Billionaire Ascendancy


chapter 57

“So you really think I was the murderer behind Those your pains?” Raven rolled at her in pain as Ava burst into laughter. “I think you should go easy on her , Ava! She might not really do it”. Stella whispered such Words to Ava on seeing that they were going too harsh on her and at the end, if the real culprit turns out to be another person, then they’ve done wrong and will have to face the consequences if charge was pressed.

Raven has never felt so much pain in her life, not when her grandfather died but on the other hand she couldn’t really believe that Ava could do something like that to her. Seeing how blood was coming out of her hand, Ava struggled to remove the nail from her hands and brought out a Cain to whip her like a child.

“you’re really out of your mind right, aren’t you? I wouldn’t be surprised if Stefan had divorce you right after two days of you guys’ marriage . you don’t deserve someone like Stefan. I’m sure he doesn’t even love you or sees you as someone he can be with, which is the reason why he didn’t waste too much time thinking about this. I’m sure if I was in your shoes, Stefan wouldn’t have turned his back on me. He loves me so much but fate couldn’t let us be together and Even though you kill me right here, you will be sentenced to Life imprisonment and served jail before you will be beheaded so your pain would be more worse than me but then if you shut me right now and I didn’t die then that will be another miserable Life of yours”.

Raven uttered knowing those words will pain her to her bone and it was. She was exploding with anger. Her face shows so much Hatred for her like she’s about to explode.

“Your bitch, do you think you can ruin my life and go away with it?” She bellowed at her Angrily and used something to hit her as she collected the gun from one of the guy holding it.

At this moment, Stella didn’t know what to do because this wasn’t what they’ve planned. She thought they were only going to block raven on the way and they would beat her until she confessed, not knowing that Ava had other plans for this.

“Please calm down Ava. I hope you know what you’re trying to do right now. You’re trying to kill her which could turn you into a murderer. Please drop the gun Ava. This isn’t the right way to handle this situation”. Stella pleaded with her but the crazy Ava who had lost her mind and everything wouldn’t hear her words. She was only out for revenge because she knew Raven was the one behind Everything.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Kill me bitches. Do you think I’m afraid of you?” Raven blurted out her feelings so devastated that she couldn’t do anything in this situation. Her hands were tied by the two guys probably looking at her right now and she couldn’t do anything but to watch the next things Ava will do.

“On the count of three if you cant shoot me with that gun right now, then I promise to be the one who will shoot you once I get out of here”. Raven uttered, giving her more courage and confidence to go ahead with her plans and on the count of three, Ava phones ring out and the person seems to be Stefan. At this moment, Ava was nervous. She wanted to pick the call and hear what Stefan had to say as her mind told her it could be about the news which he had called her.

“Go on and pick your call Ava. There’s still time so don’t be shy”. Raven rasped in at her with a smile as Ava groaned at her and went to pick up the call.

“Hello Stefan. What’s the matter?” She questioned with a serious look as her face changed completely when Stefan asked her of her whereabouts. “I’m currently at work, Stefan . what’s the problem?” At this moment she was yelling at Him on knowing that she had been used by him and now he suddenly sees this as an opportunity to leave her.

“Why are you being such a bitch this morning Ava? I only ask you a question. Where are you and don’t even know if you’re lying to me because I’m currently at your company and you weren’t there either in your mom’s place or your house so tell me the truth”. At this moment, Ava was doomed as she pondered why he was being so suspicious of her whereabouts and all that.

“I’m at my friend’s place . What do you want?” She pondered and was startled when Stefan started laughing and then his tone changed immediately.

“Listen to me Ava, I don’t know what you’re planning to do right now but don’t ever create a fight with Raven over what happened. Don’t transport your anger on her and let me tell you, if anything ever happened to her then I promise to make you regret it”.

At this moment, Ava just wanted to slaughter raven more and show Stefan the kind of person she was. She couldn’t believe that someone who she was planning to get married to all those whiles could change his Ex wife over her. Maybe when she’s done killing her, he could go to the land of the death and stay with her.

“Fuck you and her Stefan. Now let me tell you, I’m going to kill her right now and kill myself. There’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. If you can’t marry me then I won’t allow you to marry her”.

