Billionaire, Let's Divorce!

Chapter 0362

Chapter 0362


"He's not my daddy," I heard Amie say in her defensive tone just as I stepped back into the room.

They hadn't noticed my presence so I stood there and watched as Aiden tensed and said nothing. They both seemed to be in a staring competition. Amie's gaze had turned really hostile and Aiden... he looked


The nurse, finally sensing the tension in the air, stammered for what to say, her flickering from daughter to father. Eventually she muttered an embarrassed, "Oh."

I glanced at the nurse. Maybe she was the one who asked a question that brought about Amie's statement. Perhaps, since she hadn't seen Aiden here before, she asked if he was the dad.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

I didn't blame her though. Her face was new so she probably doesn't know either I or Dennis.

Maybe I was at fault. Oh, not maybe. I was. I should have found a way to explain to Amie that she had another dad aside from Dennis. The one she used to always ask for. That way, this huge pill would be easier for her to swallow.

I sniffed quietly and pressed the heel of my palm to my eyes for the last time.

Aiden finally broke the stare off and smiled at the nurse. "I'm actually-"

I quickly stepped in.

"Hey baby," I made my presence known and plastered a huge smile on my face. I walked to Amie's side and planted kisses all over her face.

She wrapped her frail arms around me and my heart combusted in my chest and my eyes pricked with tears again.


"Baby. When did you wake up?"

She briefly glanced in Aiden's way. "Not quite long. Where did you go?"

"I quickly went to attend to a call."

She buried her face in my chest one more time. When she pulled away, there was a frown on her face. "Why am I here again?"

She folded her arms against her chest as she reclined in bed. "You said I did not need to be here again."


"I hate it here, mom. I hate it!"

"Amie," I called softly. "Language. Watch your words."

Her oncoming tantrum eased up and she pouted. "Why am I at the hospital again? You promised I was okay. Why does all of my body hurt? Why won't you answer my questions?"



Chapter 0362

My hands trembled as I took her hands that were now balled into fists. I placed a kiss on each fist and told her, "I'm sorry but I need you to understand that you will need to be in the hospital for a while," I explained gently. "That way, you'd grow into a strong adult," I finished with a subtle smile.

She stayed silent as she seemed to process my words "So I can not grow strong at home?" She asked with an arched brow.

I bit my lips and shook my head. "You actually can. This place is just so much better."

I really did not know what to tell her. How do you explain to a child that she has a life altering disease and would have to wait nine months for a sibling that would save her?

She plonked on the bed and I feared she might hurt herself with the impact. "I don't want to be here," she cried.

I occupied the space beside her and wound my arms around her. "Please, Amie. Do this for me. Okay?"

She regarded me for a while then she grumbled something incoherent.

"Please?" I pressed a kiss to her temple. "For mommy."

There was silence around us. Aiden and the nurse remained quiet as Amie sorted her emotions and tried to come to terms that she would have to be in the hospital that she did not like for a while again.

A while that might turn out to be nine months or even more. I looked up to stop the tears that threatened to pour. Amie would have to remain in pain, repeatedly stabled with drugs and tiring chemotherapies for nine freaking months!

For the umpteenth time, I wondered why a child had to be subjected to suck pain and torture. Why wasn't it me? Life was just cruel.


She blinked several times, as if fighting tears or willing her anger away, then slowly, she dissolved and

calmed down.

"Okay," she muttered quietly.

"Thank you," I pulled her to me in a hug.

"But you and dad just visit me everyday." I hesitated then I eventually answered, "Of course.

I could feel Aiden's piercing gaze on me. I refused to look up for fear of clashing eyes with him but I briefly wondered what he thought of me? Of my parenting method? Does he see me as a shitty mother for lying to my kid? I think I am one. If not for lying then for denying her a father until she was in a sick bed.

Then I couldn't stop the same thought that had been gnawing at me since I went to Aiden from bothering me again. Amie was happy with Dennis as her dad. Would she still accept Aiden as her dad?

I felt horrible really. I couldn't even begin to imagine how angry and hurt I would be if I found out, after six years, that I had a child and was not informed. I would be livid. I was just lucky that Aiden was a good natured person and he agreed to do this. Other men would not easily agree to be roped into a situation like this, especially after they found love again and got married.

Amie suddenly tapped me on the thigh then she peeked at Aiden but his gaze was already on her so she

hurriedly plastered a smile on her face-that type you flash to strangers so you don't seem rude or mistakenly hurt their feelings.

She returned her gaze to me, leaned forward and whispered in a not-so-quiet voice. "Mommy, earlier the nurse called that man my dad after he introduced himself as my dad," her forehead creased in a frown," Why would he do that?" Then there was worry in her eyes, "And where is daddy?"

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