Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


Noticing the peculiar expression on Nelly’s face, Tony followed her gaze and peered into the distance.

Yet, his keen werewolf eyes saw nothing.

“What troubles you, Nelly?” Tony asked, his voice tinged with concern, his primal instincts urging him to protect her.

But Nelly shook her head, a hint of doubt clouding her features. “It’s nothing. Perhaps I made a mistake.”

Tony scanned their surroundings, his senses alert for any lurking danger. Yet, there was nothing suspicious to be found.

“Let us proceed,” Nelly spoke, her voice wavering slightly.

With a nod of agreement, Tony offered his support as they made their way to the courtyard. The sunlight bathed Nelly in warmth, but it did little to dispel the nagging unease that settled like a shroud upon her.

The image of those haunting eyes remained etched in her mind, an ever-present reminder of the darkness lurking just beneath the surface.

“Tony,” she called out, her voice barely above a whisper.

He turned to her, his werewolf senses picking up on the uncertainty in her tone. “Yes?”

“I am feeling a thirst,” Nelly requested, her eyes pleading. “Could you fetch me some water from the ward?”

Tony glanced at her, his instincts urging him to be cautious. “Are you certain, Nelly? It may not be safe.”

Without hesitating, she nodded. “I trust you, Tony. Please.”

Reluctantly, Tony left her side and ventured towards the ward, his heightened senses on high alert. Meanwhile, Nelly retraced her steps towards the room of the man from earlier, her memory guiding her path.

But as she arrived, the bed lay empty, devoid of any presence.

Lost in her thoughts, Nelly suddenly sensed a presence hovering behind her. As she turned, her heart pounded in her chest, for it was the very man she had been seeking, staring at her with a sinister intensity.

Her life flashed before her eyes, her body frozen in fear.

But just as despair threatened to consume her, a doctor rushed forward, holding the man back. “Gary, you mischievous one!”

The doctor turned to Nelly, his eyes filled with apology. “I apologize for this. He’s… it’s you?”

The doctor remembered Nelly well, captivated by her beauty during their previous encounter.

She greeted him with a faint smile. “Hello.”

“Hello. Are you also a patient of our hospital?” the doctor inquired, noticing her hospital gown.

Nelly’s smile remained, though there was a hint of sorrow in her eyes. “I was involved in a minor accident.”

The doctor nodded sympathetically. “What matters is that you are safe. I hope you recover swiftly.”

Nelly acknowledged his words with a nod, her attention once again drawn to the man named Gary. His arm was bandaged, evidence of past wounds.

“When did he return?” she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

The doctor sighed, weariness evident in his voice. “He was discovered this morning. After being struck by a vehicle, we learned he belonged to our department. Thank goodness there were no grave injuries. We brought him back.”

As Nelly absorbed this information, her mind raced, seeking answers. “Does he have any relatives?”

The doctor shook his head solemnly. “They all passed away, I’m afraid. Moreover, no one has come to visit him during his time here.”

“And his medical expenses?” Nelly probed further.

The doctor furrowed his brows, deep in thought. “That, I am uncertain of. However, I have heard he possesses a fund from which he can withdraw a designated amount each year. It is likely how his expenses are managed.”

Nelly nodded, contemplating the man’s loneliness and unfortunate circumstances.

“Why do you ask?” the doctor inquired, observing Nelly intently.

She shook her head, her expression melancholic. “No reason. I merely find his situation… pitiable.”

The doctor smiled kindly. “There has only been one person who has graced him with a visit thus far.”

“Who?” Nelly asked, curiosity piqued.

“You,” the doctor revealed, a sense of wonder in his voice.

Nelly was rendered speechless, her heart heavy with empathy.

The doctor’s grin widened. “I know Gary may have alarmed you on the stairs before, but he is not usually like that. Despite his mental afflictions, he does not pose harm readily. What transpired last time was likely an accident…”

Nelly listened in silence, her mind contemplating the doctor’s words.

To the doctor, it was an accident. But to Nelly, it was something more.

She could not dismiss the deep-seated hatred lurking in Gary’s eyes.

While others may attribute it to his mental condition, she knew the truth behind his gaze.

Though she would not claim photographic memory, she would never forget encountering someone like Gary. And yet, he had no place in her memory. This had been their first meeting on the stairs.

Lost in her thoughts, Nelly was brought back to reality as the doctor looked at her intently. “In any case, I extend my apology for Gary’s actions in the past.”

Nelly shook her head, dispelling her thoughts. “Please, do not worry. I harbor no ill feelings towards him.”

The doctor nodded gratefully. “You possess a kind heart, Nelly. I believe blessings shall find their way to you.”

“Thank you,” Nelly murmured, her voice laden with gratitude. “If there is nothing else, I shall return to my room.”

The doctor bid her farewell, and Nelly departed, her mind still gripped by the enigma that was Gary.

As she stepped away, Gary, confined behind the closed door, turned his head, fixing his predatory gaze upon her. The emptiness within his eyes morphed into a sinister glimmer, and a malevolent smile played upon his lips.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

Meanwhile, Tony, upon returning to the courtyard with a bottle of water, discovered Nelly’s absence.

In her place sat a mother and child, their innocent laughter blending with the wind.

Tony’s wolf instincts surged, panic washing over him as he frantically searched for Nelly.

But his efforts proved futile, for she was nowhere to be found. Desperation gripped his heart, his eyes moistening with unshed tears.

I will blame myself forever if anything has happened to her. Nelly, please be safe! Please be alright!

With those desperate pleas echoing in his mind, Tony continued his search, his howls filling the air.

He scoured every inch of the vast hospital, his inquiries yielding no traces of Nelly’s presence.

Despair threatened to consume him as he realized he could not find her. His hands trembled, his mind a whirlwind of panic.

He felt utterly lost, unsure of what steps to take next. All he knew was that he needed help.

Tony reached for his phone, intending to summon aid. But as he glanced at the screen’s dialing pad, he found himself at a loss for whose name to call.

It was in that moment of desperation that a familiar voice rang out behind him, teasing the edges of his consciousness.


He spun around, his heart pounding, half-expecting to be greeted by nothingness. But to his astonishment, there stood Nelly in the distance.

Tony stood frozen, his gaze locked upon her.

Nelly regarded him with confusion, unaware of the emotional turmoil he had endured. A smile graced her lips as she asked, “Is something amiss?”

Without a second thought, Tony lunged towards her, his arms enveloping her in a fierce embrace.

“Nelly, you frightened me to the core!” Tony’s voice trembled with relief and fear.

Nelly peered at him, her brows furrowing. “What has taken place?”

“I thought you vanished! I searched the entire hospital, but you were nowhere to be found!” Tony’s voice cracked, tears welling in his eyes as he clung onto her, unwilling to let go.

He feared that if he released her, she would dissolve into the ether, lost to him forever.

Nelly studied him intently, her heart moved by his actions. A mixture of emotions swelled within her, causing a painful ache.

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