Bad Boy Isn’t My Type

Chapter 37

Jennie Wilson POV

” No!!!! No!! Don’t touch me you filthy bastard!!!” I screamed from the bottom of my lungs, but he silenced me with his hand.

” Stop wiggling baby girl, nobody’s going to save you sweetheart” he said his face sinister and my tears flowed even more.

What is happening to me?

He pushed me and I fell hard on the ground. He could sense my weaknesses, he fed on it, his smirk grew slightly on his lips.

” No! Please don’t come near me!!” I cried out jerking back, but he hovered over me, slapping me again inhumanely making my vision blur.


The door flew open and broke into many pieces, startling me in fear.

” Jennie……!” Vincent said breathlessly when our eyes met. It took him only moments to snap out of his wide-eyed shock at seeing me here.

” You’re going to pay for this!!” Vincent growled at him and pushed him kicking him off me.

He straddled him and delivered blow after merciless blow to his face, until it became unrecognisable.

” How dare you touch her!!!” Vincent hissed at him, hitting him gruesomely.

” I. Will. Kill. You. Motherf***er!!!!” Vincent said breaking each syllabus with each punch on that guy face.

” No! I didn’t. I didn’t force her! Please trust me.” The guy shrieked out and my heart squeezed at his dishonesty.

” Don’t f***ing lie! I heard her scream!” Vincent hit him mercilessly on his face drawing out blood.

He held Vincent’s hand pleaded, shedding crocodile tears” Vincent! Please trust me, she is lying. I didn’t do anything.”

Vincent froze by his words, like something hit his head. ” Trust me?”

” Yes! Please trust me Vincent…… that girl is lying, I was resting here but she pulled me towards her. I am all innocent not that b*tch. Please trust me!!”

Vincent was temporarily blinded and panicking more with each passing second. He held his head like his head was paining ” Trust me????”

” Yes yes! She is framing me, I didn’t do anything. She is lying Vincent, she forced herself to me!! Please trust me!! I didn’t do anything!!! She is taking advantage of being a girl!!! ”

Vincent stumbled his eyes blinking rapidly.

Why is he acting like this!!????

Is he having attack… but why???

Did something happen to him before?

No not now Vincent!!!!

” Vincent!” I went near him pleading.

” No Vincent he is lying!!! Please trust me he tried to rape me! My pants ripped off so I came here, but he entered and tried to rape me. I…… tried…… to… push him…… but…… he… hit… me… and I fell…… on th…… the ground. But…… but… then… you came…” ”

My breath was coming in gasps as I struggled to talk. Vincent was shaking so much now, his face completely distressed.

” I said No…… no…… many times …… but he kept…… kept…… forcing me. Please trust me Vin…… Vincent, he is lying.” I cried heavily gripping my pant.

Vincent scanned my body as his eyes slid to the grip marks and scratches, on my body. Without any warning, his eyes grew darker and more dangerous, making me afraid to move an inch. I was rendered speechless.

He transformed right in front of me, in less than a minute-from light to frightening dark-and my heart dropped.

“Despite her saying no, you forced her?” Vincent strode and hit him into his face, beating the crap out of him.”Motherf***er !!! You forced her despite saying no??”

He didn’t even give time to that guy to stand up, jumping on top of him and giving him a punishing blow after punishing blow.

” How can you force on a girl, despite her saying no!!!” Vincent snarled at him hitting his face mercilessly.

” Vincent. You are supporting that f***ing slut! She is a f***ing wh*re!” The guy barked out, but Vincent gave him a punishing punch making him fall on on the ground.

“Say that one more time and I will rip your balls out, and I don’t give a f*** about of police.” Vincent hit him on the stomach ” Dare call her that again, and I’ll completely f*** your shit up, you won’t be able to live peacefully by then!” Vincent hissed at him, darkness in his eyes again, making him look completely inhuman, like he truly didn’t care about the consequences.

He pushed him to the ground, sat on top of him, punched him ruthlessly until his face became unrecognizable beneath all that gruesome blood and cuts.

” First thing…… get that vile mind of yours. A woman’s worth has nothing to do with her sexual experience. No mean no! Once a girl says NO, it’s a goddamn NO” Vincent punched him hard in the face, a crack ringing out when his fist connected with the man’s nose and broke it.

My heart pounded rapidly by his words, which took me by my surprise. I couldn’t believe he was like this.

” It’s a god damn NO irrespective who ever she is, Do You Understand!!” Vincent kicked him mercilessly.

The way aggressiveness seeped from him, twisting his face lines into ferocious hatred, made the terror flow through my veins.

I sprawled on the ground, the pain in my legs coming hard at me again as the adrenaline dissipated. I felt so exhausted. Vincent kept hitting the guy, the ferocious violence still guiding his body.

Suddenly Blake and Aaron entered the room and they looked at me utterly shocked. Aaron ran towards me and wound his jacket around my waist, covering me. I cried heavily as Aaron helped me get up.

” Hey bro he’s done for” Blake pulled reached towards Vincent, pulling him away from the immobile body on the ground.

” Leave me I will f***ing kill him, he doesn’t deserve to live, touching a girl without her consent, doesn’t makes him a man! These kind of pathetic low lives deserves to die!!” Vincent kicked that guy but Blake pulled him back.

” Vincent clam down! I think you need to concentrate on something else than him.” Blake motioned his head towards me, drawing Vincent’s gaze on mine.

” I will take of this motherf***er, I will make sure that he bleeds to death, he doesn’t know whom he has messed with. ” Blake hissed at him, kicking on that guys stomach powerfully making that guy growl in pain.