Ava ended the call and walked towards Raven who seems to be losing too much blood as she kneels down to Face her in the chair, so their faces could be looking at each other.

“I can’t help but be jealous of you Raven. You’ve got everything in life.. the perfect husband, friends and family. Even when you guys have already divorce he still loves you and wishes he could be with you. I’m really jealous of you guys’ relationship but that’s one of the reasons why I should kill you.. if I don’t deserve Stefan then you don’t either. Even if I let everything slice today and you guys later get back to each other, I will definitely come after you guys. It will only take a matter of time for you to see my return. “Goodbye Raven!!” Ava picked up the gun and pointed it towards her direction. At this point she didn’t mind if she later ended up losing everything in life. All she wanted was the downfall of Raven who made her life miserable.

“I know you never wanted this Ava but please calm down your anger . things shouldn’t end this way”. Stella uttered as tears poured out of Ava’s eyes. “I have no choice, Stella , so please don’t stop me. They’ve turned me into something I never wanted”. With then,

Ava clocks the gun and shoots it towards her direction but unexpectedly, they hear the sound of someone falling down with a loud thug in their front. At this moment, what was heard was the loud scream of raven on realizing that the gun hit somebody else instead of her. Ava couldn’t help but ponder why Raven wasn’t falling down at the moment and that was when it dawned on her that the gun hit someone else instead of Raven. “Master, sir, are you okay?” She heard a voice from behind and on going to see the person who the gun had hit, it turned out to be Stefan..


Stefan was at work when he received such messages from Raven and quickly set some of his bodyguards along with him as they hurried to the direction which Raven had set for them. Tracking the number of her location leads them to where they are. The moment Stefan was done talking with Ava and confirming that her voice seems to be coming from the building which they were heading to, they enter inside the building silently and finally Spot the particular room they were at.. at this moment, Stefan was hearing so much argument as he hurried down to the room which was located at the rooftop of the building only to met his downfall.

“Ava!!” He shrugged at her only to be hit with the bullets which was going straight to Raven’s direction but since he seems to be walking towards them, the bullet hit him instantly and he ended up falling down. At this moment, all he could see was blank as his eyes shut down completely.

Raven screams out on realizing what had happened as the two security guards who followed Stefan Quickly untie her hands from the chair. “Stefan, please wake up, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were coming. I didn’t mean to hit you, please wake up”. The security guards removed Ava’s hands from Stefan Body as they carried him to the car and drove him to a nearby hospital. They didn’t let Ava come with them, nor did Raven who had volunteered to go with them. She was only left with Ava, her friend since the two guys ran away the moment Stefan was shot. Having a chance of this opportunity, Raven slapped Ava Face with her right hand which was streaming out with blood. “Now tell me Ava, are you happy now? Are you really happy now since you ended up shooting him? Raven was ready to show Ava her real side character as Ava tried to fight her back but her friend held her hand. “you’all should stop this okay. This isn’t the right time to engage in this fight right now. You have More serious case on ground than to be fighting with each other”. Raven promised to do her back and let her know that she was More crazy than her.

“Come on. Why can’t you fight me now? Let’s fight each other hand to hand. Are you really scared that I might beat your friend to death which is the reason why you’re holding her? Back then earlier, you were just blabbering about beating me. Now that you’ve got the chance, why can’t you do that?”

Even though Raven was hitting her she couldn’t hit her back. Her thoughts were occupied with lots of things and the guilt of shooting Stefan was there. At this moment, she just wished the ground could open up and swallow her. Raven retreats her step since she doesn’t have much strength left in her and she could fall down any movement from now on. She turned back to walk away not wanting to enter the same car with her as she made her way out of the lonely road.

“Just take a look at yourself Ava. See what your anger has caused. I told you to take this case lightly. You shouldn’t have carried the gun to shoot her now see who you Later shoot. You made a very great mistake in carrying a gun in this matter”. Stella criticized her as she continued to cry. “I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me. I didn’t even see Him coming. Ravens was the one I wanted to kill, not him. Why did he have to show up at that moment”. Ava uttered, crying her eyes out bitterly as Stella helped her get to the car and they drove off.

