Bad Boy Isn’t My Type

Chapter 33

Jennie Wilson POV

I stared crying, tugging his shirt, and the arms wrapped more tightly around me. I was afraid, too afraid if I let him go he would disappear right away, everything would be just an illusion.

” Hey it’s ok. I got you!……. I am right here.” Vincent cooed and moved his hand down my back and shoulder and continued tracing my arm, creating goose bumps everywhere he touched.

He held me so close, my heart started thumping so loud now that I bet Vincent could hear it.

I tried to look at him, but he held my head tightly against his chest, pressing his warm palm against my cheek. I couldn’t move, listening to the increasing tempo of his heartbeat through his t-shirt.

I was crying like a lost kid just found it’s mom. Vincent’s grip became more tighter than before.

” You are really a troublesome kid! Can’t you stay in one place like other girls? What would have happened if I hadn’t discovered you?”

Whaaaahhht seriously! I came for him but he is……!!!

I pushed him and glared at him ” You really are a psychopath! Tell me for what business someone would come here at this night, this dangerous place? You think hurting yourself is solution for everything”

” What?”

” What ‘what?’ you definitely came here to suicide didn’t you, so that lions and bears could eat you. Hurting yourself is not the answer.”

” Enough…”

” Don’t be a coward running-”

” I said ENOUGH!!!!” Vincent shouted making me flinch in horror.

” I am not coward……” He said in dangerously low tone taking a threatening step towards me and I automatically stepped back.

“First thing I didn’t come here to suicide, get that thing in your fickle head. Second thing I CAN’T F***ING STAND YOU!”

His shout echoed through forest, rattling me to the core, my eyes glued to his in fear. They were two pits of rage glared at me, his body shaking uncontrollably.

I had to back away from him, too scared because he was invading my personal space, but he immediately followed.

” I can’t stand how judgemental you are! I can’t stand how you manage to find something negative in every f***ing single thing I do. Why does everybody get so judgemental when it comes to me? ”

Oh no! He is getting angry!!!

Vincent closed the distance between us and I choke on my breath, turning rigid. I tried to move, but I couldn’t. The feeling of helplessness wrapped around my throat like a rope, preventing me from breathing normally.

” Why does everybody keeps barking and never stops to think how badly they can hurt someone! Always hateful, aggressive, judgemental! Vincent don’t do this, Vincent don’t do that…… Vincent Vincent Vincent, I f***ing despise everyone making me all too small! I don’t need anybody’s help! I am not Coward!!!”

His eyes were the darkest I’d ever seen, his face shaded by hatred that contained no boundaries. He radiated danger and rage that could eat me alive.

He is having mood swings!!!!

What should I do!!?

I was breathing heavily, observing him, his eyes slashing into me, reflecting the sadness, anger and loneliness. He was the same Vincent I saw back the night, his heart broken into a thousand fragments never to be fixed again.

” It’s so f***ing exhausting! Everybody treating me like a child, the truth is everybody thinks I am just a degenerate rat who need to rot in hell…… all want to get rid of me as soon as possible, everybody is your enemy, just hate hate, hate……”

Oh no!!! Not this!!!!

A tear rolled out from my eyes, slicing me deep within. ” Vincent…”

I instantly pulled him in my embrace, resting my head against his large chest wrapping my arms around him, crying heavily.

” Vincent I am sorry!” I cried out holding him tightly.

Vincent whole muscles tensed up by my sudden embrace, he was shaking, my heart tore to more pieces seeing him so vulnerable. I rubbed his back vigorously, holding him tightly in my embrace.

It’s my fault! It’s my fault!!

I shouldn’t have said it! It triggered him more!!!!

I am such a bad human……. though knowing he has cyclothymic disorder, I blurted out without thinking.

” I am sorry! I didn’t mean to say like that. I was scared…… I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t mean to spurt out terrible words.” I cried heavily gripping him tightly.

