Chapter 46

Kathy Pov

I stared at him, and he stared right back, he looked different, but in a good way, not like I expected him to suddenly be less good-looking or attractive in fact he was even more handsome now and like always he had great fashion sense, he looked well mannered too, no wonder he could fool me. like no one will ever believe he is a scammer and a thief, not when he looked that clean and handsome, but like the saying always goes, ‘never judge a book by its cover,’ I made the mistake of judging by how he looked and paid for it.

It’s was like we were having a staring contest or something, he neither acknowledged nor said any words, for a moment I thought he would pretend not to know me but the fact that he was standing there and looking at me, the initial shock on his face were gone and he didn’t even look sorry or regretful, remembering how he left me stranded about four months ago, I clenched my hands into a fist and approached him, he smiled, the mudafucking son of a bastard smiled, like he should be on his knees and begging to be spared, but the psycopath was smiling, and as I walked closer he opened his arms, I stopped walking for a moment, I couldn’t believe his audacity, Angry at his reaction to seeing and also with the pent up hatred for him, I walked up to him, fist my hand up and gave in a punch that took almost all my strength, he staggered back and held his stomach in pain and before he could gain his balance back, I kicked him in his groin and he bent over in pain and I took a step back to watch him winch in pain in mild satisfaction, I wanted to do more but people were starting to stop and look and I hated attention but I couldn’t just let him get away, he has to taste a little of how his betrayal made me feel, I liked watching him groan in pain and wanted to do more, cause him even more pain.

“Bitch, have you gone mad, do you have a death wish?”

He asked through his pain, I moved back closer to him and landed a slap in his face,”

“What the fuck? Are you crazy?”

He yelled getting up and holding my hands, his mistake because I used that opportunity to give him another hard kick in his groin, he tumbled over letting me go, I clapped my hands and moved my face closer to him as he rolled in pain, the crowd was getting bigger and some were taking pictures and making videos but I didn’t care, my face mask covered my face so unless someone who knows me gives my identity away, I am safe.

“This is little compared to what I will do to you if you ever show up in my face again.”

“Have you gone mad?”

He yelled in pain, I laughed, good thing I wore these boots today they really did come in handy, I originally didn’t want to wear them because of my injury that had not healed properly but they went so well with my today look that I couldn’t do without them and now, I know fate knew what will happen today, the perfect shoes for this job, I smiled in satisfaction.

“You have the audacity to be smiling? You wanna die by my hands?”

He roared and I kicked him again, I felt pain from each kick too but I didn’t mind, it was little compared to what I was inflicting on him.


He growled.

The crowd of on Lookers was getting much but no security men were in sight, I figured if he is about to get off the ground he might do something to me so I kicked him hard again.

“Fuck you Bitch, he said pulling away and moving back from me, satisfied with the amount of pain I have given him, I took a step closer to him.

“Trash like you are not meant to be moving freely but I will let you pass because I don’t want to get stained dealing with you but like I said before, don’t ever show up in front of me because I can’t grantee that I will be this nice,”

I said and kicked him again before walking off without looking back, I could hear his growl of pain.

“Come back here bitch,”

I heard him yell but I just laughed and continued towards my car, he deserved more than that but I am just going to leave it at that, getting into my car, I drove past him, he had managed to get up and was walking towards me, I had the urge to run him over but choose not to, I let out a satisfied breath when I finally left the school environment, I couldn’t wait until Cross comes back home so that I can tell him about what happened, I am sure he will be proud of me, I don’t know where I got the courage to beat Louis up came from, because compared to my five feet six inches petite self, he was over six feet tall and had broad shoulders, I caught him off guard which was my advantage, I felt like I just checked something off my bucket list, something I didn’t know I had written down.