Vincent looked at me and closed the distance between us in an instant. His shaking arms slid around me and pulled me to his warm body.

” Hey” Vincent whispered, sending shivers eyes down my neck.” You’ll be okay. I will get you out of here.”

His arms hugged me tighter, and everything in me exploded-so many emotions racing and colliding against each other and I lost in his embrace.

My body felt like it was filled with lead, and an unusual emptiness reverberated through me. I felt Vincent lifting me up and walked out of the room.

He made me sit on the bench and drink water. I wiped my tears, but damn tears kept falling. He pressed my head against his shoulder, holding me closer and tightly as if I would evaporate if he let go off me and I cried heavily.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

” Hey…… don’t cry…… I am here, everything’s fine now baby girl. I will never leave you alone from now.” He took my hand and held it in his between his.

My eyes fell on his big, masculine hands. I followed the lines of his finger, strong knuckles, and prominent veins that went up his arms.

He looked at my hands tenderly, following every line with his keen eyes. His eyes fell on the grip marks and scratches over my arms and neck.

” Does it hurt?” Vincent cooed and my breath caught in my throat, when I felt him shaking terribly as he traced them with his thumb. I could feel his heart thumping fast and I let my tears flow out freely.

He pulled me closer, his eyes ravaged everything in me. He didn’t even move, staring at me with eyes so soft that my chest felt constricted. ” You are safe with me baby girl, I will protect you…… forever.”

His words made my heart skip a beat, shushing my cry, but at the same time I felt lighter than I’d ever been. I sagged against him till my eyes turned dry.

” Jennie!!!” I saw Emma, Jisoo, Xavier, Harper Rose running toward me.


“I think you need to have tablets. It’s seems like you have high fever.” Rose pulled out thermometer out of my mouth sighing.

Harper made me have few tablets and tugged the woollen blanket further into me and pecked my head. ” Let her sleep she must be exhausted.”

How dare you touch her!!!

His words and voice kept ringing in my head for long. I rolled over the pillow and my heart lurched in my chest. The room grew hot by several degrees, and butterflies rushed to my belly.

You are safe with me baby girl, I will be here for you…… forever

The longing in his words blanketed me softly, increasing my own, and the ache in my chest doubled. I ran my hand through my hair rolling here and there, but I couldn’t stop thinking and smiling.

I was out of control with these feelings that crushed my chest more and more. I couldn’t keep denying Vincent’s good sides and refuse to seem him redeemable.

It was moments like that made my defenses crumble. It was moments like this made me feel-just for a tiny second-that maybe he wasn’t bad person at all.

His each words and actions surprised me, I never saw this side of Vincent. I smiled stupidly rolling all over the bed. Damn! What has happened to me?

I skipped the college next day since I felt tired and my bones and head hurts since I fell hard on ground. I stayed in home watching TV and eating and sleeping.

*Time skips……*

It was time for Harper and Rose return from college. I flipped on the sofa reading my comic books, I sometimes enjoyed reading manga books.

Suddenly bell rang and I knew who it was. I reached door and opened the door, by then Harper and Rose hugged me as soon as they entered squealing.

I froze when whole group was showing up, the usual forte. Emma’s group. Emma and Jisoo hugged me, Xavier and Aaron gave a smile and I smiled back.

My eyes desperately scanned for someone, but he wasn’t there, and somewhere from corner of my heart I felt disappointed.

Heart!!? Seriously!? What has happened to me, why am I acting all weird, and why am I looking for him!!!?!!

Everybody sat and started chatting. I looked at the door…… you know someone to pop up, but there was no one.

Blake strode towards me, smirking smugly. ” Expecting something?”

” Heh? No… no…… I am not……!” I shuttered my cheeks turning red.

” Really? But your eyes seemed like straying here and there, what are expecting for?”

This Blake……

” I……. I… am not expecting anything. What…… should I expect for-”

” I don’t know…… maybe someone called Vin-”

” Ahhh Liiiisaaaaaa” I shrieked running towards Harper before he could even finish leaving him behind but I could hear his chuckle from behind.

Was I that obvious!!?!!!

” Yeah Jennie, do you need something?” Harper said looking curious.

“Umm…… I… I… am not feeling well can I go to my room.”

” Oh ok! Go take a sleep” Harper cuddled me and pushed me to go.

From the corner of my eye I could see Blake tracing my action, smirking smugly, probably making fun of me in his mind. I ignored him and strode towards the stairs.

I entered my room and I flew suspending my body onto the bed freely. Why am I acting weird?

I rolled over the pillow, tugging blanket upon me. Well I kinda admit it, he was all over my mind. I pouted sleeping flat on the bed, why didn’t he come to meet me, maybe he is busy?

Well Vincent shocked me the most, he made me feel like there was something more in him. But he is a bully, now how come I ignore his bad side for what he bullied me. But……

If you keep denying someone’s good sides just because you’re so fixed on their bad side, doesn’t make you any good person either. He was different, and he was trying to hide his emotions.

But people changes, Vincent was living with masks, using them like a shield against the world, but I knew and recognised him all too well, his scars and his good sides.

Half an hour later……

Why can’t I sleep!!!!

I rolled over the bed restlessness guiding my body, but then suddenly I heard whispers and giggles outside the room. I couldn’t say clearly who it was there was mix voices, but it was more like Blake’s voice was coming out.

Suddenly somebody flew across my room landing flat on the floor, like somebody has pushed him and he fell failing to balance himself. I looked amusedly at the person who was trying to get up.


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