Beauty and The Beta (Bailey)



Chapter 11 Asher

The night of our former Alpha’s party was here, and the pack was in good spirits. I was wishing I could be any place but surrounded by so many cheerful pack members, but I was putting on my

happy face, and being the ever gracious host.

“You have done a good job bro!” Caleb called over to me, as he walked across the dancefloor set up on the training field, his hand holding that of his heavily pregnant mate, and our pack Luna, Eden.

“Thanks.” I nodded at him.

“Asher, you look fed up, love.” Eden walked across to me, resting her head of long, dark braids upon my shoulders.

“Just tired Eden, not sleeping too good.” I explained. “And hoping tonight goes okay.”

“You worry too much, you know that once everyone has a few drinks down them, they won’t care how much planning went into the party.” Eden says with a light-hearted giggle, and I can’t help but smile at her words, because I know she is right. Once the drinks begin to flow, then the majority of the pack will be having far too much fun to even care about the details.

“So long as Uncle Isaak enjoys himself, then I am happy.” I told her, giving her a hug.

“He wasn’t expecting a party, so his face was a picture. You saw that. We made his day. And if he keeps drinking he won’t remember a blo ody thing anyway!” Caleb says with a grin.

We had the whole of our pack here, plus many of his friends from neighboring packs too. As an Alpha, my Uncle had been much respected and gained many allies, who, in later years, had become friends too. Most of whom were delighted to come and join him at his birthday celebrations tonight. And seeing my Uncle walking around catching up with them all now shows we have made the right decision.

I grab myself a drink and linger at the edge of the party. I can see my Uncle chatting to some friends, and the sheer joy upon his face tells me he is happy, which means, all the has sle and hard work was worth it. The family he is speaking to I can’t say I recognize. So I can only assume they are from off pack. But, I can see my Uncle chatting to a man and his family. As I look, one of the women, who I could only assume is the daughter of the man my Uncle is speaking to, looks up to meet my gaze. Big brown eyes, almost like a deer caught in headlights, bless her. Looking like she would rather be anywhere than here right now…

Hell, I have to say I know that feeling only too well. As much effort as I may have This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

put into organizing this party for my Uncle, I do not want to be here. I smile politely, but she quickly looks away, so I assume I may have made her feel uncomfortable. Not my concern, not like I know who she is.

I returned my gaze to the others enjoying the party, and could see the drinks were flowing freely and there were many of our pack members that looked like they had already had too much to drink. I have a feeling the clean-up duties tomorrow are not going to be fun. I think I best to avoid those…

“Are you okay Asher?” Eden’s voice interrupted my train of thoughts, which had been excuses I could use for getting out of the clean-up.

I smile at our pack Luna. Her heavily pregnant bump seemed to be making her look heavily out of proportion now, and she was beginning to look uncomfortable. “I am fine.” I replied. My set and standard reply. Easier than going into anything deeper than that. I am sure she did not need a detailed analysis of my feelings. “Are you? You like tired, chick.”

She rests her hand on her belly and gently strokes it. “This little swine in here. Saps all my energy. I can tell he is Caleb’s pup. He doesn’t know how to lie still. Just like his big brother was!”

I chuckle. I remember her forever complaining during her first pregnancy that their son, Matty, was forever kicking ten bells of sh it out of her insides. Seems this little one was doing the same. A standard part of pregnancy I would assume… I can’t say, as I never got to go through that with Isla. She had gone before we experienced that…

“Make sure you use it to your advantage. Get Caleb running around after you.” I tell her with at smile, and she begins to laugh.

“He tries, but then he gets under my feet and gets on my nerves!” she rolls her eyes, and I laugh. It swear there is no pleasing her!

“You think everyone is enjoying the party?” I asked Eden’s opinion, and she looked at me with a shake of her head.

“You really need to ask that?” she asks me, resting her hand upon my arm. “You know they are. Listen…” she tilts her head to the side as if to listen, her chocolaty brown skin catching the glimmer of the fairy lights we were standing underneath. “You hear all the laughter? The happy chatter? That is enough to tell you people are having a great time.”

I listened like she said and had to say she could be right, and found myself nodding in agreement. “I guess so.”

“There is no guessing about it, Ash. I know you may not want to be here, but everyone else does, and they are enjoying it. You did good, like we knew you would. Why do you

would. Why do you think we asked you to help organize it?” Eden rests her head against my arm.

“Because you guys like to find me things to do to keep me busy, I am sure I am too fussed about being here.” I admit.

of it. And no, I can’t sav

Eden looks up at me, her big blue eyes gazing at me, full of concern, before she shrugs. “Well, I guess you have shown up. You have had a drink, so you don’t have to stay too much longer. Your Uncle can’t complain too much.” She grins. “Besides, I think he was on the tequila before, so a few more of them, and he won’t even notice you aren’t here. He won’t notice anyone is here. He could be in an empty room, and he would still be chatting away like the room was full.” She says with a mischievous grin, and I laugh, because she is right, my Uncle was terrible once he has had too many tequilas…..

“Asher!” I heard a voice calling my name, and I turned to see where it was coming from, and as I thought, it was my Uncle. Strange, considering the conversation I was just having….

“Vou were

were cavino?” I muttered to Eden who grinned before wandering away though

it was more of a waddle now, to her mate.

“Asher, there you are boy…” my Uncle, our former pack Alpha Isaak, came walking over to me, though from where I was standing it did look like he was already struggling to walk in a straight line. I wonder if Eden and my estimations had been right, and he had already had a few too tequilas…


“Asher!” he yelled again, though why he felt the need to shout I have no clue. “I have someone I need you to speak to.”

Great… So much for a quick escape…

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