Arranged Mafia Marriage



“You’ve put yourself under a lot of pressure, Mrs. Sovrano,” the doctor murmurs. “You are lucky you didn’t come out of this in worse shape.”

“I think you meant to say that to my husband, not me.” I firm my lips, “He’s the one who was shot.”

The doctor shoots me a knowing glance, “I am talking about you, ma’am, not your husband.”

After Michael lost consciousness, holding onto my hand, the ambulance had arrived. True to his word, it had been an ambulance to a private hospital that JJ owns in London.

He had briefly regained consciousness as they were strapping him onto the stretcher and insisted that they check me out.

I had told the paramedics I was fine, but Michael had refused to cooperate with them until they had finally given in and one of them had begun to examine me.

I had kept insisting that I was fine, but the paramedic had said that my blood pressure and my heart rate were both elevated-which I already knew, of course, but had feigned surprise when he’d said that.

They’d asked me to ride in the same ambulance as Michael to the hospital so they could check me out thoroughly. I’d wanted to leave right then. I should have left right then. But how could I until I knew that Michael was really okay? So, I had agreed.

Michael had flitted in and out of consciousness, and each time he was lucid, he’d ask for me. He’d gripped my hand and not let go even when he’d lost consciousness. It was only when we arrived at the hospital and they had had to wheel him to the operating theatre that I had managed to disentangle my fingers from his.

Seb and Christian had arrived then, along with Massimo and Antonio. Christian had insisted that I have myself checked out. I had refused, wanting to stay and wait for news of Michael, but my protest fell on deaf ears.

Within minutes, I was being ushered into an examination room. Just as I had changed out of my bloodied clothes and into a hospital gown, a doctor had arrived. He’d already accessed my records via the National Health Service system that the hospital had access to, so of course, there had been no escape. He’d known about my heart condition, and that’s what had prompted this conversation.

I set my jaw as I scowl at him. “My condition is stable,” I insist.

“Only if you completed your course of medication, and only if you manage your condition properly.”

“That’s exactly what I did.”

“Hmm,” he purses his lips, “your records indicate that you started the course of medication prescribed by your specialist, but you missed your last appointment, and you also did not complete the course.”

Shit. My cheeks flush.

“Also, judging by your current condition,” he glances at my blood splattered clothes, “I assume the latter is not something that you are adhering to either.”

Gah! Why do I feel like a student who is pulled up in front of the class for something I’ve done wrong? I fold my arms around my waist.

“Well, Mrs. Sovrano,” the doctor murmurs, “I take it from your silence that I am right on both counts.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I sniff, “so what do you propose I do now?”

“I propose that I complete your check up, then restart you on your medication.”


“Also, I am going to have to insist that you come in for your next check-up, in two weeks.”

I nod.

“And,” he murmurs, “you need to try not to excite yourself too much. At least, until your blood pressure and heart rate are back to normal.”

I open my mouth to speak, and he arches an eyebrow, “And even after that, you need to ensure that you don’t overexert yourself physically.”

I snort.

“This is not a joke, Mrs. Sovrano.” He frowns, “We are talking about your heart here.”

“My heart is lying in the other room getting operated on,” I burst out.

His features soften, “The doctors are doing everything possible for your husband.”

I startle. “What do you mean by that.”

He holds up his hands, “Just that he is in safe hands. The best surgeons in the country are taking care of him right now.”

I swallow.

“He’d probably rest better if he knew that you are taking care of yourself too,” the doctor offers.

I lower my chin to my chest and blow out a breath. “Look, I have no wish to die young, okay?” I swallow, then glance away, “It’s just, sometimes I want to live a normal life. I don’t want my condition to be a constant worry. I want to experience all of the highs and lows of being alive. Hell, I am barely in my twenties and I want to have first-hand knowledge of everything life can offer, you know?”

“And you will,” he gives me a small smile, “provided you take your medication and your vitals return to normal. And even after that, you need to take care of yourself.”

“Which I am very good at, I assure you.”

He peers into my face, then nods. “You’re a clever woman, Mrs. Sovrano. I am sure you understand the risks of not following professional medical advice.”

“I do,” I nod, “and I’ll complete the course of medication this time.”

