Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


“I suffered a relapse overseas and ignored it. Now, it’s affecting me in some way,” Nelly revealed, her voice trembling with an undertone of vulnerability.

Spencer, his eyes glinting with concern, locked his gaze with hers. His brows furrowed together, giving him a dangerous air. “Show me your hand,” he commanded.

Nelly hesitated for a moment before rolling up her sleeves, revealing her pale, trembling arm. She presented her wrist to Spencer, who examined it carefully.

Spencer’s touch was gentle as he surveyed the delicate bones of her wrist. After a moment, he rose to his feet and walked over to a nearby table. With precision, he retrieved a black bag from a mysterious black box, custom-made for his unique profession. Returning to Nelly, he prepared to administer his treatment, a row of ominous needles awaiting their purpose.

The air was heavy with anticipation and a touch of fear as Spencer inserted the first needle into Nelly’s slender wrist, his expression remaining stern and serious throughout.

“It’s going to hurt a little, so bear with it,” Spencer reminded her, his voice steady.

Nelly nodded, her lips sealed tightly as she watched the needle pierce her skin. This treatment was different, more intense than her usual acupuncture sessions. The pain radiated through her entire hand, causing her to furrow her brows in discomfort. Yet, not a single sound escaped her lips.

Undeterred, Spencer took another needle, his movements swift and sure. As he inserted it into her wrist, he lifted his head to observe Nelly’s reaction.

Cold sweat glistened on her brow, her face draining of color. But still, she remained silent, her determination shining through the pain.

“You still have a high pain tolerance, huh?” Spencer commented, marveling at her resilience.

Nelly smirked, her eyes hardened. “You’re saying as if I can ask someone else to tolerate the pain for me if I can’t handle it anymore.”

Spencer sighed, a sense of admiration mingling with his worry. “Oh, what a waste of your good looks. There’s no harm in showing your weakness once in a while.”

“Will it stop hurting if I show my weakness?” Nelly countered, her voice filled with defiance.

Spencer was rendered speechless, realizing the depth of her determination. He regretted his thoughtless words, fully aware of the strength that resided within her.

As the minutes passed, the pain intensified, and Nelly’s face grew even paler. Tremors wracked her wrist, a silent testament to her struggle.

“Hold it a little longer,” Spencer encouraged, his voice laced with sympathy.

But Nelly’s wrist continued to tremble, her body fighting against the pain. Witnessing her anguish, Spencer pinned her hand down gently, his heart aching for her unyielding spirit.

As he tried to distract her from the pain, Spencer spoke, his tone softening. “Did you find any clues about the culprit who killed your parents?”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Nelly shook her head, her gaze filled with determination. “It has been years, but you still failed to find anything. Could it be a simple accident? Are you reading too much into it?”

A look of annoyance crossed Nelly’s face as she shot him a glare, her voice icy. “Spencer, you’re welcome to try to divert my attention, but please don’t insult my intelligence.”

Spencer struggled for words, knowing he couldn’t underestimate her determination. They had known each other for years, and he understood her unwavering resolve.

Realizing his misstep, he sighed inwardly. Why did I create trouble for myself?

The pain continued to intensify, causing Nelly’s face to grow even paler. Sweat trickled down her brow, her body trembling with the effort of holding back her pain.

“If you want to unravel the truth, take good care of your hand. You’re a top hacker. How will you carry on the investigation if you lose the ability to use your hand?” Spencer reminded her, his concern evident in his voice.

Fear flickered in Nelly’s eyes, her voice barely a whisper. “How long will it take for my hand to recover completely?”

“At least two months,” Spencer replied solemnly.

Surprise flashed across Nelly’s face. “That long?”

“If you’d bothered listening to me, your hand would’ve recovered ages ago. Fortunately, you came to your senses before it is too late. Otherwise, you can only use your hand to eat in the future,” Spencer remarked, his frustration tinged with genuine concern.

Nelly chose not to argue, instead rolling down her sleeves and meeting his gaze. “How often do I need to come to you?”

“Once every three days,” Spencer responded, his voice gentle.

Without hesitation, Nelly rose to her feet, determination burning in her eyes. “I’ll pay you a visit three days later.”

Spencer watched her leave, his brows furrowing. “You’re leaving already?”

Nelly glanced back at him with a mysterious smile. “Is there anything else?”

“I came all the way here to treat you. Aren’t you going to have a meal with me? You’re leaving just like that?” Spencer’s incredulous voice rang out.

Nelly paused, considering his words. He was right.

“Let’s do that another day. I’ve been outside for too long today. My family might worry about me,” she conceded.

Spencer snapped, his frustration evident. “You’re an adult. Is your grandpa that controlling?”

Nelly’s eyes glimmered mischievously. “Hmm, he’s not the only one. I’ll introduce you to some other people later.”

Curiosity piqued, Spencer arched an eyebrow. “Who are they?”

“You’ll find out later.” With those enigmatic words, Nelly left the room, leaving Spencer shaking his head in bemusement.

Ten years had passed since they last met, and she had not changed a bit.

Downstairs in the hotel restaurant, Alpha Kilian exuded an air of authority and power as he sat on a couch, dressed impeccably in a black suit. His presence commanded attention, making it clear that he was not a man to be taken lightly.

Lara’s heart raced as she caught sight of him. Though she despised him with every fiber of her being, she couldn’t deny the undercurrent of love she still felt for him.

Determined to show how important she was to him, she had agreed to meet him at the hotel. With a composed facade, she approached him, addressing him in a respectful tone. “Hello, Alpha Kilian.”

His gaze, filled with arrogance, met hers briefly before moving on disinterestedly.

Taking a seat across from him, Lara tried to maintain her composure. “Why did you ask to meet me? Is something the matter?”

Alpha Kilian regarded her coolly, a smirk playing at his lips that only intensified her frustration.

“What’s the matter?” Lara pressed, her voice growing sharper.

Without warning, he produced a stack of plane tickets, placing them on the table before her.

Lara’s eyes narrowed as she glanced at the tickets, sensing a sinister motive. “What are you trying to imply?”

“Leave Moonwalk pack,” Alpha Kilian ordered abruptly, his voice dripping with authority.

A pit formed in Lara’s stomach, hope fading into despair. Her fists clenched tightly as she mustered the strength to confront him. In a shrill voice, she demanded, “Are you asking me to leave?”

As the words hung in the air, the tension between them crackled with uncertainty and unspoken desires.

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