Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet


Kamille’s POV

As the early morning light filtered through the curtains, I groaned. My head pounded like a third world war was going on there. I shifted slightly as I felt a warm body beside me and then turned to see who it was.

What the heck!

His long and perfect body lay beside mine naked just like I was. I quietly lifted the covers to check myself and the memories from yesterday began flooding my thoughts.

I had met up with Amanda and Belle, we had a lot to drink, they left earlier. I remember the way the alcohol had dulled my senses and clouded my judgment. And then Zeke had appeared, he took me home but his presence had stirred something within me that I had long tried to suppress.

Now in the harsh light of day, regret gnawed at my insides. The last thing I wanted was to have a one night stand with him. I should have known better than to get involved with a married man, especially one with whom I shared a complicated history. My eyes glanced over his fingers. The rings were gone.

What happened to that?Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

I shifted my gaze from his fingers to his body. I stared at his long and beautiful legs, his firm abs and his soft lips. My mind wandered back to the events of the previous night. Our fingers intertwined in a bond I can’t really explain and our bodies locked together, moving in sync with each other.

How could I yearn for someone who hurt me so much? Hate him is what I’m supposed to do, not this. I have to, for my children’s sake. Shit!

Guilt washed over me as I pushed myself out of bed, careful not to disturb Zeke. I was supposed to relieve Nanny Dona last night and not by 4am! I was already making a mess just as I arrived London. Whew!

The sun was not fully up but it was enough for me to navigate my way back to my kids. I quickly searched for my clothes and got dressed.

I tiptoed out of his room into the hallway. As I walked, I noticed the odd difference in the house from the last time I was in it. The decor was sad and lonely, the house felt empty and void of life.

Where was Ellen? Zeke would never bring me back here if she was home. I know how much she loathes my presence like I’m a plague.

I stealthily leave the house and board a taxi. “Good morning Ma’am.” The driver greeted. I responded politely and gave him my address. I glanced back at Zeke’s house as the car zoomed off.

Just as sunrise came into full view, I alighted from the taxi. All through the ride, I had been distracted with worry. I wondered if Nanny Dona had left my kids last night. She had the right to but I hoped she didn’t.

As soon I arrived the door, it opened and there stood Nanny Dona wearing a motherly smile. I began to tell the numerous excuses I had cooked up on my way home, “I’m so sorry, I got carried away and …..”

“It’s fine Miss Kamille. I totally understand.” Nanny Dona said interrupting me from my tales. “Taking care of four kids takes it toll on any mother and it is only right for you to use a break now and then.” She added with a warm smile plastered across her wrinkling face.

“Thank you.” I replied, comforting myself with the nanny’s thoughtful words. “How about the kids?” I inquired.

“Oh pretty lovely souls you got there. So full of life.” She replied warmly. “They are still asleep.” She added.

“Thank you so much Nanny Dona.” I made a mental note to make her contract permanent. Her thoughtfulness and motherly care was admirable.

She nodded and left. I climbed the steps up to my room. But I made a quick stop at the children’s room. The boys were peacefully sleeping, I smiled at their calm faces and quietly closed the door. I moved to Tyris’s room. I walked in to give her a peck before heading to my room.

I took a bath and dressed in a loose flowery dress. I moved downstairs to prepare breakfast. I walked to the fridge and took out some fruits and vegetables. Soon the aroma of sizzling bacon filled the air, accompanied by the sound of eggs cracking against a bowl. Once I was done, I set the table, arranging colorful plates and napkins. I went up and got the kids ready. They came downstairs and we had breakfast together.

After I cleared the dishes, I moved into my study to work on an article for my forecast station. The memory of Zeke lingered at the back of my mind. I knew that I could not undo the events of last night, nor could I ignore the undeniable chemistry that still crackled between us. But for now, I would rather put those thoughts aside and focus on what mattered.

I made a mistake last night. One that would never repeat itself again. I promised myself.

“Hello Amy. What’s up?” I said picking up my phone whose ringing halted my thoughts. I’m glad it did.

“Hello bestie. I’m cool. I’m glad you got home safely.” She responded. “Mmmn.” I hummed in the affirmative.

If only you knew Amanda.

“So here is what’s up. You are going to mail me all the evidence you have on the Manors right about now.” She said

I listened. Not to her, but to the voices in my head. Reuniting with my best friends was something I looked forward to and they helping me out was a blessing I didn’t take for granted. But at that moment, I began doubting if I wanted them fully involved in all this. It was my battle not theirs. I did not have enough incriminating evidence except for a few videos and grandma’s will.

“Uhm Amy, I don’t know. What I have will not do. We’ll need more evidence and I am yet to come up with a plan on how to get them.” I replied.

“Don’t overthink it. We’ll come up with something soon enough. Those motherfuckers will definitely get prosecuted like they deserve.” Amanda said.

“Yeah. I need to trace where that mail came from. Whoever sent it knew who I was and knew I was alive and must have had a reason to mail me my grandma’s will.” I said thinking about what the person would really want from all this. “But I’ll mail you the little I have so you can work on the article.” I added.

“Alright. I’ll get to work immediately. Talk to you later Kam.” Amanda ended the call. I sighed.

I refocused my attention to the article in front of me. London’s weather was different from that in the United States so I had to put in a different feel to my article. I did a few more researching, then I completed the article and sent it to my Editor.

As I relaxed my tensed muscles, I heard Tyris squel in excitement with her brothers. My heart filled with warmth, she was female but being around her brothers made her stronger than most girls her age. I know no one could ever bully my daughter like I was.

They would be dead before they had a chance to.

I had to enroll them into a Day care academy being that we would tarry for awhile in London. I quickly surfed the net for daycares with good reviews and outstanding portfolios. I found one that was close to where we lived. I filled the forms that were attached on their profile for each of my kids; Roen Reid, Torin Reid, Tyris Reid and Torin Reid.

Almost immediately a mail was sent to me. I signed the necessary documents and just like that they got enrolled.

Thanks to web developers for making it easy for us lots out here.

My phone rang. “Hello Kamille on the line. How may I help you?” I replied. They were from the daycare. They wanted to verify my home line. The kids could begin the next day or Monday of the following week.

“Thank you very much Ms Kamille. Do have an amazing day.” The woman on the other end said before hanging up.

“Thank you.” I responded just before the line went dead.

With all the hassle and mess that brought me back to London, I had a lot of cleaning up to do. I would not want to see my children caught up in the middle of it. I sighed.

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