Beyond the Pack’s Law: My stepsister or nobody else

Chapter 10

Hayley’s Pov

Aiden and I exchanged heated looks as we walked hand in hand into a fancy restaurant. I had no idea Aiden could be this romantic. He had been planning this date between us for quite some time and I only got to know that yesterday.

I inhaled sharply as I felt his hot breath tickle the nape of my neck. “You look so gorgeous tonight sweetheart, can’t wait to rip this dress off you.”

“Aiden not in public.” I said barely above a whisper, and my nonchalant date…

“We shouldn’t do what in public, sweetheart… this?.” His hand gripped my ass cheek and I couldn’t stop myself from gasping.

“Aiden.” I called, but instead he kissed my neck. “I think we should order dinner.” I tore myself away from him, walking towards a vacant table, but not before hearing him chuckle.

The waitress showed us to a secluded corner booth, no doubt thanks to Aiden’s request for privacy. As soon as we slid into the high-backed seats, shrouded in shadows, his hands were all over me.

“Missed being able to touch you,” he murmured raggedly against my neck, sending delicious shivers through me.

Unable to resist, I tilted my head to allow him better access. “We’ve got all night for that.”

His lips quirked. “Is that a promise?”

I opened my mouth to respond, but the waiter appeared to take our orders.

We… well, I tried to pull away from him not to get caught, but he gripped my hand tightly, not giving me a chance to pull away.

His intense gaze held mine and I could only stare with panic and perplexity.

Then he intertwined our hands and kissed my lips before facing the waiter, who seemed to be used to couples doing this as he patiently waited for our orders.

“Well, so much for being discreet,” I muttered, under my breath, feeling my cheeks heat up.

Aiden just chuckled lowly. “I’m certain he’s encountered many sceneries like ours, no need to be so discreet.”

I managed a small smile at his reassurance, trying to push aside my nerves. Aiden was right – tonight was for us to enjoy ourselves without overthinking everything for once.

As we perused the menus, I noticed a familiar looking woman sitting by herself a few tables away. She seemed… vaguely recognizable.

“Hey, doesn’t she look kind of like-” I started to say to Aiden.

But a loud commotion from the entrance cut me off. We both turned to see a woman in a skin-tight red dress. Her hourglass figure and radiant beauty captured the attention of most guests as she stormed into the restaurant, flanked by two massive guards in suits and sunshades. She radiated fury like a raging inferno.

“Ezra Dantres!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, making everyone in the place freeze. “Show your lying, cheating face!”

Oh my god, I realized with a jolt as the woman’s face clicked into place. That was Kara Carina, the famous Hollywood movie star – and the woman sitting alone was award-winning director Ezra Dantres. What the hell was going on here?

Dantres leapt up from her table, face pale. “Kara! What are you doing here?”

“You know exactly why I’m here, you snake!” Kara raged, stomping right up to Dantres’ table as her bodyguards stood back warily. “I got an anonymous tip that you’ve been having an affair with that little whore intern of yours!”

Ezra’s eyes widened with panic as hushed murmurs spread through the dining room. From the corner of my eye, I noticed someone hastily snapping the scene, no doubt to sell on the internet later.

“Kara, please, let’s discuss this privately! This isn’t the place-”

But the movie star was in no mood for any reasoning. With a scream of rage, she launched herself at Ezra, slapping and punching her wildly. The two women went crashing to the ground in a flurry of hair and scratching nails.

Bedlam erupted in the restaurant as the bodyguards rushed forward to pull Kara off the bloodied Ezra.

Wait staff and other patrons scattered out of the fray as tables got upended in the chaos.

Aiden grabbed my hand tightly. “Let’s get out of here before we get trampled!”

I could only nod mutely, utterly shocked, as he pulled me urgently through the panicked crowd toward the exit…

… Only for us to nearly run smack into another furious-looking couple storming inside to join the madness.

It was none other than world-famous celebrity power couple Skylar Stone and Jace Matthews!

“Where is that low-life scum director?” Skylar was shouting at the top of her lungs. “She’ll rue the day she cheated my husband out of that Oscar nomination!”

Oh my god, this night could not get any crazier.

“Skylar! Jace! Thank god you’re here!” Kara cried from where she was still being forcibly restrained by her bodyguards. “Ezra’s been cheating on me with her intern!”

“What?!” Skylar whipped around, murderous fury in her icy blue eyes. “You lying, deceitful bitch! I should have known you were up to no good!”

She made to lunge for Ezra, but Jace quickly wrapped his burly arms around her to hold her back.

“Let me at her! I’ll kill that two-timing whore for stealing my husband’s Oscar!” Skylar was practically frothing in the mouth.

“Ladies, please!” Jace tried to interject over the cacophony reasonably. “There’s been some kind of misunderstanding!”

But no one was hearing any voice of reason right now.

The entire restaurant had descended into complete pandemonium, with various celebs and their entourages throwing down in an all-out brawl.

I clutched Aiden tightly, eyes wide with shock and fear. “We need to get out of here now!”

He nodded grimly and half-dragged me toward the exit, shielding me as best he could from the flying debris and toppling furniture.

Just as we reached the doors, ready to burst out to safety, a large potted plant came hurtling through the air to smash right in our path, forcing us to stumble back.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

And standing there, clutching the remains of the planter with rage contorting her features, was none other than Jada Reyna – the biggest werewolf gangster on the West Coast and Aiden’s own Aunt on his mom’s side…

My heart stopped as our eyes met, and her face registered recognition.

Suddenly, the full crazy night made terrifying sense – somehow, Jada had orchestrated this entire unhinged scene to get Aiden and me out in the open! But why? Unless…

“Well, well, well,” she sneered viciously, shoulders squaring for a fight. “If it isn’t my darling nephew and his pretty little stepsister whore…”

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