“Good, the nurse will come by with your medication.” He rises to his feet, “I’d also recommend that you stay in the hospital for overnight observation, and ideally, take it easy for the next few days.”

“But it’s not something you can force me to do, can you?”

“You’re a grown woman, Mrs. Sovrano. You can make your own decisions.”

He turns to leave and I call out, “Doctor, I have one more question.”

He turns to me.

“Am I correct that I can still get pregnant without causing my condition to be exacerbated as a result?”

He fixes me with a shrewd glance, “There are those with your condition who get pregnant and carry their children to term, and there are those whose condition deteriorates as a result. As your physician, I should warn you that it’s safer if you don’t get pregnant. But the choice is yours, of course.”


I bite the inside of my cheek. I knew it already. It’s what my doctors had previously indicated to me. Only, I hadn’t paid any attention to it. Hell, becoming pregnant had been the last thing on my mind then. But after losing my baby… Well, it’s something that’s so in my face right now that I couldn’t help but ask the question.

The doctor turns to leave and I call out after him, “This…conversation is covered under doctor-patient confidentiality, right?”

He pauses then turns to me. “It is,” he nods.

“So, I’d prefer it if you didn’t say anything to my husband, or to any of his brothers out there.”

He frowns then nods, “As you wish.” And he leaves.

I glance around the space, then because my clothes are all bloodied, I change out of my hospital gown and into the scrubs he’d left behind for me.

After meeting with the nurse and getting my medication, I pad out of the examination room to find Antonio waiting for me.

“Are you guarding me now?” I scowl.

“It’s what he’d have wanted.” The big Sicilian doesn’t seem put off by my irritation. He merely steps aside.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

He trails me as I head toward the waiting room-which is a spacious area, with big windows through which light floods in. It’s a far cry from the rooms I have seen in the government-run hospitals I’ve been to previously. I step on the carpeted floor and take in the scene. Christian is sprawled out in a chair in one corner. He glowers at Luca, who glowers back at him from the opposite corner. Massimo is by the window, and he turns as I approach.

“Karma,” he comes forward and when he opens his arms, I walk into them. Of all the remaining Sovrano brothers, Massimo is, by far, the least threatening. Despite his height and the fact that he is the biggest of all of them… He is also the quietest and the gentlest.

“You okay?”

I nod into his chest and he leans back. “He’s going to be fine,” Massimo murmurs.

“Have they said anything?”

He shakes his head, “He’s still in surgery.”

“How much,” I clear my throat, “how much longer do they think he’ll be?”

“They don’t know yet,” Christian says. I turn to find him standing next to me. I glance at the blood on his shirt and my stomach churns. That’s Michael’s blood. Oh, my god, it’s his blood. A sob wells up and I push my knuckles into my mouth. Christian glances down at his blood-splattered shirt and pales. “I’m sorry, Karma,” he draws in a breath, “I didn’t realize… I…”

“It’s okay,” I swallow down the ball of emotion that clogs my throat.

Luca rises from his seat and walks over to join us, and I survey their faces.

“I… I have something to tell you… I…” I am going to leave him. I am going to walk away while your brother is still in surgery. I…

“What is it, Karma?” Massimo says in a soft voice. “You can tell us,” he glances around the assembled faces and they nod, “we’re your family.”

The rest of them murmur their assent, and tears prick the backs of my eyes.

“I…” I shake my head, “I am tired.”

“Are you okay?” Massimo frowns, “The doctor examined you. Did he say-”

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” He brushes past me, “I should ask him myself, maybe?”

“Massimo,” I call out and he stops. “Leave it.”

He hesitates and I draw myself up to my full height. “I am okay, and anyway, I am not the one who you should be worried about. It’s your brother who needs our complete attention, at the moment.”

He seems like he’s about to hesitate and I square my shoulders. “I am the wife of your future Don, and I order you to stay here so we can be together while we wait for news about him.”

A frisson runs through the space. The guys glance at each other, as if just realizing the ramifications of the events that have taken place. Michael is going to be the new Don. And I am still his wife…which means my word carries weight yet, right?

“Where’s Seb?” I ask, suddenly realizing that he’s missing.

“He stayed back with JJ and Niko to ensure disposal of the evidence before the cops get wind of it.”

