Bad Boy Isn’t My Type

Chapter 74

Blake bent to her level smirking and showing a beer of bottle, shaking it in front of her level of vision.

” First as of your reward…… have some alcohol……” Blake offered a bottle of filled beer and signalled her to drink.

She shrunk, giving the impression that she would run away any moment. She looked at Ivy sobbing. Ivy clenched her fist looking so powerless.

” DRINK! ” Blake roared out making her flinch scaring her to death and so did I.

She gulped out whole beer of bottle sobbing silently and emptied it.

“Good…… now collect all the empty bottles and bring it near me kid…… hurry up time is ticking.” He ordered the girl and pushed her slightly to walk.

She walked to each senior and collected everybody’s empty bottle in a carton and placed it in front of Blake.

Blake crooked a grin eyeing it menacingly giving me sudden creeps.

” We’ll step into level 2 of the game now, shall we??????” Blake clapped his hand cheering the crowd, I felt like I was going to faint, scared to even imagine what would transpire in a few seconds.

Cleo and Charlotte smirked and tied each senior’s hand behind their back with a rope and sticked a balloon on their head.

The crashed some bottles and spread the glass pieces around them making all the seniors completely immobilised. If they moved a inch, the small glass would pierce their skin.

What is he upto now!???????

” Pick up a embty bottle kid……” Blake ordered her and she obeyed him immediately shaking evidently.

” Shoot on them……”

” Excuse me??? ” A trembled voice came out of her mouth and I gaped at Blake with equal energy.

” The game is simple…… aim these empty bottles on the balloons on their head…… if luck permits the balloon will burst, your members might be saved and they will out of this.”

” If you don’t any of them…… you’ll be next and I will be the one who will be throwing it understood??” Blake said in menacing tone and she nodded her head hiccuping and crying.

” Their life is in your hand now kid…… throw if wisely. Start……”

Blake left her and that girl looked at the seniors sobbing silently hiccuping. She aimed and swung the bottle at a distance and I yelped closing my eyes.


The bottle crashing ringed through my ear and I opened my eyes in terror. The bottle had crashed right side of Christene, her face going fully pale in terror.

” Ah…… just miss……” Blake chuckled derisively.

Ivy’s sister was blinking her eyes, her legs getting wobbly. It was definitely affect of alcohol she drank.

Blake deliberately made her drink her whole bottle so that she becomes little unstable and by this her throw will get wobbly and if she misses it may hit…… The members!!! No!!

” Next one kid……” Blake said with dead calm making her shiver and she picked up another empty bottle and aimed to throw it.

She swung it with a distance and it fell straight on Christene’s shoulder crashing and she yelped in pain.

” Ohwww……” The crowd buzzed out and Blake chuckled out eyeing them. ” Aim it properly kid…… what are you doing……”

Ivy’s sister cried hiccuping heavily picking up another bottle and aimed it again. I wanted to stop this brutal situation but wasn’t in my had.

Ivy’s sister swung and then the bottle hit the balloon making it burst. Christene yelped out and so did the others by the impact of the sound.

It was Ivy’s turn now and I gulped in fear. Her sister’s tears dwelled up more and she was shaking vigorously pausing for a moment……

” Waiting…… ” Blake hissed out and she flinched out and aimed it swinging the bottle, but luckily she missed hitting her and crashed right in front of Ivy.

” What are you doing kid? Do you want to be next???” Blake hissed in irritated tone, eyeing her dangerously and she hung her head not responding to him.

Blake clenched his fist pausing for a moment, drawing a dead calm frustrated sigh and his lips twitched to the side.

“Since you are having problem…… Maybe I should step to help you…… don’t you think???” Blake said in acid tone glaring at her and it rattled me up. What……

His glare turned deadly, his body growing taut. The tension in me becoming palpable, on the verge of escalating into something ugly.


” Blake enough!!! Please stop this! Vincent please tell him to stop! ” I pleaded looking at Vincent but he stood sternly unperturbed of the situation.

” It’s never enough…… it will never be” Vincent hissed lowly and dangerously and my head started ringing, heavy with pressure that threatened to give me a headache.

Blake strode towards Ivy’s sister whistling, every pitch piercing my ear and mind restlessly.

He flipped an empty bottle in the air and caught it eyeing them menacingly and towered behind Ivy’s sister.

He bend to her shoulder level and made her to hold the bottle along with a grip of his. Ivy’s sister was shivering and sobbing heavily.

” Watch and learn kid……” Blake said in low mocking tone and swung her arm with a strength and I felt like my heart popped in terror.

The balloon burst out loudly, rattling me up but…… it wasn’t Ivy’s balloon, it was the senior next to her and the senior screamed out by the sound, shaking vigorously.

” Aim it like that okay …… Now …… it’s your beloved sister turn kid…… throw it wisely.”

Ivy’s sister bit her cheeks, tears rolling out continuously, her hand shaking taking the empty bottle, but she was hesitating a little.

