Babysitting The Billionaire’s Adult Son


Archie rubs his bleary eyes and strides to the window. There is a pearly glow in the sky… The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. His audible yawns travel across the room.

“Hmm,” he breathes in the aroma of macaroni and cheese coming from downstairs.

“Today is surely gonna be a sloppy day for me.” He yawns inaudibly and saunters to the bathroom.

After brushing his teeth, he stops to check his reflection in the mirror. “What changed?” he asks himself as it doesn’t seem like he add anything at all.

He drops the brush and steps under the shower. After having a hot bath, he walks back to his room to the pitching of his phone.

He wipes his head with a towel and dumps it inside the laundry basket. He stares at the pile of clothes inside and shakes his head negatively. “I will wash you tomorrow,” he says to the basket as if he’s communicating with his mate.

He hitches his head as he walks up to the bed. He grabs his phone from the nightstand and scoffs sadly. “Today is my birthday, I turn 14 today, so what?” he hisses and tosses the phone on the bed.

The fact that it’s his birthday and he would be getting no wish from anyone makes him hate his birthday to the core. The only thing that remembers about his birthday is his phone. It always gives him notification and he detests the act.

He has always said he would stop the notification from popping up on his screen every year, but it always skit his mind and he will still get it the following year.

He grabs his phone from the bed and stops the notification. He breathed a sigh of relief and drop it back on the nightstand. He closes his eyes and says a short prayer before opening them back.

His eyes dart to the drawing beside his bed and a smile creeps up his face. “I shall deliver you to them later.” He chuckles and gets his butt off the bed.

He strides into the wardrobe and picks out a cool outfit for the day. “Even if nobody gives a darn about my birthday, I still need to dress smart as a celebrant.” he laughs and a seat on the dressing chair to have his hair fixed.

After cladding in a pair of black trousers, and a black jacket over a white shirt. He ties the lace of his red sneakers.

“I’m my father’s son!” he explains after checking his reflection in the full-length mirror. “Something is missing.” he tilts his head to the side and his gape falls on a pair of silver earrings. His school principal had warned him several against wearing earrings to school but he has to go against the law for the day.

He fixes the hook and smiles at his reflection. He couldn’t be more proud of the young guy he’s seeing in the mirror.

“Birthday boy!” he chuckles loudly and walks up to his reading table to fetch his black backpack. After shoving his books inside the bag, his eyes fall on the red hair warmer that Melanie got for him the previous night, at the store.

“Birthday gift, I guess.” he smiles and puts on the hair warmer that fits him perfectly.

He flung the backpack over his shoulder and walk out of his room.

He abruptly stops at the door and walks back into his room. “I need to smell nice, bruh!” he groans and rushes to the dressing table. He picks up his perfume and sprays it on his body.

Walking downstairs to see his father and Melanie eating breakfast without him, he scoffs and discreetly rolls his eyes at them.

“Ehh, what took you so long?” Melanie asks, she taps on the seat beside her.

Archie sit down beside her, after exchanging greetings with them, he eat his breakfast of macaroni and cheese without saying anything to them.

“You look stunning in those dresses.” Melanie hit her shoulder against his. Archie chuckles lightly

‘It’s because of my birthday, I don’t usually do this’ he mumbles under his breath.

“You smell just like me, wait are you now copying my style?” Mr Gordon chuckles, he stops laughing when Archie sends him a deadly glare.

“Who’s copying who?” he rolls his eyes. “Did you forget or should I remind you that you start using that brand after seeing it in my room,” Archie says and Mr Gordon clamps his mouth shut.

“I’m heading out first!” Archie says, picking up his backpack and heading out to the house to meet his cab driver waiting for him at the front of the house.

After the sequel of classes that day, it is finally lunch time and Archie shoves his book inside his backpack. He checks out the snacks inside his locker and shoves them inside his bag. Those are what he bought on his way to school to give to his sister.

“Hey, wanna go to the cafeteria with me?” Olive says from the back. Archie glance at her and the first thing he notices is her hair.

Why pink? What happened to the multicoloured hair?

“So, you have decided to carry just one colour? That’s good of you.” he chuckles and flung the backpack over his shoulder before locking his locker.

“Hey, watch your tongue.” she glare at him as she finally get to his side.

Archie giggles and then raises his hand in the air, in surrender.

“Alright, alright!” He laughs and adjusts his hair warmer.

“I love your hair warmer!” she smiles and stretches her hand to feel the texture.

It’s only a few days ago that he knew of her existence, yet they are acting like they have been friends since elementary.

“I love your new hair colour too, it fits you perfectly.” he gives her a thumb up and she hits his shoulder lightly.

“I will change it later though.” She rolls her tongue at him. “Pink is not my thing.” she rolls her eyes dramatically.

