to the bathroom taking a quick shower and throwing on the first thing she found making a vow that she was going to stop letting people push her around.

"Finally," Tabby said tapping her foot furiously as Sam entered the lobby. "Sam I have been waiting here for nearly an hour and half!"

"Sorry I didn't realize my day had already been all planned out for me," Sam snapped at her, the sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Don't be a sour puss; we are going to have fun!" Tabby linked her arm in Sam's and leading her out of the hotel. "First let's get some food into you, then we are going to go shopping and after that we are going to get our nails and hair done, my treat!"

"I hope you are planning on spending your money because I really don't need to give another reason Mark to dislike me even more than he already does and I think maxing out his credit cards will defiantly send him over to a whole new level of pissed," she told her friend.

"Will you stop worrying so much? Who cares what Mark thinks of you? Simply relax and enjoy yourself Sam for once," Tabby told her and they drove to a little café.

"Alright, you win. I will relax and enjoy myself but when Mark wants to know why all his credit cards are maxed out I am so blaming you," Sam told her friend as they got into the taxi.

"Now that's the spirit," Tabby cheered as she gave the driver the address of the café.

Despite the morning traffic they arrived at the café. During the ride over Tabby raved and raved about how good it was, even the taxi driver pitched in his compliments of the place. After a coffee and a croissant Sam had to admit the driver and Tabby were absolutely correct in everything they had said about it. She leaned back in her small metal chair with a smile, feeling her sour mood had disappeared.

Surprisingly she actually started to feel like her old self again, as she listened to Tabby talk about her new job and all the movie stars and famous singers she had gotten the chance to meet. She was an accountant for a very prestigious clothing store, those types that only go the very rich or very famous, or even a good mix of both.

"Well that is enough of my bragging," Tabby suddenly announced getting up from her chair. "Let's going shopping, you really need to update your wardrobe girl! Do you wear anything but t-shirts and jeans or sweats," Tabby asked her appalled.

"I like what I wear, thank you very much," Sam told her stubbornly as she got up from her own chair.

"Well it doesn't like you; dressed like that you're not going to get a man's attention," Tabby told her with a look of disgust then a impish smile crossed her face. "If a fisherman didn't bait his hook then he would go home empty handed. If you want a guy you're going to have to bait him with something Sam!"

Sam burst out laughing. "Seriously, you're throwing out that old argument," She asked and Tabby nodded eagerly as she hailed another taxi.

"Okay then, but first I must make note that I am not in any way trying to bait any man! Now with that said," Sam started then cleared her throat. "Men aren't fish Tabby, and if being myself isn't bait enough for them then they don't deserve to have me!" Both women burst in full swing laughter as they got into the taxi.

Four and half hours later of walking from one store into another Sam sighed as she sat down in the taxi. She loved shopping as much as any girl but seriously four hours had made her totally pass her limit, not to mention her poor feet were really killing her. "You're a machine Tabby! I don't even want to begin to think about how much money you just spent!"

"I know me neither really," Tabby admitted as they left the parking lot. "Now on to get our hair and nails done," she added giving the driver an address.

"Why are you doing all this," Sam asked starting to feel a little suspicious of her friend. The last time Tabby wanted to pamper her she ended up in bed with David.

"Oh Sam, don't over think things, I haven't seen you in ages and I know you don't take the time to ever pamper yourself so I am doing it for you while you're here!"

"You know I am not really the whole hair and nails type of gal right," Sam replied leaning back in the seat of the taxi.

"Yeah I know, it shows," Tabby teased with an evil glint in her eye, and a friendly smile, "but maybe it is time for a change, break routines, and have some fun," Tabby stated and Sam gave her another suspecting look.

"Oh no, no more "breaking routines" for me! I will stay just how I am or did you forget what happened last time," Sam told her friend and Tabby just shrugged.

"And once again I remind you don't over think things Sam! It's just beauty salon not sign up center for mail order brides!"

"Alright I will do whatever you want today, just as long as no men are involved," Sam warned her.

