Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son

Chapter 94: Everly POV

Chapter 94: Everly POV

Four Days Later We held the funerals yesterday , and today I couldn’t cope with work , so I started the mural at the homeless shelter .I designed the sign and sent it off last night to my manufacturer .So when I walked into work to find everything handled and for once the sky showed no sign of rain , I got a head start on the mural on either side of the door leading into the old school .I had two days until the council meeting , and two days after that , I had the challenge for my father’s pack .I was a little nervous about exactly what it was I was getting myself into with his pack , especially if it was bankrupt like Ava believed .

Yet if I could restore a hotel to its former glory , I had no doubts I could dig them out of the hole my father dug .I forgot how much I enjoy drawing and painting , though the old rendered brickwork was making it a bitch to stencil out the design with my paintbrush .I had done the background white like a canvas , though standing on a ladder while it was windy wasn’t ideal .

Hearing a car pull up along the road behind me , I glance over m y shoulder to see Valen’s car .He hops out , walking over to me .

"Everly , the wind is hectic today .Get down before you fall off , " Valen scolds , coming over and holding the ladder .

I shake my head but climb down , unclipping the harness as I reach each step on the ladder .

"I have a harness , " I tell him , but he shakes his head .

"Harness won’t do much if that unhooks from up top .It’s only hooked to the guttering .That’s not the sturdiest thing , especially those old crumbling ones .It would be best if you had told me you were doing such a gigantic mural ; I would have had a cherry picker brought over .Don’t use the ladder .I will get one sent over tomorrow , "

Valen scolds , and I shake my head .

He had a point , though , and the site supervisor also gave me a lecture about the same thing , making me wonder if he called Valen .

"The site supervisor called you , didn’t he ? " I tell H Valen , and he smirks .

"Of course , " he says , and I roll my eyes .

"I thought you had your meeting today with your father over pack business ? " His eyes darken slightly , and he sighs .

"I sent my accountant instead , " he says while bending down to help pick up my supplies .

I pack them into a box and put them in the cleaning closet just inside the school doors .

"You can’t just avoid your father , " I tell him , following him out to his car .

"Unless it has something to do about Valarian , I don’t want to hear it , " Valen growls , opening the driver’s door .

"Valen , he is your father , and he is a wonderful dad , " I tell him .

"He lied to me , ‘ " Valen states .

I sigh , climbing into the car .

"Your mother wouldn’t want you to toss your father away .He fucked up , but he is trying to make up for it .The petition got pushed through by him .He drops everything he is doing whenever we need his help with Valarian . " I tell him , and he starts the car , nodding his head .

We head to school to pick Valarian up .When the bell rang , he came running out excitedly , jumping up and down to show the painting he had done

"Wow ! " Valen says , looking at it .

Casey came over to show us her painting , which was covered with glitter and swirling scribble .

Valerian , however , was all straight lines of paint that looked like he used a ruler to make sure he didn’t go out of the lines .

I smiled down at him , and he grabbed his father’s hand as we crossed the road to the car .

Once in the car , we headed home while listening to the radio talking about the upcoming council meeting .

My attention turned to the news reporter as her nasally voice spoke about a n upcoming war .

"It appears war is brewing between Alpha Nixon and Alpha Valen .Alpha Nixon was spotted today leaving the council chambers in a rage after learning Alpha Valen’s mate , Everly Summer’s , the infamous disgraced daughter of Alpha John from Shadow Pack , petitioned to have the laws involving the unfair treatment of rogues changed .Alpha Nixon refused to speak to the media today after h e was spotted in an argument with Alpha John just in the front of the council chambers before reversing into Alpha John’s car .It appears tensions among the packs are high , and in the next few weeks , we will either see change within the city or war between packs" Valen turns the radio off , glancing at me , and I sigh .

Great , the media was going to blow this right up , and if there wasn’t a war , they would ensure one starts with the hysteria they would cause .

"Would the City really go to war over mum’s petition ? " Valarian asks , and Valen glances in the mirror at him .

"Hopefully not , but unfortunately , people don’t like change .Greed and entitlement start a lot of issues , " Valen tells him .

"But Rogues have nothing .They aren’t even allowed to own housing ? " Valarian says .

"And that is why your mother is petitioning to have the laws changed ."

"...So , Alpha Nixon wants to take more from the rogues when they already have nothing .What’s left to take ? " Valarian asks .

"Their lives , that is all that’s left , and people like Nixon think they deserve to play God and dictate how people should live and what laws they should live by , " I answered with a sigh .

"But isn’t your dad on his side ? "

"He is on the wrong side , " I agreed .

"Does that upset you ? " Valarian asks , and I look at him over my shoulder .

"No , because that shows his character , not mine , " I tell him .

"But you’re his daughter ? "

"Yes , that’s true , but I am not my father o r my mother .I am my own person , just like you are your own person , " I tell him .

"So I shouldn’t be like you or dad when I a m older ? " he asks .

"No.Strive to be better , surpass us .One day be a better Alpha than me , "Valen says .

"What if I don’t want to be an Alpha ? " Valarian asks .

"Then I will find someone else to take over the pack , "

"What if I want to be Luna like Mum ? " Valarian asks .

"Then you will be Luna Valarian , " Valen chuckles .

"Doesn’t sound very cool , no offense , mum .I think I will stick with Alpha Valarian , " Valarian says , and Valen snickers .

"What ? The Luna is more important than the Alpha , " Valarian says ..

"Is that so ? " Valen asks .

"Yep .The Alpha keeps the packs in line , the Luna keeps the Alpha in line , " Valarian shrugs , and I laugh , glancing at Valen .

"You think this is funny ? Our son just de manned me , " Valen chuckles .

"Alpha’s , so sensitive , " I tell him , patting Valen’s shoulder while shaking my head .