Evidence. Oh, he means the body of their father. The man who killed Xander, who put Michael and his brothers through so much, who almost killed me. I shiver and that seems to galvanize Massimo into action. He shrugs off his jacket and walks over, places it around my shoulders. “Thanks,” I murmur, “and Adrian?”

“Here I am,” a voice calls out from the doorway.

I turn to find Adrian walking into the waiting room. He stalks over to me, then holds out the pet carrier.

“Is that?” I blink. It can’t be. Is it- An angry meow sounds from the carrier as I drop to my knees. I peer into the carrier and Andy’s indignant face looks back at me.

“Andy,” I whisper. “OMG,” I tip my chin up to stare at Adrian, “how did he get here?”

“The Capo was clear we had to take care of him. So, I waited on the island until the private jet had deposited these guys in London, then flew back to pick me up and bring me here.”

“Oh,” I blink rapidly, “so a private plane trip, just so you could get Andy to me?”

“Two trips, actually,” he smiles, “but the Capo ordered it.”

And what the Capo wants, the Capo gets. Andy peers at me through gaps in the wall of the carrier.

“How did you bring him into a hospital?” I frown. “Aren’t pets not allowed in here?”

“It’s a private hospital.” He shrugs. “It’s funded by the Mafia, so-”

So, no rules apply, I guess. I rise to my feet, grab the carrier from him. “Thank you,” I say.

I bend down, take Andy out of the pet carrier, then sit down with him in my arms.

The rest of the guys disperse to different corners of the room. Antonio continues to stand by the door on the outside of the room.

Christian pulls out his phone and begins to message someone. I walk over to sit next to him and he pockets his phone again.

“Was that Aurora?” I scowl.

“What do you mean?” He asks in an a voice that sounds all too innocent.

“You were texting with Aurora, weren’t you?” I accuse.

“And if I was?”

“Have you told her that you like her?”

“Like?” He smirks, “That’s not the world I’d use.”

“You going to marry her, or what?”

“Marry?” He looks at me in alarm, “Whatever gave you that idea?”

“Isn’t that what good Italian men do when they’ve been struck by the ‘thunderbolt’?”

“You mean colpo di fulmine?” He leans over and scratches Andy behind his ear. The cat purrs, then stretches his neck, inviting him to continue his actions.

“Exactly,” I peer into Christian’s face, “so?” I arch an eyebrow, “You going to do something about it?”

“She betrayed the Capo.”

“To help me.”

“Still,” he hesitates, “it’s not something that can be forgiven without some kind of punishment.”

“But if you marry her, she becomes part of the famiglia right?”

He stiffens, “Marriage? Who’s talking about marriage?”

“And once she is your wife, she is safe from any punishment, correct?”

He holds my gaze, “You and she have become good friends, eh?”

“She is a wonderful person, Christian,” I soften my voice, “and it’s clear there’s something between the two of you.”

“There’s something, all right,” he snorts, “but it’s not what you are thinking.”

“Oh, please, the sparks between the two of you could light up a room.”


“So, what are you going to do about it?”

He stares at me.

“What?” I frown. “Don’t tell me you are going to ignore it?”

“Trust me,” he says in a soft voice, “the last thing I am going to do is ignore it.”

“So, you are going to talk to her?”

“Maybe more than talk.” He smirks.

O-k-a-y, that doesn’t sound very promising at all.

“Christian, I-”

He holds up his hand, “What’s between Aurora and me is our concern and no one else’s.”


“Leave it, Karma.”

He glances away and I blow out a sigh.

“Fine,” I murmur, “I won’t push it, but you’d better not hurt her, okay?”

He simply pulls out his phone and begins to play with it again. I rise to my feet, holding Andy close to my chest with one arm. I grab the pet carrier with my free hand and walk over to a chair in an unoccupied corner.

Sitting down, I coax Andy back into the carrier. For once Andy doesn’t protest, he prowls in, curls around and closes his eyes. I straighten, then take my seat. I lean my head back against the wall, and close my eyes. A touch on my shoulder jolts me awake. I open my eyes to see Massimo standing in front of me.

“What’s wrong?”

He jerks his chin toward the door. I follow his glance to find a doctor standing there in scrubs. His mask is around his neck and he glances around the room before his gaze alights on me.

“Mrs. Sovrano?” he says in a neutral voice. “Please come with me.”

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