Betrothed To The Cold Billionaire


**Flash back**

**Before Grandpa Henry’s burial**

Adrian could be seen in the hospital where Alex was admitted. They were involved in a very heated discussion. Adrian knew that killing Grandpa Henry wasn’t the end of it all.

He didn’t know who killed him but he was aware already that his father was the cause of the accident. He knew that they wouldn’t stop there now that Oliver is dead and they clearly blame him and Ariel for it.

He knows that they would definitely come after him and the only way to hurt him was through Ariel. He needed to do something quick before things spiral way out of his control and that was the reason he was with his brother.

For now, they had no clear evidence of all the crimes their father had committed. Williams made sure he destroyed all the evidence Alex had gathered. Evidence of him being the cause of their mother’s death and Adrian’s kidnap.

Also, he wiped all evidence that made him the cause of Alex’s accident. The only evidence they have was Alex’s testimony but it wouldn’t be enough. They needed more solid evidence that would give him a very long time in jail because he knows his father would pull a lot of strings to escape being arrested. He was still talking to his brother when he heard a knock on the door.

“Are you expecting someone?” Alex asked as he stared at the door. He clearly wasn’t supposed to receive any treatment now so who was that?


“Who’s the person?” Alex asked again.

“Someone that might be able to help us win this fight. Well, only if she agrees to.” Answered Adrian. Alex eyes grew wide when he realised who it was.

“Susan???” He asked while Adrian nodded as a way of saying yes. Adrian stood up to go open the door while Alex quickly tidied up himself on the bed.

“Adrian I got you text message asking me to meet up here.” Susan said the moment the door was opened. She was happy that Adrain wanted to see her but was as well surprised that it was at an hospital.

“Yeah… come in.” He said as he opened the door wider for her to enter.

She entered and Adrian shut the door. She was about go in further when she saw someone she never thought she would see again. He was sitting on the bed and staring at her with the same expressin he used to… love.

“Adrian… w.. who’s that person that’s sitting on the bed??” She asked in disbelief as she pointed at Alex.

“It’s Alex” Adrian answered.

“Why are you doing this to me Adrian? Do you have to go too far to hurt me? I already told you that I didn’t kill him but why are you hellbent on making me go crazy??” She asked again, this time with anger in her voice.

“I’m not doing anything Susan.. that’s Alex.”

“No that’s not Alex!! Alex’s dead!! We buried him. I get that you blame me for his death but do you really have to go this far? I loved him you know. I love him so much that I would never do anything to hurt him so please stop all these games of yours. It’s getting too much to bear.” She pleaded as tears flowed down her eyes like a big waterfall.

Seeing her cry this hard, Adrian couldn’t help but feel guilty for the way he had treated her. She was also a victim as she watched the love of her life fall to his death but she couldn’t do anything about it.

For five good years, she lived in fear with the monster that almost killed her lover while he blamed her for everything that had happened.

“Susan.. it’s me Alex..” Alex said to her when she wouldn’t stop crying.

She paused immediately she heard his voice. Even though it had been a very long time she last heard that voice, she still couldn’t forget the way it made her feel. The sensation it gave her, it can never be faked.

“Alex??” She called as she raised up her head.

“Is that you??” She asked. Alex smiled and nodded his head. That was the only confirmation she needed. She walked towards him and engulfed him in a very tight, warm and passionate hug.

Adrian smiled as he watched them being engaged in their little lovely moment togther.


After Alex was done explaining how amd why Adrian had hid him in that hospital, she was left speechless. She really couldn’t blame him for taking such measures as she would do the same if the same thing were to happen to her daughter.

She was just happy that Alex was alive and well. Adrian proceeded further to tell her the reason he had called her and how he needed her help.

“It’s funny you mention that because I had the same thought too.” Susan replied.

“You did??” Alex asked.

“Yes… some days ago, Ariel came to me for help…” She explained her discussion with Ariel and how she pleaded for her to tell her about Alex’s accident.

“At first, I didn’t want to say anything as I was scared about what Williams would do to Emily if he finds out that I was going against him.”

“So why did you change your mind?” Adrian asked.

“Grandpa Henry’s death. It made me realize he would do worse things to me and Emily if I don’t try to get away. I can’t keep living this type of life. I want my daughter to have a normal life. Have normal people caring for her. Not one that she is being held hostage.”

“So what you’re saying is that you’ll help with whatever way you can??” Alex asked.

“Yes and I even brought some things that would be very useful to us.” She muttered as she dipped her hand in her handbag and brought out a flash drive.

“What’s in it?” Adrian asked as he collected it.

“Evidence of him pushing Alex that day.”


**Back to the present**

Seeing someone that was supposed to be dead, alive and well was enough to make everyone scared. It was as if they were all staring at a ghost. The courtroom was filled with shocked and scared gasps all over.

Williams was the worst. His eyes bulged out like he had seen a ghost. Well, Alex was a ghost to him since he was supposed to be dead. He pushed him off the window and he watched him get buried. How come he’s still alive??

The video that was shown on the TV and Alex’s presence were enough to make him uncomfortable. He knew the results of the trial wouldn’t be favorable to him. He wasn’t the only one feeling that way, Adrian’s aunt had discomfort written all over her face too.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Someone had just showed a video of her killing her father. Jail time was very sure for her. She panicked and stood up from the chair she was sitting. She was about to run away but was caught by the officers manning the door.

She screamed and tried to struggle out of their hold but they wouldn’t let her. Susan wheeled Alex foward, towards where Ariel was and Adrian stood with them.

Williams faced the judge and signaled him to do something. He had bribed him already and the judge’s words would enough to turn the matter around but the judge had a very helpless look on his face.

All the evidence being showcased pointed out Williams and his sister as the culprit. All that was happening at the courtroom at that moment were being broadcasted on all TV stations.

If he gives the wrong verdict, his career would be on the line. When Williams noticed the judge wasn’t willing to do anything to help him, he got really angry. He stood up from his chair and grabbed an officer’s gun.

By the time the officer noticed that his firearm had been stolen, it was already too late as William already had the gun pointed at his target, Ariel. Instinctively, Adrian stood in front of her, thereby blocking her from William sight.

“I warned you didn’t I? I told you that this lady would be the end of you but you didn’t listen. You see what you’ve caused? You’ve ruined our family’s name and all because of this lowlife!!!” He said angrily.

“The only person that ruined this family is you.” Alex said.

“Shut up!! I should have killed you both when I had the chance.”

“But you didn’t and now all of your secrets are out in the public. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your life in jail.” Adrian said in a mock-like tone and that only infuriated Willaim the more.

“I would rather die than spend a day in that disgusting place. But before that, you both are coming with me.” He said and cocked the gun he had aimed at Adrian.

The courtroom was filled with screams as series of gunshot filled the air.

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