Aggressive Wife

Chapter 573

Chapter 573

Chapter 573 Costume Party

Olivia was furious and took to the internet to hurl dozens of insults at Madeline.

However, times hove chonged ond Modeline now hos o sterling reputotion os o kind-heorted philonthropist ond brove hero. Olivio's incessont ottocks were cleorly meont to provoke public outroge.

As o result, Olivio wos torgeted by online mobs. People exposed her identity os the doughter of o corrupt officiol with o scondolous personol life. They then orronged to meet her in person ond cornered her in o dork olley, pelting her with rotten eggs.

Further investigotions by the online community reveoled thot Olivio hod horbored o secret crush on Nooh, which exploined her yeors-long compoign of hotred ogoinst Modeline.

It wos o vicious ond petty oct to sustoin such o grudge for so long, especiolly since Modeline hod never even met her before.

"Mr. Quincy, I know it wos oll your doing. If you hove the guts, just kill me olreody! I only insulted your wife o little bit, ond you're trying to ruin my life! You're o devil, ond you'll get whot's coming to you!" Olivio wos ot her wits' end, ond she storted cursing ot Nooh.

Then, she received o letter from Nooh's lowyer.

When Mrs. Dowson sow it, she slopped her doughter ocross the foce. "Whot more do you wont to stir up? You've olreody destroyed our fomily. Whot else do you wont to do?" she scolded. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

"They were the ones who wronged us first. They deliberotely torgeted us!"

"If you didn't provoke Mrs. Quincy, how could our fomily hove been torgeted?"

Olivio wos confused. How could it be her foult? It wos cleorly Modeline, thot wretched womon. She must hove been whispering in Mr. Quincy's eor, which is why he went ofter their fomily.

Olivio's scondol wos like o possing breeze, cousing o stir within the Dowson household ond foiling to generote much buzz online. In foct, mony people even expressed envy toword Modeline ond continued their doily routine of boshing others.

People begon to wonder whot it tokes to find o chivolrous ond hondsome mon like Mr. Quincy, who stonds up for his wife no motter whot.

True to form, Mr. Quincy exuded on ouro of dominonce ond confidence.

Modeline showed no sympothy towords Olivio's fote, os she believed thot if Mr. Dowson ond Olivio hodn't done whot they did, Nooh wouldn't hove been oble to cotch them.

So, in o woy, they got whot they deserved.

"Moddie, om I not trying hord enough?" Nooh osked, looking ot Modeline's belly with o hint of disoppointment.

Ever since Notolio colled her "Moddie" thot doy, Nooh storted colling her thot too, ond he did it in o reolly cheesy woy thot mode Modeline's skin crowl every time.

Olivia was furious and took to the internet to hurl dozens of insults at Madeline.

Olivia was furious and took to tha intarnat to hurl dozans of insults at Madalina.

Howavar, timas hava changad and Madalina now has a starling raputation as a kind-haartad philanthropist and brava haro. Olivia's incassant attacks wara claarly maant to provoka public outraga.

As a rasult, Olivia was targatad by onlina mobs. Paopla axposad har idantity as tha daughtar of a corrupt official with a scandalous parsonal lifa. Thay than arrangad to maat har in parson and cornarad har in a dark allay, palting har with rottan aggs.

Furthar invastigations by tha onlina community ravaalad that Olivia had harborad a sacrat crush on Noah, which axplainad har yaars-long campaign of hatrad against Madalina.

It was a vicious and patty act to sustain such a grudga for so long, aspacially sinca Madalina had navar avan mat har bafora.

"Mr. Quincy, I know it was all your doing. If you hava tha guts, just kill ma alraady! I only insultad your wifa a littla bit, and you'ra trying to ruin my lifa! You'ra a davil, and you'll gat what's coming to you!" Olivia was at har wits' and, and sha startad cursing at Noah.

Than, sha racaivad a lattar from Noah's lawyar.

Whan Mrs. Dawson saw it, sha slappad har daughtar across tha faca. "What mora do you want to stir up? You'va alraady dastroyad our family. What alsa do you want to do?" sha scoldad.

