Always Been You


Jensen demonstrated all the ease of a man well contented this morning, Katherine noted with a tender smile. She felt pride rise within her.. She was the cause of his contentment.

Her fingertip rimmed his mouth. “I would like to. But I’m exhausted by certain strenuous activities. I need to rest” She added softly. “I will be waiting when you return, darling”

She kissed him with new found expertise. “Call me if you like. I will be here” she said.

He nuzzled the soft spot behind her ear. “I like this, honey” he said.

“What?” It was difficult to think as Jensen’s mouth and hands caressed her body. Impossible, she decided, as his hips shifted and his hardness pressed into her.

“You here” he replied simply. “You here with me”


After he left, Katherine returned to the bed they had shared, hugged Jensen’s pillow to her, and slept until noon. She awoke feeling rested, then rose and soaked in a hot bubble bath. Without Jensen lodged in it with her, the size approximated that of a small swimming pool.

Careful to keep her damaged hand dry, Katherine eased from the tub and dried herself with an immense think towel. She slid a peach lounging gown over her head and combed her hair with her fingers.

When Jensen’s key at last turned in the lock, Katherine raced towards him, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him thoroughly. His briefcase fell to the floor, his arms encircled her waist as he lifted her high against him.

“Hey” he said. “What is all this?”

“I missed you, Jensen” she said against his mouth.

He slid her down the length of his body. “I missed you, too, Katherine. But your welcome makes the wait worthwhile.” he said. For a long moment he held her quietly, his breath stirring her hair.

“I’m glad you are home, darling” she whispered as she leaned back against the support of his arms.

He stroked the peach gown over her breast. “Not every man comes home after a day’s work to a seductress. I must have charms I don’t know about”

She slid her arms beneath his linen suit jacket to clasp his lean waist and press against him. “Egotist” she teased lightly.

“I want to take you shopping, Kat,” he stated in a guarded tone.

“But I have everything I need, Jensen,” Katherine said.

He cupped her chin in one hand and shook it. “We have a cocktail party late this afternoon, Kitty Kat. I didn’t notice anything appropriate when I hung your clothes in the closet last night”

Katherine flushed. She imagined the stares as people acknowledged her as Jensen’s new mistress. “I have my own things, Jensen, ” she said.

“Katherine, please humor me. A man likes not only to take his woman’s clothes off, he also likes to provide them” he shrugged and teased. “I admit it’s a macho way to behave”

Katherine recognized her own defensiveness. She was independent, unused to gifts from men. Yet Jensen asked for nothing more than what she was willing to give. A gift from him expressed his pleasure in giving.

“All right” Her first tapped his jaw lightly. “But don’t count on dressing me like a San Francisco model”

“Fine I won’t” he agreed. “Let me take care of it. I have already lined up a small fashion show. They will start modeling when we arrive at the shop in” -he checked the expensive watch on his wrist -“About one hour”

“You already knew I would say yes” Katherine said.

“Mmmm,” Jensen said. “I was moderately certain. I am planning to enjoy every last minute of you, Katherine.” He kissed her lightly. “You are committed to me now, Katherine. You admitted it”

“Yes, I’m yours, Jensen,” she agreed. “But I reserve the right to choose my own clothes”


Jensen sat in a delicate chair next to Katherine’s, his hand looped loosely around her wrist, as models paraded before them. He complimented the manager of the elite shop. “Your presentation is excellent on such short notice, Mrs Darcy”

“It’s a pleasure to help you, Mr Packard” the wiry woman responded. “Once you gave me a description of your friend, it was not difficult to choose clothing that would display her marvelous coloring to advantage. Ah, notice this dress” she said as a model pivoted slowly before them. “I thought you would be interested in the green silk”

“I think it would suit Katherine, Mrs Darcy” Jensen said.

Katherine leaned close to Jensen and whispered “I’m not about to parade in front of you in that, Jensen Packard” she said.

His fingers tightened about her wrist and drew it to his mouth. From his eyes smoldered a sensual fire that melted Katherine’s bones. “Please, Kat?” he said.

A short time later, she stood before him clad in the green gown with its thigh high slit. Katherine glared down at him. “If you think I am going to wear this, you are mistaken,” she said.

His eyebrows shot upward. What’s wrong with it? “he asked.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Nothing,” Katherine replied. “except that I can’t afford it. Or any of the other things you told her we’d take. I don’t know how I feel about you getting me all these expensive stuff”

“Damn. I thought we had this all hashed out, Katherine. I want to buy you the dress. What is wrong with that?” he asked.

Katherine stared at him. He trampled across her sensibilities as easily as he had conquered her heart. It seemed that Jensen’s purpose in life was to keep her constantly off balance.

The upward curve of his mouth was whimsical.” Honey, if I could, I’d lock you up so no other man could come near you. It’s primitive. I know. But these clothes are a slave to my jealousy. This commitment business is a new game to me, too” he explained. “You are going to bend a little bit, aren’t you, Kat?”

The smile softening his dark features sent Katherine’s determination reeling. That smile had the power to win wars, she concluded.

“For me, Kat?” The husky rasp sent tingles into her love tender flesh.

“You know I would rather have you dressed only in your skin anyway. What difference do clothes make? And who cares who pays the bills?” he questioned.

“I guess you are right,” Katherine agreed slowly.

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