"You are definitely going to be one of those old ladies with a million cats," Tabby told her sternly and Sam smiled at her.

"Just because I don't want to get involved with any men right now doesn't mean I won't in the distant future. Even if I don't that doesn't mean I am going to end up like a crazy old woman with lots of cats. Who is over thinking things now?"

"Well I guess you got me there," Tabby admitted as they arrived at the beauty salon.

Sam looked at the building scrunching up her nose. "Can't we go do something else? I always wanted to try ice skating, couldn't we do that," Sam pleaded with her friend.

"No, no way! We would probably end up breaking our necks. This is so much safer," Tabby stated and Sam sighed getting out of the car looking at the building as if it were a house of torture. The things she is willing to do for friendship, she thought with a loud exaggerated sigh and Tabby rolled her eyes at her.

Sam looked at her new shiny nails with their French manicure and smiled. They did look really pretty now and her hands did really look very feminine now. "Okay Sam, I will come back in two hours to pick you up later," Tabby demanded.

"Tabby we have all week to do things. We don't have to smash it all in one day," Sam complained but Tabby shook her head.

"Nope we are going out tonight; Robert will be going with us as well. So there is no way you can avoid it," Tabby told her simply.

"Great, now I have both of you two to gang up on me, I knew it was a mistake bringing you two together," Sam fumed throwing her hands up in the air and Tabby simply laughed warning her not t

mess up her hair till this evening. Sam walked up to her room kicking off her shoes, tossing the several shopping bags to the floor and plopping down on the bed ignoring Tabby's warning about her hair.

Sam was the first to admit she looked nice but she was also the first to admit she really just didn't care how she looked. She turned on the television and watched some Hispanic soap opera. She didn't understand a word but it looked juicy!

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew someone was poking her violently and ordering her to get up. Sam swatted them away groaning and turning over wondering how the hell did people keep getting into her room! She was definitely going to have to complain to the hotel staff about that.

"No, no, Sam you promised! Now time for you to get up and you better not have destroyed your hair," Tabby demanded and Sam groaned again pushing herself up from the bed.

"Why can't you people just let me sleep?' I swear being a full time student I get more rest than I do when I am on vacation," She complained and Tabby stuck her tongue out at her as she went through the shopping bags on the floor.

"What exactly are you doing," Sam asked rubbing her sleep filled face.

"I am picking out the clothes you're going to wear," Tabby said grinning at Sam who glared at her friend.

"Where exactly are we going," Sam asked starting to suspect that Tabby had something up her sleeve.

"You'll find out soon enough," Tabby said handing Sam a purple top with a black skirt. Sam took the clothing and eyed her friend with even more suspicion.

"Don't you dare give me that look Sam," She said with her hands on her hips then suddenly she adopted a horrified expression. "Just look at what you have done to your hair!" Tabby cried dramatically!

"What have you got up your sleeve," Sam asked and Tabby gave her a hurt look.

"I don't know what you mean? I am just trying to make you have a little fun! God knows you haven't had any in half a year," Tabby said with exaggerated hand movements.

"You know perfectly what I mean Tabby, something smells fishy about all of this," Sam told her but Tabby simply shook her head and ushered her into the bathroom to try on the clothes she'd laid out.

Sam walked out of the bathroom and Tabby smiled handing her some boots to wear. "I just knew you'd look great," she cheered. As soon as Sam put on the boots Tabby forcefully shoved her into a chair. She attacked Sam with makeup then moved her forces to the disaster that had became Sam's hair.

"Why are you fussing over me so much," Sam asked feeling irritated.

"Because I don't want you looking like you just got out of bed when we are seen in public! Come on Robert is probably waiting for us down stairs," Tabby told her once she was finished. Sam relaxed a bit with him coming, knowing Tabby she would try to march Sam right up to David's.

They left the room and down to the lobby. "Wow Samantha you look really wonderful," Robert said with a huge smile that caused her to blush a little. NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

"Why thank you, you don't look half bad yourself," she replied taking the arm that he held out for her as they left the hotel.