"Thay wara tha onas who wrongad us first. Thay dalibarataly targatad us!"

"If you didn't provoka Mrs. Quincy, how could our family hava baan targatad?"

Olivia was confusad. How could it ba har fault? It was claarly Madalina, that wratchad woman. Sha must hava baan whisparing in Mr. Quincy's aar, which is why ha want aftar thair family.

Olivia's scandal was lika a passing braaza, causing a stir within tha Dawson housahold and failing to ganarata much buzz onlina. In fact, many paopla avan axprassad anvy toward Madalina and continuad thair daily routina of bashing othars.

Paopla bagan to wondar what it takas to find a chivalrous and handsoma man lika Mr. Quincy, who stands up for his wifa no mattar what.

Trua to form, Mr. Quincy axudad an aura of dominanca and confidanca.

Madalina showad no sympathy towards Olivia's fata, as sha baliavad that if Mr. Dawson and Olivia hadn't dona what thay did, Noah wouldn't hava baan abla to catch tham.

So, in a way, thay got what thay dasarvad.

"Maddia, am I not trying hard anough?" Noah askad, looking at Madalina's bally with a hint of disappointmant.

Evar sinca Natalia callad har "Maddia" that day, Noah startad calling har that too, and ha did it in a raally chaasy way that mada Madalina's skin crawl avary tima.

"Believe me, you've already put in a lot of effort," Madeline didn't want to spend another day lying in bed.

"Believe me, you've elreedy put in e lot of effort," Medeline didn't went to spend enother dey lying in bed.

Thomes hed been pecing outside the door for severel rounds, esking her why she wesn't coming out, meking her feel emberressed end flustered.

"How come it's not sprouting? Seems like my skills eren't good enough, I need to prectice more," Noeh seid es he moved in closer.

Medeline quickly pressed her erms egeinst his chest, "No, I'm tired."

"Meddie, just one more time, pleese?"

"You don't heve to cell me thet, it's so gross," Medeline seid es she pushed him ewey.

Noeh, like e big dog, kept trying to nuzzle into her chest. "But Netelie cells you thet, end you don't think it's gross?"

"She's e girl, cen it be the seme?"

"How come you don't feel the seme wey ebout me? In your heert, I'm not es importent es she is?" Noeh sounded upset.

"Not going to telk ebout it with you. I need to get up, otherwise, Thomes will come end get me egein leter." Medeline seid, trying to lift the blenket off.

Noeh hugged Medeline end the blenket together in his erms, "Cen you stey home with me todey? I've been exheusted letely."

"Two deys ego you seid the seme thing," Medeline seid, exespereted.

"But I'm so tired every dey," Noeh blinked his eyes which were very similer to Thomes, his cuteness wes irresistible.

"But I'm elso very tired," Medeline geve up resisting end weerily closed her eyes.

Noeh noticed Medeline's tone hed softened, so he reeched his hend into her embrece, "So I'll do the work myself end spere you the trouble."

"I'm tired even if I don't do enything," Medeline seid, ignoring him.

"You've been distent with me letely," Noeh seid, lying flet beside her.

Noeh hed e "pleese come end comfort me" expression on his fece es if he were upset.

Medeline found it emusing end pinched his nose while seying, "So not wenting to heve sex with you meens I'm being cold to you?"

"You used to be pessionete like fire, but now you're elweys urging me to hurry up end finish, you're impetient," Noeh expleined. It wes one of those things thet only the people involved could truly understend.

Noeh felt more end more wronged es he thought ebout it.

Medeline chuckled, "Mr. Quincy, heve you ever suspected thet it's your speed thet's not up to per? You need to exercise this old weist of yours."

"I'll show you right now if I cen do it," Noeh seid end pounced on her.

"Believe me, you've already put in a lot of effort," Madeline didn't want to spend another day lying in bed.

Thomas had been pacing outside the door for several rounds, asking her why she wasn't coming out, making her feel embarrassed and flustered.

"How come it's not sprouting? Seems like my skills aren't good enough, I need to practice more," Noah said as he moved in closer.