We headed home , and on the way , I texted Kalen to come over for dinner .

It was time these two had a chat .

Kalen was trying , but Valen had to put in some effort on his end .

Dinner was awkward , and Valen and Kalen only spoke about Valarian until Kalen helped Valen do the dishes while I sat on the couch with Valarian , watching some kid’s show while I tried not to listen .

Around 8 PM , Valen got a call and walked outside to take it before returning , saying he had to head out .

Kalen also said he should head home since it was a school night .

Valen was gone for hours , and eventually , Valarian went to bed after reading to him and tucking him .I heard m y phone ringing in the living room only after I closed the door .

Walking out , I noticed the call was from Zoe .I answered it , thinking it was unusual for her to call so late .

When I answered and heard her frantic voice , I knew instantly something was wrong and the sirens in the background made my heart thump in my chest .

All the air was sucked from my lungs as her following words left her .

"Everly , " she sobbed into the phone .

"Zoe ? What is it ? "

"Can you hear me ? " she asked .

"Zoe ? "

"It’s gone , Everly .It’s gone ! " she sobbed into the phone .

"What’s gone ? "

"The hotel .It spread so fast .You need to get here , " she cried before the phone cut out .

I tried calling her number again , but all I got was her voicemail .I instantly called Valen’s number ..

Valen POV my I stood awkwardly in the elevator with father .

"So , where are you heading off to ? " he asked .

Thanks to Everly , it was bad enough that I had to sit through an awkward dinner .

Though I knew , she was only thinking about mine and my father’s relationship .

Yet I couldn’t complain to Everly about m y problem , so I told him .

"Going to see Dion The jeweler ? " he asked , and I nodded .

"Wait .Are you proposing to Everly ? "

"Why else would I be going to see him ? "

"Well , it’s about bloody time , " my father says , and I can’t help the tug of my lips .

I knew if he had his way , I would have married her the day I met her .

"So the ring is ready .What sort of ring did you get her ? "

"One of mum’s rings .Valarian picked out the stone ."I tell him , and my father nods and glances away .

He swallows .

"So you are picking it up ? "

"No , there is an issue , so I am stopping over there .Apparently , the engraver isn’t working , " I tell him .

The doors finally open , and I step out , heading for my car , wanting to get this over with .I pulled up out of the plaza walking to Dion’s jewelers .

He had called , saying there was something wrong with the engraver .

What I wasn’t expecting was for my father to follow me .He pulled up behind me .

"What are you doing ? "

"Coming to see if I can help ? " he says , though I know he was trying to spend more time with me .

He was always extra clinging when I was upset with him , and this feud of ours had lasted weeks .

Though I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy his company a little .

We walked to the jewelers and knocked on the door .

Dion comes over and unlocks it , locking it behind us and we follow him out to the back of his store .

"What’s wrong with it ? " I ask him .

Dion shrugs , picking up a rag and wiping his forehead , which was covered in sweat from the lights in here .

"No , idea .I’ve been pulling the damn thing apart , but I am a jeweler , not a bloody technician , and the ring holder won’t spin , " he grumbles .

My father shrugs his jacket off before pulling a stool over and sitting in front of the laser machine .

They spent hours trying to fix it before deciding it needed some part .

Dion then spent a few hours on eBay and various sites trying to find the part for the specific engraver he had , only to tell me shipment would take another two weeks on top of the time it would take for the stone to arrive .

"What is with shipment these days ? " I growl .

I was already impatient to get the ring back , let alone now adding more time .

Dion shrugs apologetically .I sigh , knowing it isn’t his fault when my father speaks .

"I can go pick it up ? " he offers .

"It’s a four – day drive , " I tell him , and he shrugs .

"Better than waiting .When does the stone arrive ? " he asks Dion .

"Hopefully , next week , they were able to ship it off on the next flight , so it’s arriving early , " Dion says .

Well , at least something good came of this the part

"It’s settled then .I will go pick up t and bring it back here , and you should have your ring earlier than expected " my father tells me .

He looks down at Dion’s computer , and Dion fills out something about picking it up . NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

My father then jots down the address on a piece of paper .

Leaving , my father followed me out , and w e walked back to the car .

"You didn’t have to pick it up .I know you are only sucking u p , " I tell him .

"Is it working ? "he chuckled .

"Kind of , " I laugh .

We stand there awkwardly when my father hugs me .

After I stood there for a second , I wrapped my arms around him .

"I miss you , son “ he says , his voice cracking .

I rub his back before he lets go and nods , racing to his car .He leaves before I get in my car .

The moment I did , the mind – link opened up , and Marcus ‘ voice was in my head .

"Hey , what’s up ? "

"You need to get to Mountainview Hotel , "

"Why ? "

"It’s not good , Valen .The whole place is gone .It’s just a shell , "

“ I….I "

“Excuse me ? "

"Someone cut the water off and the power .We were trying to figure out what was going on when we heard an explosion in the kitchen , an hour after closing , and the entire place went up , "

"Fuck ! I’m on my way , " I tell him .

Hearing my phone ringing , I grab it from my jacket pocket .

It was Everly .

I was about to answer when I saw my father’s car come abruptly to a stop at the traffic lights before he turned the car around and drove back towards me on the opposite side of the road .

He stops on the opposite side of the road just as I answer Everly’s phone call .

She was sobbing hysterically , and I told her I was on my way there when she said she was trying to get a hold of my father .

He is with me .

We are on our way , "I tell her before hanging up .Dad winds his window down , and I do the same ."

“Want me to take Valarian ? It’s all over the radio , "he calls .

"Head to the Hotel .Everly is on her way there with him , " I call back , and he nods before taking off .

I rip U – turn , following after him ..

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