Always Been You


“Come in” he said and his secretary walked in.

“These are the files you requested sir” she said, dropping some files on his table.

“Thanks,” he said. “I will let you know when I’m done with them”.

She walked out and he bent his head, focusing on the files his secretary brought as he went through them.

Katherine took the opportunity to study him as he worked. He was dressed in a light blue shirt, his suit hung on his chair headrest. The first two buttons of his shirt opened, his exposed chest revealing some of his chest hair, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows. His hair looked amazing, dark and wavy. She had this annoying impulse to run her hands through it. His arms impressed her, they looked so damn strong. He looked so big. Being alone in his office made her feel so small. He still looked so damn good. His lips were still sexy as hell.

She shouldn’t be thinking this. She told herself. His physical attributes were nothing to her. But she just couldn’t help herself.

“When you are finished, do I get my turn?” Jensen asked so suddenly.

Katherine lifted her eyes from his chest to his face. “pardon?”

“Do I get my turn to scope you over as thoroughly as you are looking at me? It might get sloppy if we tried to ogle at each other at the same time, don’t you think?”

Katherine wanted to hide under the table that very moment. She didn’t like him saying she was ogling him. She averted her eyes and was relieved when he changed the topic. His question made her blush.

“I wasn’t ogling,” she said.

“Yeah right…. What did you want to talk to me about, Katherine?” he asked.

“I need a space in your building for the launch of my cupcake store.” she said.

She paused and when he didn’t say anything she continued. “My team have researched several locations and they all agree your building will be perfect for my needs. Jonathan agreed too. I also heard you haven’t yet accepted a bid for the ground and first floors. If that is true-and I really hope it is -I would love to be considered for an initial five year lease of the space.”

He watched her. She had the sexiest lips he had ever seen. He thought. He had this annoying image of her lips around him-in a very specific place. The sound of her voice bringing back memories, making him think of….


He snapped back into focus.

“Yeah?” he asked stupidly.

“Are you listening to me?” she asked.

“Yes, of course I was,” he replied. “Why did you choose my building… Of all the places you could go to.. Why here?”

“I already told you. Jon said it was a great place for me”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I don’t think it is a good idea,” he said abruptly.

Katherine was surprised. She knew he was angry with her. And she had anticipated that he might have said no. But still she was surprised.

“You are not even going to think about it?” she asked.

“No… I don’t think it’s a good idea” he repeated.

“And Why do you think that, Jensen?” she asked. Trying her best not to let her disappointment show on her face.

“You really need to ask… There is a lot of history between us… And not good ones”

“Not good ones?” Katherine repeated.

“Okay” he said. “Maybe good ones… But they didn’t end well and I don’t think I want a constant reminder of it everyday”

“Look Jensen,” she began. I have a lot to do. I have a lot of furniture shopping to do, moving in, and then setting up this store. I don’t have time to start looking for another place. Plus… I promise I will try my best to stay out of your way… If seeing is such a terrible thing”

He didn’t say anything. They stared at each other for a while then when it seemed like he wasn’t going to change his decision she stood.

“Fine,” she said. “Thank you for your time, Jensen”

She grabbed her bag, determined to leave before she did something crazy like beg him. He was being a stupid asshole, and he knew it. He had no right to be that angry with her and even if he did, he was being so childish about it. His voice stilled her movement.

“Sit down, Katherine, ” he said.

She turned around.

“What for?” she asked. “You already said no. You want me to sit so you can explain why you said no and reject me some more. It is alright, Jensen. I understand. No hard feelings. I will find some other place”

“Sit down” he repeated and when she didn’t he stood suddenly, then walked up to her. He stopped right in front of her.

“Five years and that is all you have to say to me? You just come in here, to talk about some space in my building like everything has been okay with us? Damn it, Katherine.. Do you have any idea how terrible I felt after you left?” he asked.

He stood so close she could almost taste his breath. She wanted to move away from him. But she didn’t want him to know just how much he affected her. So she stood right there. She wasn’t going to let him intimidate her.

“Well… Is there anything else you want me to say?” she asked

The side of his mouth moved upwards.

He was smiling? Why the hell was he smiling like that? She thought. She didn’t remember saying anything funny.

“You left… Kitty” he said. “I asked you to stay… Begged you to stay… And you left anyway.. With him. And now you come back… Acting like everything is okay between us…?”

There was something about him… She thought. Something about the way he called her ‘Kitty’ that made her heart flip. He was the only one who called her that. She hadn’t even realized how much she missed him calling her that. Weird because all she had ever done back then was complain about him calling her that.

“You shouldn’t have gone with him”. He said.

“Oh really? Why not? Because you didn’t want me to?”

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