” DO IT!” Blake barked out and she flinched out, accidentally throwing it aimlessly and it crashed straight hitting Ivy’s head and I felt like fainting out by the cruelty.

” NO!!” Ivy’s sister cried out running towards her as the blood ozzed out on Ivy’s head, but Blake held her arm preventing her run.

” What happened??? Do you feel the terror and pain now?? Every scream and pleas that came form Jennie……? But what did you do that time??? ” Blake said derisively gripping her tightly.

My tears dwelled up, the memory flashing up, my legs getting wobbly but I felt a warm hand on my arm and I looked at Vincent through my blurry vision.

His eyes searing into me, stealing my breath-stealing my everything, something indecipherable passing through us.

I pleaded him with my eyes to stop all this and he signalled Blake to step back and Blake released Ivy’s sister and she ran towards Ivy crying.

Vincent left me and walked towards Blake, glaring at the seniors with no emotions.

” I’m leaving you people because you are mistakingly born as girls and if I encounter you again…… I won’t even see that too. STAY. AWAY. FROM. HER. it’s my last warning.”

” If any of you f***ing dare try to touch her by any chance next time…… I won’t even let you people stand on a piece of land.”

My heart thumped fast as his words leaving a blazing trail in my chest. He’d been here all this time and I couldn’t understand why he was doing all this but I was very grateful to him.

” What is happening here? Why there are alcohol in the University!???? Who brought them???” Principal Anderson shouted approaching us and my limbs turned cold. Oh no……

And Vincent? He didn’t even pay attention to the principal and teachers, glaring at the girls looking like he didn’t care if he was going to get punished for this or not.

” Jesus Christ!!! Why is that child bleeding?? Take her to medical room!!” Principal shouted at the guys when he reached us, his face red with fury.

” What do you think you are doing? All of you!” He pointed at the students. ” Is this all a show for you?” He glared at Blake and Vincent. ” And you two. Don’t you two have any shame, Parker and Aisnworth?”

” What did we do…? It was her who who hit her own sister with that bottle. I swear I didn’t touch any of them…” Blake put his hands in air in defense manner.

” Mr. Parker, you better shut your mouth if you don’t want a stricter punishment! ” Mr. Anderson barked at him.

Vincent and Blake looked at him unamused rolling their eyes, completely chilled out.

” You’re coming to my office, Mr. Parker” Principal Anders approached him. ” You too, Mr. Ainsworth.”

” No please don’t punish them…… it’s not their fault…! It’s because of me…! Those seniors bullied me first ” I stepped in shaking internally and Vincent looked at me with annoyed expression.

” Jennie-”

” No…… they should know the truth! Mr. Anderson they made me drink 3 bottles of beer here in this university and hit me, kicked me and pressed my fingers with their legs because they were bullying a boy and I tried to stop them……”

” You bitch!” Christene shrieked. ” That’s a lie Mr. Anderson!”

” What the f*** did you just say???” Blake moved quickly towards her giving her murderous look but a faculty pulled him keeping him in place.

” Mr. Parker behave yourself!!” Principal Anders shouted at him glaring daggers at Blake.

” Aye stop giving me advices, can’t you see those b*tches are lying! We have the bloody proof too! ” Blake hissed out without a single glint of fear in his eyes tapping the iPhone.

What is he……

Blake handed the phone none too gently, abruptly to Mr. Anderson. Principal and some faculties looked through the video clip and I gripped my hem of the t-shirt growing cold as the seconds ticked by.

” You kids to my office now!! ” Anderson barked at the seniors and he shifted his gaze to us.

” Even if Miss Ivy and her friends did that, that doesn’t justify Parker and Ainsworth’s conduct here. It’s a university not a slaughter house for God sake!” Principal hissed glaring at them.

” Now Mr. Parker and Aisnworth ” the principal yelled at Blake and Vincent. No!

” Vincent……” I held his hand, my vision blurring with tears.

” Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal… I’ll see you later. ” He whispered to me patting my head and left my hand.

I looked at Blake with tears and he nodded giving a faint smile and walked with the faculty.

” Mr. Ainsworth……”

Vincent gave me a last look turned to leave, but then he stopped and looked at me over his shoulder, his eyes warm.

” Get some rest…… you are freezing…… Don’t wait for us……”

I couldn’t even respond, my throat closing up at the sight of this caring, gentle Vincent……

Emma nodded and we all left soon reaching the house. I was feeling nauseated and my temperature was dropping low.

I retched again and again, my heart pounding furiously in my chest as my stomach protested painfully.

Emma gave me medicine and fed me some food and I layed on the sofa, waiting for Vincent and Blake impatiently.

I hope they are okay……!

I waited for few hours but they were still gone and I couldn’t sleep without worrying, tension rolling off.

Suddenly we heard a car’s roar buzzing in the hall indicating Blake and Vincent arrival and my heart beat sped up.

” They must be here! ” Emma eyes widened, her voice booming with tension and anxiousness.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

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