Sam looked at the building and froze. She knew it! Her soon to be ex-friends were up to something! Sam glared at both of them, she had expected so much from Tabby, but for Robert to set her up, she thought he was better than that.

"What's wrong Samantha," Robert asked noticing she didn't follow them.

"Why can't you two just listen to me," she asked acidly and they looked at her confused. "Oh please, you both are going to deny that you are up something," Sam demanded. They had lead her right to the exact same club that Tabby and her had gone when they first met David and Mark.

"Sam, your over thinking things again," Tabby told her rolling her eyes but Sam continued to look at her friend with a cold glare refusing to take another step. "It just happens to be one of the best clubs in the city," Tabby exclaimed desperately. "Yes, Mark will be coming later but I only invited him and only him! I didn't say a word to David about us going out or going to the club," Tabby finished and Sam looked to Robert.

"It's true," he told her then took her by the hand and guided her inside the club.

After several minutes Sam couldn't get rid of the incredible uncomfortable feeling of being in that place again. She stared into her glass as the other two talked to each other. "Try to at least have a little fun and smiling won't kill you either," Robert said as he placed an arm around her shoulders in a comforting manner and she gave a shrug.

"This really isn't my thing Robert, it never was. I more of the stop by a book store and get me a nice novel to take back to the hotel kind of girl," she told him with a weak smile.

"Why read when you can experience it," Tabby replied eagerly then clapped excitedly when saw Mark near the bar. "I will see you two later, my man has arrived!" She quickly got up from the table and waving to them. Sam felt a genuine smile creep on her face as she watched her friend.

"You were right, she does seem a little crazy," Robert said laughing "but I see why you like her."

"Let's sneak out of here while she is gone and do something else," Sam said tugging on his jacket but he shook his head.

"That would be rude to Tabby if we just left," he explained and she pouted.

"Okay so I will send her some really nice flower as an apology. Robert I seriously don't want to be here," she whined.

"Don't be so silly Samantha besides I see a really hot red head that looks like she could use some company too," he said with a wink getting up from the table and she stared at him awestruck.

"Seriously! You just spat out a speech about not being rude to Tabby but now you're doing to do the same with me, and for some red head," Sam scolded him feeling absolutely furious.

"Samantha you're a great woman and a great friend but we are not that good of friends," he told her and she gasped then narrowed her eyes at him.

"Have you honestly forgotten I am a man after all," he teased and she narrowed her eyes at him even more. "I suggest Samantha you get your butt out of that chair, get yourself a good looking guy, and do the same!"

"Like hell! I have so been there, done that, not a good idea as it sounds," she said bitterly. He shrugged with a "suit yourself" expression and started to leave. She grabbed his arm.

"Come on Robert you can't just leave me here! You said you would be here for me," Sam begged him clutching on to his jacket sleeve as if it was her life line.

"I didn't say we had to be every single second of every single minute together. You're really being silly! Get up and live a little," he told her prying her fingers off his jacket and leaving her alone.

She watched him walk over to the other woman then looked back down to her glass. Her eyes watered over as she felt so abandoned, her mood now began to sink to new depths of depressed looked up at her friends, both happy and obviously enjoying themselves. God, I have the worst friends in history, she thought gloomily.

She seemed to be sitting there all by herself for ages and neither of her friends showed signs of returning; in fact she would wager that they had completely forgotten about her. She frowned as remembered her first night there. Sam's chest ached and she was at the point to cry. "Ok, I have had enough! They had dragged me here of all places just to leave me alone. I will never forgive them for this," she vowed quietly and furious, the painful memories where just too much. She got up quickly grabbing her purse running straight into someone.

"Whoa easy there Wildcat, now where you running off so quickly," She heard the person say and her heart stopped. It couldn't be she thought but she would recognize that voice anywhere. She slowly raised her eyes to his face and confirmed what she already knew. It was David standing right there in front of her.

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