His body was more rigid than I’d ever felt it before. A visible rigidness to his shoulders was always present. I looked at him with wet lashes and my heart broke instantly.

Tears have been escaping from his eyes, and his eyes lost their edge, and recognition replaced terror on his teary face. He just stared at me, looking more vulnerable than ever.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

He let out a whimper, shaking against me as his tears drenched his cheeks. Seeing him so vulnerable, hot tears started flowing through my eyes. Hurt punched my stomach, coming as an echo of the thing how bad person I was.

I cupped his face and wiped his tears away. He just watched as I wiped his tears, his eyes darting between mine. Tears were non stop flowing from his eyes, slicing me deep within.

He wasn’t pushing me away, but he wasn’t at ease also. His breaths were coming out so quickly that I was sure he was going to hyperventilate any moment.

” Vincent please…… please don’t panic. I am sorry, please don’t panic, everything’s fine.” I cried holding him.

” Nothing is fine.” Vincent let out a whimper. ” I don’t know what I’m doing with my life. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be better. I stay stuck in that same vicious circle. I want to break out of it but I can’t.”

The claw of his trauma had gone too deep into him, drawing fresh wounds on top of the old ones.

I never could’ve imagined that he was going through all of this-stuck in a loop, always held captive.

” Vincent” I sucked in my tears, refusing to dwell on the pain in my chest. ” You are doing great, It may be tough now, it may be sad now but someday you are going to be alright, soon enough.

His eyes were glued to mine as he gasped for air. ” Everything’s alright. You’re doing good Vincent.”

I ducked his head on my shoulder, and rocked us together, caressing his silky, thick locks and rubbing his strong muscular back soothingly. He pushed his face further into my hair, nuzzling it comfortingly.

His pulse was calming down, his chest wasn’t expanding and deflating as quickly as before. His sobs quieted, but he was still breathing unevenly.

Different people invoke different emotions within you. The fear of losing a loved one was unpreventable, no matter how much you were reassured they were going to break your heart. I could feel the layers of his pain that squeezed my heart. I caressed his hair, rocking us slowly.

My breath hitched in my throat, my heart resuming it’s previous quick pace, as I realization hit me like a baseball. Vincent and I were deadly close to each other, his heart beating against my chest, his every breath tingling my neck skin.

To the worst it was me who initiated this closeness, it was me who embraced him first. My cheeks turned bright red due to embarrassment.

I don’t know how I found the guts to do this, wary of his reaction. Vincent always told me to stay away from him, never be near him, throwing numerous insults, but my stupidity was on another level. It will place me in the graveyard one day.

I clasped my hands over his chest, to get away from our hold, Vincent quickly placed his one hand over my hand which was on his chest and the other hand increased its grip around my back squeezing me more to him.

My heart pounded too hard, heat wave passing over my cheeks and I was hyper aware of his nearness, his touch, goosebumps breaking out on my skin.

He studied my face in long seconds that ticked by, his heart thumping madly against my hand, and I could hardly breathe.

His eyes darted all over face, it was like something was calming him down, to the fact that he was obviously wasn’t immune to me and I was unusually hot, as his stare was unblinking.

I blushed immediately, and I cursed myself for not being able to prevent that from happening. I didn’t want him to see that he intimated me.

I flinched when Vincent raised his hand and it landed on my right cheek. He started caressing my blush on my cheek looking so amused, observing me silently for a long time.

It was like a dream, moonlight shining in the dark night, cool night air blowing freely, completely lost in the woods, all alone with a prince charming so close to her.

Heh what!

Wait…… wait wait…….

Hold it right there!

It was better yet-a nightmare-. since it’s Vincent. It’s The Vincent! It’s definitely a nightmare-since he and I would never be together. He is the prince charming that I never want to get stuck with.

I want nothing more than to go somewhere alone and cry my stupid heart out for help. What was I going to do now?

His gaze was now fixed to one spot in front of him, his eyes having that faraway look that made it seem like he wasn’t here, lost somewhere. What is he thinking now?

