

After the storm, comes the calm.

I guess that was how the saying goes.

Sin had said what had happened was barely an attack. The werewolves that had attacked were just a small fraction of the pack that was terrorizing them. The Lycan Night Pack.

They were the most dreaded werewolf in Merene, and they had come looking for only God knows what.

Blue Moon pack had lost a lot of werewolves, but the casualties were mostly from the Omega. Still, that didn’t stop them from planning the attack that was in their mind.

The amnesia I had disappeared as soon as it came, and I remembered everything that happened the next day.

From how I got slammed into the wash-hand basin by Murphy, to how I had felt myself slipping out of consciousness whilst trying to watch Sin battle with him.

Also, I recall the strange feelings I felt inside of me and what I had done to Murphy before Sin disentangled his head from his body.

Still, it confused me. The sudden surge of power that had bubbled within me. I asked Sin and Julie afterwards as well, but they hadn’t given me a valid answer.

Rather, they seemed rigid and ignored each question I asked. Then, they treated me like I was a porcelain doll that would break soon.

I was out to find the answers myself, as it didn’t look like I would get anyone soon from either of them.

Besides, there was another piece of news that was still overwhelming whenever I thought of it.

The doctor that attended to me as soon as I got back my memory confirmed I was pregnant. Even though I had sensed it from the beginning, as I had lost my period. I still had my doubts.

It was even stranger, as the shove from Murphy hadn’t affected me. Normally, it would have resulted in me losing the foetus. But nothing happened, and it was still intact.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed with a loud thud.

“What was I thinking of?!” I asked myself whilst I caressed my sore butt, then glanced at the time.

It was barely morning.

My eyes flickered to the window as a sudden urge to move towards it filled me.

I didn’t know the reason, but I could sense something reaching out to me.

Glancing at the bed, I noticed Sin wasn’t in the room, and I didn’t realize he left. I was not a heavy sleeper. Whenever Sin left the bed, I was always aware.

Perhaps he had left to go hunting because the moon was out. The full moon had been occurring frequently, and it wasn’t a weird occurrence anyway.

But for the people of Merene, the humans, it seemed like something they wouldn’t wish for. They needed to stay indoors before it got darker whilst, for the werewolves, it was a way for them to get a sumptuous meal.

Though not all werewolves feed on humans, like Sin. Most did, and it made them strong.

Despite not feeding on humans, Sin was exceptionally strong. It was strange to me. But it might not be unusual to them because I was sure that was the reason they had chosen him as the alpha. His strength and sense of reasoning.

Trudging to the window side, I pushed the curtain aside as I heard the first howl.

Then squinted as my eye caught a movement. Like before, the wolf making the melodious tone fascinated me.

It didn’t sound like Sin. Even though I hadn’t seen him transformed yet, I had heard him howl.

The sound was better than this. Still, I didn’t know why I was getting drawn to this voice.

Sin had never stayed around Merene whilst hunting, because he didn’t want to hurt anyone around. He preferred living on animals during each full moon, since taking human blood could make him go into bloodlust quickly.

Also, he had said, he wouldn’t be able to stop even if he took just a sip.

The howl sounded again, snapping me out of my thoughts. The sound seemed familiar, like I had heard it before. But I couldn’t remember where.

Squinting, I stared out of the window and I noticed the leaves rustling in the usual spot I often sat on in the garden. Then I glanced at the door. An unknown force nudged me towards the closed door.

I snatched my robe, which was on the hanger, slipped into it and quietly stepped out of the room.

The air was freezing. Despite that, I didn’t stop to go inside. I continued my journey towards the garden. I was aware even if I wanted to stop, I wouldn’t be able to, as it seemed like I was not the person controlling my legs.

“So, I am here,” I said to myself. I didn’t see anyone, and neither did I hear the howl again.

I was probably imagining things.

The leaves rustled again, and my eyes wandered to it. I let out a loud shriek as a black wolf slipped out of the leaves.

“Shit! You scared me!” I said, placing my hand on my thumping chest.

