Betrayed By My Mate Claimed By The Alpha


Chapter 19 


The day finally arrived. After some back and forth, a date had been set and arrangements had been made. When I woke up that morning, my heart drummed an anticipatory rhythm. I flung the sheets off of my body and climbed down from the bed. I stood at the window for a while, observing the world in all its glory as the sun kissed everything within its reach. 

“Today should be good.” I said aloud to myself, smiling. 

Derrick was up in a while. He did not look as pleased as I though he would be. There was apprehension on his face, and when he spoke, his words were weighed down by misgivings. 

“We have to prepare, he said. “They’ll be here soon” 

“They? You mean the Lycan King?” I asked, a tease in my rome. 

“Who else would I mean?” He said irritably. 

“I think you need to relax, Derrick,” I said to him. “The Lycan King is feared and all, but this is still your territory, which means there is a limit to what he can do. You can still assert dominance; this is your territory, and nothing will happen here if you don’t want it to 

I watched breathe deeply, nod thoughtfully and leave the room. 

+had heard a lot about the Lycan King – his charm, the air of superiority in the way he carried himself, his ability to pull anyone towards himself with his charisma, Word had gone round about how powerful he was, but only a few people had come in contact with him, so I knew it would be a privilege to meet with him. 

The meeting was scheduled for later that evening. About an hour before the set time, I had another bath, making sure to scrub my body well. After that, I requested the help of some of the maids. They worked on me for a while, helping me to make up, adorning me with the most beautiful clothes and jewellery that I had, and making me even more beautiful than I had been. After they were done, I looked in the mirror, observed myself and nodded approvingly to myself. The maids had done a good job. 

With that done, I set out to find Derrick. I found in the room, alone, almost fully dressed, with a somber look on his face. It was clear he was still nervous. I walked closer to him and began to help him tie his tie. 

“It’ll be fine,” I told him. 

“Of course,” he replied. 

“Besides, I’ll be by your side,” I said with wink. 

“That would be greatly appreciated,” he said, smiling. 

At that moment, some raps were heard on the door, and one of the maids peeped in

“They are here, Alpha,” she said. “The Lycan King is here.” 

“Okay,” Derrick said. “Tell them we’ll be there in a minute.” 

I saw him close his eyes and breathe, as if trying to steady his turbulent mind. 

We interlocked our hands as we walked side by side to the throne room where the Lycan King was waiting for us. Derrick took short, slow steps that made it difficult for me to keep up and I wondered if he was doing so intentionally to stall. But 

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Chapter 19 

inevitably, we made it to thethrone room. 

Upon our entry, a loud call was heard. 

“All rise for the Alpha, someone yelled and everyone rose. 

As we ascended the throne. I looked around, carefully, trying to figure out who was who, seeing if I could recognize the Lycan King in one go. But from where I stood. I could not see too much and all their face blurred into one. 

We were scheduled to have a small meal. A large table was set pel dishes of all kinds and varieties were sprawled all over the tabletop. It was such a lush display, such an unrestrained show of opulence that I squeezed Derrick’s hand in approval. He himself had had them make the meals and I was sure the Lycan King would be impressed by it, along with his escorts. 

“Let us go.” Derrick said, getting on his feet and helping me up to my feet as we gracefully walked to the table. 

And that was when I saw him, the Lycan King, I has met many men, but had never met a man quite like him. He looked so confident yet without the arrogance that came with being in a high status; he commanded an air of respect around himself and, most importantly, he had undeniable good looks; his hair and eyes were enthralling, and when he opened his mouth to speak. I thought I had fallen into a reverie. 

“It’s so good to see you,” he said, getting on his feet, holding his hand out, a smile creasing his face. 

Derrick shook back, but his facial muscles had tensed so much that he could not smile

“It is such a delight to have you here,” Derrick said, surprisingly equanimous. “I cannot thank you enough for honouring my invitation. 

“Of course, The Lycan King said. “Please, let’s eat.” 

We started to eat the food. Wine was served, and we drank. But I was completely lost; I could not take my eyes away from this man, this Lycan King, who both terrified and thrilled me. I picked at my food, slowly, and sipped from my wine glass. 

“Ohh, this is my mate, Derrick said, pointing at me, and I bowed slightly, 

“Ohh, interesting.” The Lycan King said, but he looked at me curiously, like I had stolen some of his personal belongings. 

Throughout the dinner, I kept my eyes on him. He also stole glances towards me, but I averted my eyes i just about to make eye contact. 

we were 

I knew instantly that this was going to be a problem, this feeling of attraction I was feeling towards him, but as I sipped my wine, and started to get lightheaded, all I could fantasize was being pulled into an embrace by The Lycan King. 


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