I felt proud of myself, I didn’t even feel any form of regret, now I could get what happened behind me and focus on being happy with my husband, if for one thing Louis disappointment, gave me my new found happiness, if Louis had not left me stranded, then maybe I would still be with him now or maybe we would have broke up already, I don’t know how my life would have been, maybe I would have still be blinded, but thank God he choose to leave with the money because that brought me back to the man that I was met to be with, the man that I was made for, I wanted to scream and let it all out that I was in love with my husband, but I didn’t know what his reaction will be, maybe he is in love with me too or maybe he just like me, but whatever it is that he felt, at least I was happy with him and maybe if I am lucky enough, a baby would already be forming in my womb, I touched my Belle at the thought, I hadn’t seen my flow this month but I didn’t want to believe that it is what I thought yet, I don’t even know what Cross reaction will be if truly I was pregnant, we haven’t discussed about a baby yet, but I know he like kids because of the way he always ask Anna about how she was feeling and made sure to call her almost everyday to check on her, how I thought such a caring man was evil was beyond me.

I killed all thought and concentrated on getting home, it took a while to get home due to New York City traffic, when I finally reached the house, I went up into our room straight, I was so tired that all I could do was lay on the bed and sleep off.

When I woke up again, it was evening, my feet hurt which made it clear that what happened earlier today hadn’t been a dream, I did meet Louis and I did beat him up, I let out a satisfied laugh and patted my legs and whispered sorry to them, I went and took a bath, before going downstairs, I met Nora in the kitchen and she greeted me with a smile.

“I saw you come in and thought you will want lunch but when I went up to your room to get you, you were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you up, you looked tired even in your sleep,”

“Thanks for not waking me up Nora, I really needed that sleep, the stress is getting on me, and I still have a project due by month ending,”

I said as I sat down at the dining table, remembering that I had to call my project partner, I excuse myself and went back upstairs to get my phone, I dialed her number while coming back down, she picked on the second ring, she had a nice voice.

“Hello, you are on to Marilyn, may I know who I am speaking with please?”

Her voice echoed over the phone.

“Yes, Hi Marilyn, my name is Katherine and I am…,”

“Oh, my partner,”

She said cutting me off, I nodded before realizing I had to talk because she can’t see me.


“I was going to call you soon, thank God you did,”

“Yeah, I wanted to know how your schedule is and when and where we can meet to discuss how we will go about this since we don’t have much time,”

I said and waited for her response, “thanks Nora,”

I whispered to Nora when she dropped my food in front of me, she smiled and went back to what she was doing, my mouth watered at the sight of the food and I wanted to eat immediately but then I had to finish my call and Marilyn, I liked her name was talking now.

“Sorry, can you come again please, I didn’t quite get what you said,”

I said apologetically.

“Alright, I said that I work most of the weekdays which are why I take online classes, so it going to either have to be the weekend or my day off, I will prefer if you pick my day off though because I am also busy during the weekend,”

“Oh, when is your off day if I may ask?”


“That’s the day after tomorrow, okay that’s cool,”

“Yeah, we can meet up on Wednesday, but then the materials, could you do the favor of picking them out, I don’t mind whatever you choose I will go with it,”

“Okay, that won’t be a problem,”

“Aha, thanks a lot, what a relief, I have been worried that my partner might be some nonchalant or as busy as I am, thank God I got someone understanding, I am sorry if I leave most of the work to you, you see my job takes most of my time but I really want this degree, it has been a long term goal of…,”

She rumbled on and on and I concluded that she is a talker, thank God we were not gonna meet much because she might think I am a snub when I don’t match her energy.

“That’s not a problem,”

I said cutting her off after listening to her go on for over five minutes.

“Thank you, I will talk to you again,”

She said and I dropped the call before I remembered that I have not asked her about the kind of material we will be using, but then again she did say she will go with what I choose, so dropping my phone, I descended on the food, with how hungry I was it was gone in minutes.

“You must have been really hungry, do you want more?”

Nora asked and I shook my head no and smiled at her.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“I didn’t eat lunch so that’s why but if I eat more than this, I am afraid I would add more weight and I don’t want that.”

“You young people and your fear of adding flesh, at least you eat at all, some don’t even eat good food and choose to survive on leaves,”

She said shaking her head in disapproval, I laughed at her expression.

“Nora, it’s veggies not leaves and it’s healthy, but I like food so I can’t survive on those, but that doesn’t mean I have to be a glutton, thanks for the food,”

I said getting up, she had already taken my plate back to the sink so I just washed my hands and wished her goodnight before going back upstairs, I decided to wait for Cross to be back before I sleep, I had a lot of exciting gist for him, I checked the time and smiled, he will be back in less than three hours…

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