My eyes locked on the black wolf that I often saw whilst in the garden.

I didn’t know it was the one making the sound because I hadn’t heard it howl before. It only appeared whenever I came for fresh air.

The wolf wasn’t as bad as I had thought the first time. It wasn’t frightening because I saw it as more like a domesticated dog rather than a wild animal.

Instead of tearing me from limb to limb, it was getting closer to me. And I enjoyed its presence.

“You know, you should stop appearing at this hour. You might get caught and, who knows, killed.”

The wolf tilted its head, and its ears twitched. It moved closer and sniffed the robe I donned before nudging my ankle with its cold, wet snout.

It sat next to me and my hand reached out as always to stroke its gleaming fur.

I smiled as I heard it whimpered and sighed.

“You are enjoying this, right?” I grinned, patting its head.

“Come to think of it,” I mumbled whilst staring into its doe eyes. “You have no name, and I don’t think I wish to call you ‘hey’ all the time.”

The wolf nodded.

“Wolfie?” I said whilst watching it.

The wolf tilted its head, then shook it after a while.

The name itself sounded funny to me.

“Well, I guess it sounds as silly as I had thought,” I mumbled.

The wolf moved towards me and let out a soft whine. It brought its head closer. I placed my hand on it, stroking its fur again.

Just like before, it growled softly. I believe it was enjoying whatever I was doing to it.

“How about….”


I jerked as I heard my name. My eyes went wide, and before I could alter any word, Sin appeared in front of me.

Hopefully, the wolf had fled, leaving me with a furious Sin.

“What the f**k do you think you’re doing outside?!”

“Can’t I have some fresh air any more?”

“The room is spacious enough for that.” He grunted, then added. “You can open the windows as well if the room is not large enough for you.”

“Why act as if you are locking me indoors? This isn’t a prison, you know? We are married, and I have every right to do whatever I want.” I said whilst gripping the doorknob.

“Not any more, darling. As long as you are under my roof, you’ll do as I want.” Sin grunted, then shoved me inside the room.

“What the heck?!”

My eyes flickered to Sin’s, and they went wide as I noticed a change in him.

“You are mine, Artemisia. Whatever I want, that’s what you’ll do. Like right now, I want you.”

And with that, he tugged me to him swiftly. Then clutched the nightie I donned, ripping it.

I gasped, and my hands went to my breasts, which were now bare to him.

“What the f**k is wrong with you?!”

“You are exceptionally beautiful tonight, sweetheart.” Sin grinned. But it wasn’t the grin I usually saw him with.

This was weird, and I noticed his fangs were out as he did.

“Get on the bed.”


“Get on the f**king bed!” He growled, shoving me into it as I didn’t comply.

He came down on top of me and spread apart my thighs. Likewise, he gripped my hands as I was about to smack his face.

Then, with his free hands, he undid his zip and his shaft, which was already hard, sprang out.

Without further ado, he thrust into me. He went in deeper and I could feel his full length deep within me.

He continued to move without minding the tears that were blinding my vision, or my scream he was trying to muffle with his mouth.

Sin’s thrust became faster and for a while, I thought it wouldn’t end. He grunted and jerked whilst he thrust deeper as he reached a climax, pouring his warm seed inside of me.

He rolled away, rested for a while, and left the room as if nothing happened between us.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

I clutched the duvet around my body and huddled in the corner of the room. Sin had been cruel before. He had done something like that, but I believe he was trying to punish me back then.

Right now, I don’t know what to think again. I thought we were already becoming the perfect couple. I thought everything would be fine now that I was with his child and I had seen the way he stared at me lovingly. Yet, I was wrong, and he forced me. He didn’t bother if I enjoyed whatever he was doing or not. He believed, since he was my husband, he could do whatever he wished.

“I hate him.” I sniffled, then hiccuped.

“I hate everything about him!” I sobbed.

Nonetheless, despite the way I felt, I was aware that if he came to apologize, I’d accept him again.

“So stupid!” I punched the pillow and then screamed into it before laying down on the bed.

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