” Huh…… umm…… Vincent?” I shook him little, yanking his shoulders.

He was completely still, his blazing eyes creating a scorching heat inside me. We kept looking each other for what seemed like a really long time.

” Vin…… cent…”

Vincent blinked and then a shadow clouded his eyes and he broke our stare and looked away immediately and released me quickly.

He straightened himself up and turned around, his face taut with tension and fear. He didn’t say anything, just staring through me, looking out of it.

He groaned and creased his forehead. He looked like he was straining to gather his thoughts, I could feel him becoming more anxious.


Bolt from here Jenn…….

I had no idea what was going on his mind, hoping it’s not about planning to murder me, I moved my legs, hoping he wouldn’t see me walking away. Vincent suddenly pulled me by my arms towards him and I hit into his firm body.

” Where do you think you are going?” He still held me firmly, and it hurt.

” Where? To the house of course…… where else should I be going.” I rambled in fear.

” The house is in this direction kid……” Vincent whipped his head to the other side which was dead opposite of where I was walking.

My cheeks went red, for some reason, I felt extremely embarrassed and the urge to run away became overwhelming, but in correct direction this time.

” I know! I…… I…… was just checking the trees.” I squeaked.

I acted looking up, placing my hand on my forehead. ” Oww…… so long trees…… so dense……”

Vincent eyes glazed by my action, I shuddered when a small smile twisting his lips at the corners.

Nausea and embarrassment slid down my throat and settled in my throat. Is he making fun of me? I am not sure if it was a smile though…… he was in his poker face always.


Jennie bolt……

I stared walking…… towards the right direction, cursing myself for coming here, but again Vincent pulled me back in my arm.

” WHAT?” I almost screamed fuming up.

” Did you leave your brain somewhere? Do you even know the route back to house?

” I KNOW!!! You don’t need to worry about me.”

” As far as I know somebody was crying like a lost puppy.”

This man!!!!!!!

I clenched my fist and walked past through but again Vincent pulled me by my back collar of my t-shirt, making me stumble.

” You are not going anywhere. I don’t want to waste time, finding you again. Stop being a stubborn kid.”

” Ha! It’s me who wasted time to find you…… I can go on my own. Leave me alon-”

My throat closed up, rattling me deep within my body, when my eyes landed on something on ground.

Hisss……. pisssss……

It was a……” SNAKE!!!!!!”

It was crawling in our direction, the pounding of my heart becoming more erratic. An…… ana……

” Vincent!! Anaconda!!!” I screamed and pounced on him, climbing upon him, locking him with my legs on his waist, we stumbled little but Vincent balanced us quickly.

” Anaconda??”

” Ahhh…… anaconda! Anaconda anaconda! Anaconda it’s coming towards us!!!” I gripped Vincent tightly shouting madly, utterly lost.

” Don’t shout! Your going to burst my ears off!” Vincent clamped his hand on my mouth looking amused as ever.

I whipped my head, ignoring him and saw the snake was crawling towards us. The thick snake, a deadly snake was coming towards us!!!!

I gripped Vincent and ducked my head on the base of his neck, squeezing my eyes shut. ” Please make it go!!!” Vincent!!!!” I cried holding him tightly.

” Hush! Don’t make sound! It’s not a anaconda first of all! It’s a black cobra and it’s going on its way. Anaconda are only found in Amazon forest stupid……”

” I KNOW! It’s my nickname for every thick and deadly snake, do you have any PROBLEM WITH THAT!!!” I shouted holding him tightly.

“Hush…… You will just anger it, making stupid sounds. Stop shouting!” Vincent whisper yelled at me pressing my head more to his shoulders.

I wound my arms around his neck, zipping my mouth, holding him tightly as possible. I feared snakes the most in wild creatures since I watched Anaconda movie. Deadly, poisonous snakes, gobbling you all at once.

” Did it go?” I whispered still ducking my head on his shoulder.

” Not yet” he whispered tugging me more towards him by waist.

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