Always Been You


“Oh no” Katherine said and Jensen’s grin grew wider. “Hell, no, Jensen. I’m a terrible dancer”

“You’re not,” he said. “I have seen you dance many times” he stood and held out his hand which she took and then he pulled her up and led her to the dance floor.

“You dance beautifully” Jensen said as he pulled her gently to him and one of his hands wrapped around her waist. “Remember the last time we danced together?” he asked.

Katherine grinned up at him. “Ermm, Jonathan and Kate’s wedding,” she said.

Jensen smiled and shook his head. “No I mean, years ago… before you left”

Katherine rested her hand stiffly on his shoulder as they started to move to the music, and her mind drifted back…. To when they were young and things had been perfect. It had been at a wedding too, the Kent’s, she remembered. They hadn’t attended as a couple, but she had been madly in love with him and had thought he felt the same way too. He’d held her close and they had danced together. And she had felt like she was the luckiest girl in the world. In the arms of the boy she’d always dreamed about.

She was so engrossed with the thought that she almost, almost, forgot where she was and what she was doing.

That was until a warm, rough fingertip found its way under her chin and tilted her face upward.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked. “Should I be worried about the fact that you’re here with me but you’re clearly thinking of something else… Or someone?” he added softly. Hoping deep in his heart that wasn’t the case.

Her eyes snapped back to his, and she was taken aback by the intense color, and the way he looked at her, as if there was some part of her he was trying desperately to see.

“So what were you thinking about?” he asked, reminding her of his question.

“Jealous?” Katherine asked. She drew out the word with a smile, enjoying for a moment the control that it gave her. She didn’t even know yet what she wanted to do with this blatant expression in his eyes, other than enjoy it for a moment.

“Maybe” he said simply and she grinned at him.

She let her gaze travel up from his collar, over a tanned throat, blond stubbled jaw and endearing nose. Up to a pair of dark intense eyes, and then blushed.

She faltered for a second as she caught him looking down at her, and felt her cheeks warming under the intensity of his interest. She stilled, suddenly hyper aware of the pressure of his hand around hers, of his arm at her waist, the sound of him breathing close to her ear. Only the subtle squeeze of his arm reminded her she was supposed to be dancing.

Forcing her feet to move, she glanced up at him.

“I was thinking about us,” she said finally, trying to keep her mind focused on what she was saying, rather than on the confident way Jensen was leading her around the floor, or the scent coming from his skin. Something salty, natural and that had, she guessed, never been anywhere near a Selfridges counter.

“Us” he repeated.

“Yes,” Katherine said. “You asked if I remembered the last time we danced together. I do. It was at the Kent’s wedding. My friend Eva was one of the bridesmaids. We were actually together… I mean, we were hanging out a lot… And ermmm…”

“Making out a lot” Jensen completed, grinning at her as he realized she was blushing even harder at the memory.

“Yeah that” Katherine said huskily. “And I remember we went to our favorite spot… after the wedding. It was amazing back then. You know, I haven’t been there in years… Do you still go there? I mean, when was the last time you were there?”

“Very long,” Jensen replied. “I went there a few times after you left… Was trying to hold on to a part of you… But it was just too painful and I wanted to move on. So I stopped… I wanted to get rid of everything that reminded me of you”

“Oh” Katherine said. She focused her gaze on the collar of his shirt, unable to look at him though not knowing why. And then she felt his hand on her chin again, lifting her face so she could look at him.

“A part of me still couldn’t forget about you” he said softly. “No matter how hard I tried. You remained with me. It was really hard to let go. You’ve been a constant in my life. You were always there for me… Even when I didn’t want you to be… I was a fool to let you go.. And now you’re here. Seeing you again… I think that fate… Or destiny… Whatever it is, has brought you back here.. Given us another chance… So we can start over… Make up for all that time we spent apart…”

Katherine opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She wanted Jensen. God knows she did

But she didn’t know what to make of his words. Didn’t know if she could trust him. Did he really mean what he was saying? Over the years she had learnt to be a bit more careful about things like this.. About who she let into her life and heart. And she had Tim to think of how.

“I want you in my life, Kat,” Jensen continued. “Now that you are back here, I realize how much I want you. I look at you and I realize that I want more out of life”

“Ermmm” Katherine began. “I think we’re getting a bit carried away in the.. Ermmm… Moment. I honestly think we should slow down a bit… We can’t just decide like we did before… We should be sure about stuff like this and I’m not sure you have given this enough thought”

Jensen smiled at her, cool and relaxed. “But you want to,” he said, as if he’d just gained a small victory.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

She narrowed her eyes. She hadn’t said that. “What?” she asked.

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