“Whatever you want. The choice is yours,” he smirks then start walking away from the locker.

Olive rush after him. “This is not the way to the cafeteria, where are you going?” she asks, holding tight to his hand.

“I’m going to the elementary section to have lunch with my sister.” He replies.

“Oh,” she releases her grip on him and he breathed a sigh of relief. “Never knew you had a sister.” she give a faint laugh.

“I do.” he shrugs his shoulders.

“Say ‘hi’ to your sister for me.” she waves to him before jogging off towards the cafeteria.

Archie shakes his head before proceeding with his walk outside. It’s the first day of Skye in school after taking a short leave to take care of her health. He has been dying to meet her and perhaps he could celebrate his birthday with her on his way.

He clutches tight at his backpack and makes his way to the bench at the front of the building. There, he sights her, resting her head on the backrest.

“Welcome back to school, little Skye,” Archie screams, which attracts the attention of the other people that are passing.

Skye opens her eyes and she widens her eyes when she set her eyes on him. “Brother!” she shouts and rushes up to him.

She jumps into his arms and he hugs her tightly. “How are you?” he asks, arranging her hair.

“I’m fine, brother.” she giggles and jumps down from his arms. “I thought you won’t be coming,” she whines and starts pulling him to sit on the bench.

“Why would you think like that?” he glare at her. “Of course, I will always come to see you.” he pinches her nose and she laughs out dimples.

“How is granny Vera?” he asks, bringing down his backpack.

“She’s fine, thank you.” she grins.

Archie put the backpack on his lap and take out the snacks. “I brought this for…”

“For me!” Skye scream, grabbing the snacks from his hands. She laughs brightly as she licks her mouth at the mouth-watering snacks in her hand.

“No, for us.” Archie scoff. He takes one of the snacks and gives the rest to Skye. “We are sharing.” he pats her head and she smiles.

“Thank you!” she beams.

Skye didn’t wait for his reply, she tear the pack open and grabs a handful of the snacks before shoving it down her throat.

“You should eat slowly.” He laughs and lessens the number of snacks she is about to put in her mouth.

“This is different from the one you brought the other day.” she licks her lips and he nods at her.

“Yes, and I didn’t forget to bring you juice this time.” he smile and hand over a bottle of juice to her.

The bell chimes for closing.

Archie stands up from his seat to walk out of the class. He’s the first to always get out of class and that hasn’t changed.

He picks up his bag and walks out of the classroom. Olive didn’t have the last class with him, so they won’t be heading out together.

Getting to the hallway, a boy runs up to him and tells him that the principal wants to see him in her office. He thanks the boy and strides to the principal’s office.

After knocking twice on the door, the calm voice of the principal ushers him in.

“Good afternoon, ma’am!” he greets the middle-aged woman and she gestures for him to sit down.

“How are you, my boy?” she smiles warmly at him.

“All good!” she smiles.

The principal noticed the earrings on his both ear and she shakes her negatively. “Didn’t I warn you against coming to school with earrings on?” the principal glared at him.

Archie gasps in shock. He forgot about the earrings, or else he would have taken them off before coming to the principal office.

“I forgot that you warned me against it, sorry ma.” he laugh and drag the hair warmer down, covering his ears.

“I know you remember, you choose to disobey me. It clearly shows on your face.” the woman scolds him and he clamps his mouth shut.

“Why did you want to see me ma’am?” he asks, eyeing the piles of files on her desk.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Ahh,” the woman pushes the files to him. “I want to ask for a favour before, but after seeing you putting on earrings consider it as a punishment,” she smirks as she adjusts her hefty glasses letting them rest on her pointed nose.

“What!” Archie groans. He stares at the file and slaps his forehead. “How am I supposed to do school stuff on this day?” he whines and the principal stare at him strangely.

“What’s happening ‘on this day’?” she asks, making a quote with her question. “The earlier the better. Start with the work now so you can go home on time.” she laughs and he curses her under his breath.

“My dad wants me home as soon as the bell chimes for closing,” he smirked, rolling his tongue in his mouth.

“I just called your father before you walk in and he seemed fine with your detention.” she return the smirk five folds.

Archie cries out when he realises the woman is smarter than him. “My dad can be a snitch at times. Good of him for exposing me.” he groans and pulls the files to his front.

“Don’t tear my paper.” the principal yells when she sees how Archie is transferring his anger to the innocent files.

“Someone should at least not yell at me, after giving work that’s meant for the instructor to do.” He mumbles to himself and of course, the principal could hear it.

“Someone needs to know that it’s not my fault that he is brilliant.” she gives a mockery smile which makes Archie groan.

“I will do justice to the file,” he smirks and opens the first file.

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