Not quite long of Raven walking around the road, she saw a car that looks like that of Jenny pulling over to her as she screamed in joy on seeing that the person inside was indeed her friend. Jenny’s eyes widened on seeing Raven as she opened the door for her and made her way towards the hospital. “girl I’m really sorry I came late. Please forgive me but what happened to you? Where’s Ava now?” Tears prick out of her eyes as Jenny questions her.

“It’s a long story. Where should I even start from?” Raven starts explaining everything to Jenny but she sees that Jenny wasn’t moved with the part where Stefan was shot and she didn’t bring her notice to that order rather than letting it go. Raven went to the chemist to treat herself before she could think of going to find Stefan and where they could have hospitalized him. She went home and was happy to see her father who was curious to know what happened to her and she explained everything to them .

“So you mean Stefan was shot?” Harper seems so shocked over the news than Katherine who wasn’t even shaking or feeling sympathy for what happened as Raven explains everything to them. “you have luck that crazy Ava didn’t shoot you Raven if not, we wouldn’t have done nothing order than burying you”. That was what Katherine could say as Harper knocked her up with his gaze.

“How could you say Such thing, mother? But you should know this isn’t Raven’s fault”. Katherine knows exactly what she means by her speech and she knew that Raven was guilty behind the accusations Which Ava had laid on her so he wouldn’t have done anything if she eventually ended up being shot.

“I have told you several times to let go of Stefan. You guys have divorce already so why are you finding ways to get close to him again?” At this point, Raven was Angry over Katherine’s words as she abruptly stood up to Face her. “Please aunt, at this moment I don’t need your advice or words over what’s happening in my life okay? You’ve made a wrong decision enough and I wouldn’t do that again. I’m not trying to blame anyone but this shit wouldn’t have happened if I and Stefan didn’t have to divorce each other. At this moment, I feel so guilty over everything that’s happening and wish the ground could open up and swallow me. Do you know what I passed through each day when I remember that Stefan will be getting married to her in less than a week? Of course I felt bad and wished I could make everything Right which is the reason why I thought it was a good idea that I need to come up with a plan in order for the marriage not to occur”.

At this moment, her father walked up to her and patted her back. “It’s okay daughter. Please don’t cry. I understand your reason for doing all that you did”. She was glad that someone understood her. Right from time her father had always been supportive in any decisions she makes.

“So I came up with a plan to ruin her decision which I did and now she’s coming back at me. I wasn’t aware of what she has in-store for me as I foolishly followed her on my way to work today because my car broke down and I wanted to take a taxi then but unfortunately, she took me to an uncompleted building and started torturing me with some boys. I’m really sorry father. I don’t know what come over me’ ‘.

Tears continued to stream out of her eyes as she confessed to her father. Already regretting her actions and why she followed Jenny’s advice in the first place.

“After that, what happened next?” Even though her mother was angry at her, she was in suspense to know everything that happened and how it occurred. Before the incidents happened, I had message Stefan to come to my rescue since I have no choice than to follow my plans. I wanted him to come and see the type of person Ava was but unfortunately, he came only to meet his downfall.

“You’re so foolish and seem unlike yourself. Was this how we’ve been training you? Why are you trying to force yourself on a man that no longer wants you? You see where I’m getting mad at you, is the fact that you’re trying so hard to make Stefan see Ava as the wrong woman for him and why he shouldn’t marry her. Do you think Stefan loves you? He doesn’t truly love you because if he did, he would have come back to you the moment you divorce him but he was filled with pride and decided to go away”. Katherine bellowed at her, expecting her to forget all about Stefan who she seems to be fighting for.

“I’m sorry Aunt but your advice wasn’t needed”. Raven uttered and walked out of them to cry out her eyes in the room but her father followed her immediately.

“What do you plan to do now, raven?” Harper questions her with a sad look as she sniffed her nostrils.

“What can I order other than minding my business? I’m planning to do nothing but to focus on building myself”. Harper held her hand and cleaned off the tears which were streaming out of her eyes.

“I think you should go and pay him a visit at the hospital. You should know he still cares about you which is the reason why he had come to look for you only to encounter such incidents”.

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