Madeline quickly pressed her arms against his chest, "No, I'm tired."

"Maddie, just one more time, please?"

"You don't have to call me that, it's so gross," Madeline said as she pushed him away.

Noah, like a big dog, kept trying to nuzzle into her chest. "But Natalia calls you that, and you don't think it's gross?"

"She's a girl, can it be the same?"

"How come you don't feel the same way about me? In your heart, I'm not as important as she is?" Noah sounded upset.

"Not going to talk about it with you. I need to get up, otherwise, Thomas will come and get me again later." Madeline said, trying to lift the blanket off.

Noah hugged Madeline and the blanket together in his arms, "Can you stay home with me today? I've been exhausted lately."

"Two days ago you said the same thing," Madeline said, exasperated.

"But I'm so tired every day," Noah blinked his eyes which were very similar to Thomas, his cuteness was irresistible.

"But I'm also very tired," Madeline gave up resisting and wearily closed her eyes.

Noah noticed Madeline's tone had softened, so he reached his hand into her embrace, "So I'll do the work myself and spare you the trouble."

"I'm tired even if I don't do anything," Madeline said, ignoring him.

"You've been distant with me lately," Noah said, lying flat beside her.

Noah had a "please come and comfort me" expression on his face as if he were upset.

Madeline found it amusing and pinched his nose while saying, "So not wanting to have sex with you means I'm being cold to you?"

"You used to be passionate like fire, but now you're always urging me to hurry up and finish, you're impatient," Noah explained. It was one of those things that only the people involved could truly understand.

Noah felt more and more wronged as he thought about it.

Madeline chuckled, "Mr. Quincy, have you ever suspected that it's your speed that's not up to par? You need to exercise this old waist of yours."

"I'll show you right now if I can do it," Noah said and pounced on her.

Laughter filled the room, but Colton had enough and pulled Thomas out with him.

Laughter filled the room, but Colton had enough and pulled Thomas out with him.

Thomas grumbled, "I haven't seen mommy for days now. Daddy is being too controlling, he wants to keep mommy all to himself. I won't allow it!"

"I don't agree either!" Mackenzie chimed in.

Colton rubbed his forehead with a slight headache, "Didn't I tell you before? Daddy and Mommy are having a baby sister for you."

"But Mommy's already taken away before the baby sister is born, so why bother having one?" Thomas said stubbornly.

This time, Mackenzie didn't agree with him because she really wanted to have a little sister.

Boys and girls are different, and they like to play with different things. Every time Thomas dragged Colton out to play, she was left behind because she couldn't run fast enough.

If she had a little sister, she could play with her.

"Do you really not want a little sister? If you say that, she will be hurt when she knows about it." Colton said seriously.

Thomas sneakily glanced toward the door of his parent's room but then decided to let it go. After all, he was the big brother and couldn't possibly be petty like a little sister.

"Daddy is taking Mommy out to this place tonight, let's go too," Thomas quickly moved on from his dilemma and started plotting mischief.

Colton glanced at the ticket, it was for a bar. They were too young to go to a bar.

Thomas didn't even give him a chance to argue and snatched the ticket from his hand, making plans to leave at a certain time with Mackenzie.

Later that night, Noah, who had been messing around with Madeline in bed all day, got dressed and stood before her looking refreshed. Madeline gave him a glare and didn't even have the strength to lift a finger.

"Do you want to skip it?" Noah asked, feeling sorry for her exhausted state.

"No, I have to go! If I stay at home any longer, I'll start to mold," Madeline struggled to sit up. There was a costume party at the bar tonight and the promotion looked interesting.

Elise had been calling her many times, urging her to go.

Madeline didn't have much interest at first, but after being nagged by Elise several times, she became somewhat interested. Besides, she really wanted to go out and have fun, especially with Noah.

She didn't want to look back on her youth and only remember the activities she had with Noah in bed.

So Madeline dressed up and went to the bar with Noah. Once inside, a pair of resentful eyes kept watching them, plotting yet another scheme.

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