Always Been You


“Oh really?” Katherine replied. “Well then, I am your mother and I’m going to make sure that you start to care from now on”.

Tim stared wide eyed at her. The expression on his face showed that he knew exactly what was coming next.

“You are grounded,” Katherine said.

“What?” Tim asked like he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

“Yeah” Katherine said. “You heard me. You are grounded. And don’t even act surprised. You should have known this was coming since you’ve been acting like a brat. So from now on, apart from school, and football games and practice, you are not allowed to leave the house for any reason. You will go from school, to practice and back home. You are not allowed to have any friends over too. You will stay at home and work on those assignments you missed ”

“I can’t believe this,” Tim said, shaking his head. “I’m sorry mom” he said, trying to look sincere.

“That is not going to work young man. You know me. I’m not falling for that” Katherine said.

“How long am I going to be grounded?” Tim asked, accepting his fate.

“I don’t know,” Katherine said smoothly. “You will be grounded until you change this terrible attitude you picked up. And I mean real change. So you better don’t think of faking it because I will know. And oh, before I forget, give me your car keys”

“What? Tim yelled again.” What for? “he asked.

” Don’t ask me stupid questions.” Katherine said.”You are not allowed to drive while you are grounded. Just hand it over”

Tim sighed and fished the keys out of his pants pocket and handed it to her reluctantly. “How am I supposed to get to school if you are taking away my car keys, mom?” He asked, sounding frustrated.

Katherine grinned at him. “Good question,” she said. “You walk to school, young man. Most of your school mates do, so you will join them. I’m taking away certain privileges. So you better wake up very early from now on. And if I get any report from your school that you are late, your punishment increases. You walk to school, or you take your bike like you did before”

“My bike?” Tim repeated. “Oh that is such a huge step down mom. I can’t go back to riding my bike. It’s humiliating too”

“Good,” Katherine said. “Then my work here is done. Maybe now you will learn your lesson. I’m going to work now. Your punishment starts today, don’t forget. Do as you are told if you want this to end real quick. So better go to class and don’t come home late. Have a nice day”

She leaned forward and gave him a peck on his cheek, which he wiped away angrily.

Katherine laughed at his reaction. “Bye, honey,” she said.


Jensen walked back into his office after hours of talking at the meeting and sank into his chair. He groaned and buried his face in his hands. Damn. He was very tired. And he was starting to develop a stupid headache.. The worst part was that he still had more things to do which he had to hurry up. And so he wasn’t thrilled when he heard a knock on his office door.

“I thought I made it clear that I did not want to be disturbed, Debbie?” he said angrily, assuming that it was his assistant.

When he looked up, it wasn’t his assistant, but one of the potential investors he had just concluded a meeting with. His ex, Shay Trevor. Not that they actually had a relationship, it had been purely sexual, and they hadn’t kept in touch after they ended things. Behind her, his assistant, Debbie, followed closely.

“I’m very sorry sir,” Debbie said.”I tried to explain to her that you did not want any form of disturbance, but she walked right past me.

“It’s okay, Debbie.” Jensen said. “It’s fine. You may return to your desk”

Debbie turned to go, but not before she gave Shay Trevor a look that said “I don’t like you one bit”

Shay gave her the stink eye right back, and after she left, she turned to Jensen. “That assistant of yours has a lot of nerve,” she said. “I would love to see her get fired. Maybe that will put her in her place”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“She is just doing her job,” Jensen said. “Which she is very good at by the way, so I don’t see that happening”

“Yeah whatever” Shay said. “She is very rude”

“Please sit down,” Jensen said. Shay didn’t sit, but paced the office, her heels clicked loudly and Jensen felt his headache become worse.

“Is there something you need help with, Shay?” he asked, as he rested his left hand on his table, hoping she would leave soon.

Shay stopped pacing and then took the seat he offered and smiled at him. “I just wanted to say hi,” she said. “It’s been a while… Really long actually. Or am I not allowed to do that any more? Is it because you are married now?” she asked, as her eyes dropped to the ring on his finger.

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