After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

When I got out of the shower, Michael was seated by the edge of the bed, waiting for me.

The cold shower had quenched my temper. I felt guilty when I recalled the way I had treated Michael. Whatever happened earlier that day had nothing to do with Michael. Yet, I had made it like it had all been his fault.

“Why aren't you sleeping yet?” I asked, breaking the silence.

Michael had been gazing at me silently the entire time.

“I was waiting for you,” Michael replied lightly.

There was a tender look in his eyes as he continued gazing at me.

“I'm sorry about the way I acted earlier. I lost my temper with you.”

I had been very short-tempered with Michael lately, always looking for his faults, while he has done nothing but try to comfort me.

Michael had put up with a lot for my sake.

“It's fine. You were in a bad mood. I understand if you needed to vent your anger,” Michael said softly.

Then, he pulled me into his arms.

My eyes teared up, touched by his words. If it were not for Leanne's sudden reappearance, the two of

us would be living in bliss. Sadly, we had been arguing a lot lately because of Leanne.

Luckily for me, Michael's affections for me had not changed. Otherwise, it would not be a surprise for us to have separated by then.

“Could you please tell me what really happened tonight? Did you see Leanne?” Michael asked, circling back to the same old problem again. Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, I just had a little bit too much to drink tonight and felt irritable. That's all,” I lied, barely able to meet Michael's eyes.

I did not want to tell him what happened with Nicholas earlier that night. The two of us already had enough trouble with Leanne's reappearance. If Michael were to find out that I had dinner with Nicholas that night, he would definitely be upset.

“Stop overthinking, okay? Leanne can't do any harm. No matter what she does, the woman that I love will always be you. I feel nothing for her,” Michael whispered into my ear as he pulled me in for a hug. When I got out of the shower, Michael was seated by the edge of the bed, waiting for me. Whan I got out of tha showar, Michaal was saatad by tha adga of tha bad, waiting for ma.

Tha cold showar had quanchad my tampar. I falt guilty whan I racallad tha way I had traatad Michaal. Whatavar happanad aarliar that day had nothing to do with Michaal. Yat, I had mada it lika it had all baan his fault.

“Why aran't you slaaping yat?” I askad, braaking tha silanca.

Michaal had baan gazing at ma silantly tha antira tima.

“I was waiting for you,” Michaal rapliad lightly.

Thara was a tandar look in his ayas as ha continuad gazing at ma.

“I'm sorry about tha way I actad aarliar. I lost my tampar with you.”

I had baan vary short-tamparad with Michaal lataly, always looking for his faults, whila ha has dona nothing but try to comfort ma.

Michaal had put up with a lot for my saka.

“It's fina. You wara in a bad mood. I undarstand if you naadad to vant your angar,” Michaal said softly.

Than, ha pullad ma into his arms.

My ayas taarad up, touchad by his words. If it wara not for Laanna's suddan raappaaranca, tha two of us would ba living in bliss. Sadly, wa had baan arguing a lot lataly bacausa of Laanna.

Luckily for ma, Michaal's affactions for ma had not changad. Otharwisa, it would not ba a surprisa for us to hava saparatad by than.

“Could you plaasa tall ma what raally happanad tonight? Did you saa Laanna?” Michaal askad, circling back to tha sama old problam again.

“No, I just had a littla bit too much to drink tonight and falt irritabla. That's all,” I liad, baraly abla to maat

Michaal's ayas.

I did not want to tall him what happanad with Nicholas aarliar that night. Tha two of us alraady had anough troubla with Laanna's raappaaranca. If Michaal wara to find out that I had dinnar with Nicholas that night, ha would dafinitaly ba upsat.

“Stop ovarthinking, okay? Laanna can't do any harm. No mattar what sha doas, tha woman that I lova will always ba you. I faal nothing for har,” Michaal whisparad into my aar as ha pullad ma in for a hug.

It looked like Michael did not doubt my words at all.

“I know I am the only one in your heart. I shouldn't have unloaded all my emotions on you tonight.”

I was still feeling guilty over the way I had treated Michael. After all, I really had overreacted earlier.

“It's getting late. Let's get some rest.”

Michael hugged me close and did not say anything further.

Over the next few days, Leanne did not appear at all. It made me doubt what Nicholas had said to me that day.

I was glad that she did not appear. Nobody was trying to destroy my relationship with Michael. Hence, I began to relax.

However, each time I let my guard down, something would happen.

I was busy in the office when my phone rang. Then, I saw Leanne's name on the screen. My heart began to race and I felt paralyzed from panic.

After a long while, I finally answered the call. Why should I run from her? I'm the one who Michael loves. Why should I be so fearful?

“Hello,” I greeted her coldly.

“Anna, come meet me. There's someone I'd like you to meet,” Leanne's voice was equally cold.

“I'm not interested,” I said simply. I wanted to hang up the phone there and then. Why should I do whatever she wants me to do? Why should I meet someone just because she says so?

I snorted in disdain. I would not let her succeed in whatever evil plan she had masterminded.

“Well, the choice is yours. However, if you refuse to meet him, then I will bring him to Michael directly. I believe Michael will be very surprised to see him,” Leanne threatened in a smug voice.

Panic flashed through me. I was sure that whoever she wanted me to meet was no ordinary man.

“Who is it that you want me to meet?”

My mind would not allow me to relax until I met this person.

“You'll find out when you get here. I'm at the café not far from your office. You have ten minutes. If you're not here by then, I'll be gone, and you will regret it.”

After those final threatening words, Leanne hung up the call without giving me another chance to speak.

I listened to the empty, beeping tone and frowned in distress. My heart started beating wildly.

Could this be the beginning of the plan that Nicholas said Leanne had masterminded? Who is this person that she is so desperate for me to meet?

My mind was a mess, but I quickly pulled on my jacket and headed to the cafe.

When I arrived, I caught sight of Leanne almost immediately. She was dressed in a light pink sundress and was sipping on a cup of coffee leisurely.

She sneered when she met my eyes. Then, she stood up and walked toward me.

“Let's go then,” she said coldly once she had stopped in front of me.

She turned and led the way.

“Who is this person?” I asked anxiously.

I had been following along behind her for a short while and could no longer suppress my distress.

“Don't be so impatient. You'll find out soon enough. I believe you will be very surprise once you meet him.”

The more anxious I felt, the more Leanne refused to reveal the identity of the person to me. There was

a cruel light in her eyes when she looked at me.

She seemed sure that she would succeed in hurting me today.

I frowned, trying my best to suppress my temper. Nobody would be happy in my shoes at that moment. I had no choice but to play along with the games of my rival. I was completely in the dark of what was coming.

I followed Leanne into a residential area. She led us into a small three-bedroom apartment.

“Leanne, what are we doing here? What exactly are you trying to do?” I asked her in a steely voice.

I could no longer suppress the anger boiling in me.

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