Alpha Kael

Chapter 48


It’s clear how bothered Kael is that he can’t detain Axel.

We all sit in one room, Axel on one side of the table, myself and Kael on the other. He looks at us, cocky and entitled, knowing there is nothing we can do but listen and negotiate with him until he gives us the information we need. Kael is fuming beside me, quietly calculating his next move. At least no one else knows with this exchange.

“Well, aren’t you going to ask me where she is?” He questions, leaning comfortably back in his seat. It bothers me how calm he is about this, knowing he has a chance of getting out of here alive. I want to wrap my hands around his neck for what he tried doing to me.

“What do you want?” Kael questions, folding his arms over his chest. He’s turned into an Alpha again, ready to negotiate.

A sly, hideous smile comes across Axel’s face.

“You assume I want something? Well, why don’t we start of easy… Let me walk free, no charge or punishment,” he proposes. My throat goes dry, but it’s not as if I didn’t suspect that would be his request. Kael doesn’t answer right away, sifting through his head for a way out of this, but clearly finds none, as he loosens a breath. I don’t doubt this affecting him greatly.

“You were a Silent of mine for many years. You must pay the consequences for your betrayal at least,” Kael says. I often forget Axel used to be referred to as Blue, before I told Kael of his true name, and worked close to his side.

There’s a glint in Axel’s eye as he shakes his head at us, knowing there’s no chance for a punishment. “Wipe it all clean, or nothing.”

With a jaw clenched, I look at Kael.

In reality, we don’t have much of a choice. Either we punish Axel, and are forever wondering about this revolt against his Pack he is launching, and what his mother has to do with it. One key would be enough to send Kael’s Silent’s to deal with it. However, it’s more than that, though. It’s his mother too.

“Tell us more about what is going on, and why my mother is involved,” Kael demands. He’s not going to leave this place and believe Axel until he has a reason to. For all we know this could be a ruse to get him out of his punishment.

Axel leans forward in his seat. “Your mother escaped your fathers tyranny and converted a group of follows to conspire against your Pack.”

It sounds chillingly real.

“Where is she? Where is this group? Tell me, and I’ll give you what you want. You’ll be let free to leave this Pack with no consequences. All you have to do is tell us where is is,” Kael says, finally giving in to exactly what Axel wants. It can’t be easy for him, but I’m glad he has done this. If this is an uprising, we both need to know.

Axel smiles, but as much as it bothers me, there is nothing more that I can do, as he agrees. “Fine. It’s not a not a big group, however, it’s growing by the day. It’s on the outside of the Pack on the East side. It’s where most of your degenerates live, so you shouldn’t be surprised.”

Kael tries not to look too bothered by his terminology, however, I can tell how much it’s bothering him. Axel is filth.

I think he knows it, too.

“You’ll be held until we can confirm what you have told us,” Kael says, before he stands, walking back out the door, not wanting to wait around to speak to Axel anymore. I stay sitting where I am for a moment, looking across the table at Axel. What I want is for him to know I’m not scared of him, and that I don’t rely on Kael to take care of me.

“You must be happy you got what you want,” Axel says, grinning at me. As much as I want to lurch across this table to kill him, I know I can’t. He may have a cuff around his ankle, keeping him to the floor, but Kael might need information. And I don’t want to get in the way of that.

Gritting my teeth, I reign in my anger. “I could be happier. You could be dead right now, or serving an eternal punishment underground.”

Axel chuckles, unbothered.

“I’m not too happy either, honestly. It’s not that I care much for this uprising, but it would make me happy to see you and Kael fall,” Axel comments, shrugging his shoulders casually. The more he talks, the more he is winding me up, but my cool remains, as I regard him patiently, remembering Kael and I are going to be better off in the long run then him.

“We won’t fall. Kael is a good Alpha, and soon he will be reunited with his mother, and all will be good again. And you will be gone, out of my life forever,” I growl, resting my palms on the table. It seems Axel is finally bothered by something I’ve said, his gaze darkening.

“To think, after all I did for you, you act like this? Does Kael know you use people?” Axel questions, tilting his head coyly at me.

The roof of my mouth goes try.

“The only person who uses people is you. Don’t act like you didn’t use my mate to get me here. No one asked you for your so called kind service. All you’ve done is hurt people,” I snap at him, unsure of what I’m saying, but I feel better blurting it out my mouth. “Were you really going to rape me?”

Axel doesn’t answer right away. His hesitation makes me nervous, considering whether he really is as rotten on the inside as I assume he is. Perhaps before I was giving him the benefit of the doubt, hoping he was trying to scare me rather than actually trying to hurt me. The dried blood under his nose and the bruise under his eye shows who came off on top.

“You were always mine. You just haven’t realised it yet,” he snaps so suddenly I blanch. He looks at me, eyes blazing, fists clenched white on the table.

I’ve decided I’ve had enough.

Leaving the room, Axel shouts at me, but I ignore him. I hope after this, I never have to see his face again.


Kael didn’t waste any time.

His determination is admirable, but admittedly, I’m scared of what we are going to come across. We drive across the Pack, no security accompanying us or anything. Kael isn’t stopping until we reach where he believes this is going on. Apparently it’s a village that has always been causing him trouble, so he’s not surprised about this.

“Are you nervous to see if your mother is there?”

I ask. I’m mainly asking because of Sinful’s desire to keep us away from his mother, especially since it was by her request.

Kael sighs through his nose. “I have a lot to ask her, but I want to know everything before I decide if I want a relationship with her.”

That makes sense. I can’t judge him for that.

“You know you’re the most important to me right? I would be quite happy with just a life with you. If I’m honest, I don’t even want to be an Alpha. You might know that already, but after what happened to my parents, it’s the last thing I want to do,”

He tells me.

I’ve heard him mention he doesn’t want to be an Alpha, however, it’s still hard to believe. We always see our Alpha’s as strong and privileged, lucky to be in their position. There’s not a moment where I ever considered they wouldn’t want to live the life they have been so lucky to be born into.

“You’re not like your father. You’re a good Alpha,” I reassure him, reaching over to rest my hand on his thigh to comfort him. He seems rigid, but settles slightly with my touch.

“I’m afraid I’ll turn into him with stress,” he tells me. “Plus, I’m not the best Alpha. Anyone else would have more time and would make the changes people want to this Pack.”

As right as he might seem, it saddens me.

We arrive into the village not much longer later. It’s not in a wealthy area, however, it’s quite inconspicuous, leaving me to wonder whether we got the right place. Kael seems sure though, as he parks the car promptly outside a small house with a porch cluttered with belongs on the front.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

As we step out, I look around, people noticing our appearance as I see eyes peek past curtains through windows, some even stepping out to watch us.

Kael and I might be the leaders of this Pack, but it’s clear we aren’t welcome here.


I whirl around, the sound of my voice being called nearly stopping my heart completely. Not because of my name, but because the voice that calls sounds so chillingly familiar.

When I turn around, a middle aged woman stares back at me. It hits me right in the fact right away.

It’s my mother.

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